

beam:[英 [bi:m] 美 [bim] ]


过去式:beamed;   过去分词:beamed;   现在分词:beaming;   复数形式:beams;

beam 基本解释


名词束; 梁,栋梁; 光线; (电波的)波束

不及物动词发出光与热; 面露喜色

及物动词播送; 以梁支撑; 用…照射; 流露

及物/不及物动词笑容满面,眉开眼笑; 发射电波,播送; 放出束状的光(或热)

beam 相关词组

1. on the beam : 航向正确;

2. off the beam : 脱离航向, 错;

beam 相关例句


1. Advertisers beamed their messages to fashionable female audiences.


2. This transmitter will be beamed at East Asia.



1. Upon hearing the good news he beamed with joy.



1. The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.



2. He greeted me with a beam of joy.


beam 网络解释

1. beam的翻译

1. 横梁:当地习惯把将要宰杀的猪,倒挂在横梁(beam)、木杠(yoke)或巨型的框架(big frame)上. 这些用以悬挂猪的架子(block)很像是要用水桶(bucket)从井里提水,于是人们用bucket代替了block.

2. beam是什么意思

2. 梁:最常用的单元族有:梁(Beam)、平面应力(Plane Stress)、轴对称实体(Axisymmetric Solid)、薄壳(Thin Shell)及实体(Solid单元的阶数依赖于节点内的应变插值方程的阶数,如线性单元每边有2个节点,抛物线单元有3个,三阶单元则有4个;

3. beam的意思

3. 束:作为一种将天线域MIMO信号处理转化为束(beam)域信号处理的方法,预编码技术可以在UE实现相对简单的线性接收机. 3GPP已经确定,线性预编码技术将被LTE标准支持. 但采用归一化(Unitary)还是非归一化(Non-unitary),

4. beam:brain electricity activity mapping; 脑电地形图

5. beam:brain electricity area mapping; 脑地形图

6. beam:brain electrical activity mapping; 最高功率区

beam 双语例句

1. Never touch the clear sides of the cuvette since it will always be in the path of the light beam!


2. Skid support:For accomodating the objects with feet and skids which can not be lifted onto the beam.


3. A new power saving pumping unit with fan-shaped crown sheave and flexible connecting rod is developed based on the conventional beam pumping unit. By means of large swing of the crown sheave, the pumping unit can operate with long stroke, resulting in a remarkable reduction of the power consumption.


4. In optical engineering application, the prisms'beam folding function is often used to implement the image rotation, detection and measurement.


5. The experimental results indicated that, an even clad layer free of cracks and better binding with the substrate can be attained under the processing conditions of laser power P=2 kW; scanning velocity v=3 mm/s; beam diameter d=3 mm; SiC powder precoating thickness is 1 mm or p...


6. On the bridging beam of the temple, a spider spun her home there. Due to edified by burning joss stick and devotional sacrifice every day, the spider obtained the spirit of Buddha.


7. Provide a short and broad beam, fitted on the bumper.


8. beam在线翻译

8. Provide a short and broad beam, fit ted on the bumper.


9. The effects of self-stress, shear span to depth ratio and end plate on the shear performance of SSCFST short beam are studied.


10. In this paper, the short beam functions serve as the system of basic functions for rectangular elastic moderate-thick plates.


11. beam的意思

11. To realize high storage density, the key and efficient way is to obtain optical storage materials capable of recording information in high density by means of laser beam with short wavelength.



12. Based on the maximum shear stress theory, a theoretical model is developed for the spallation of a plated film under irradiation of a short pulsed laser beam.



13. The laser cutting head for tipping paper comprises a laser, a laser beam expanding system and a cylindrical surface focusing mirror.


14. beam的解释

14. The flying optics of motion system, with movable gantry beam, moved over the work piece.


15. A great amount of post tensioned pre-stressing concrete single box beam for double track (as called the Box Beam hereinafter) has been used on the line. It is of infeasibility in adoption of the traditional practice of pre-fabrication in precast factory and erection of the Box Beam with the track laying machine for that this type of beam is characterized by new structure, complicated workmanship, large volume and difficulty in transportation. Therefore, the key and hardest problem to tackle is that what processing should be adopted to precast the Box Beam on site and that what kind of machinery should be used to transport and erect the Box Beam.


16. There are thousands of carving, mountain cliff carving known as China's earliest museum, carving, there is carving the precious in han dynasty, zhang HengFang tablet and monuments, moved SunFuRen jin, known as monuments, the word of the BangShu recoveny BeiJi stone carving, has been the world with the emperor xuanzong of tang dynasty and three double beam, the historical monuments are high value.


17. It is shown that near diffraction-limited beam qualities could be achieved with optimized off-axis hard-edge unstable resonators.


18. ANSYS software was used to analyze the frame structure to check structural members in the alternate path structure, i. e. the structure after removal of a single column, and 3D finite element model was built up by using element Beam 188 and Shell63with the method of killing element s to tackle the colume.

利用有限元软件 ANSYS 用对框架结构进行分析,采用 Beam188 和 Shell63 单元建立三维框架结构有限元模型,生死单元法杀死失效的柱,评估结构在移除一根关键柱后是否具有防止连续性倒塌的能力。

19. We propose a build to low energy γ ray beam line at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. By Compton back scattering of infrared or far infrared laser lights from 3.5 GeV electrons circulating in the storage ring of SSRF, high intense quasi monochromatic BCS γ rays with high linear or circular polarization ranging 1-25MeV will be produced.

提出在筹建的上海同步辐射装置上建造一条MeV量级γ射线束及应用站,采用μm波长的红外激光与储存环中 3 。5GeV电子束进行康普顿背散射,从而获得能区为 1— 2 5MeV的康普顿背散射γ光子束,该光子束具有高强度、高极化度、准单色、方向性好的优点,可以广泛地应用于核物理和核天体物理基础研究及相关的应用研究领域。

20. The physics design, experimental study and beam commissioning of the RFQ are introduced in this paper.


beam 词典解释

1. 眉开眼笑;笑容满面

If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something.

e.g. Frances beamed at her friend with undisguised admiration...


e.g. 'Welcome back,' she beamed.


2. (能量、放射线或粒子的)束,柱

A beam is a line of energy, radiation, or particles sent in a particular direction.

e.g. ...high-energy laser beams.


e.g. ...a beam of neutrons.


3. (通过电子设备)发送,发射

If something beams radio signals or television pictures or they are beamed somewhere, they are sent there by means of electronic equipment.

e.g. The interview was beamed live across America...


e.g. The live satellite broadcast was beamed into homes across America.


4. (光)束;(光)线

A beam of light is a line of light that shines from an object such as a lamp.

5. 照耀;照射

If something such as the sun or a lamp beams down, it sends light to a place and shines on it.

e.g. A sharp white spotlight beamed down on a small stage...


e.g. All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof.


6. 梁;横梁

A beam is a long thick bar of wood, metal, or concrete, especially one used to support the roof of a building.


e.g. The ceilings are supported by oak beams.


7. (体操中的)平衡木

In gymnastics, the beam is a piece of equipment that consists of a narrow wooden bar on which gymnasts balance and perform movements.

8. see also: off-beam

beam 单语例句

1. The improved beam guidance helped this technology capture additional market share for car body construction.

2. Once the beam is successfully fired counterclockwise, a clockwise test will follow.

3. The first 100 arrivals are offered a free mix drink of Jim Beam and cola.

4. Then they succeeded in sending another beam in the opposite, counterclockwise direction.

5. She appeared a little bit sloppy after a few movements on the beam and struggled to land some of her jumps.

6. Instead of using a rainbow of colors, the futuristic cubic design will beam blue hues against a backdrop of white geometric shapes.

7. But her poor performance on the beam cast doubts over her gold prospects for the final.

8. Monk Cong hung Buddhist sutra over the beam and practiced meditation all day long.

9. Li grabbed the column and beam while Lu placed boulders to hold it in place.

10. I have seen a poem by Ogden Nash in white paint on a beam in a pub with no mention of the author's name.

beam 英英释义


1. a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts

Synonym: balance beam

2. long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction

3. the broad side of a ship

e.g. they sighted land on the port beam

4. (nautical) breadth amidships

5. a signal transmitted along a narrow path

guides airplane pilots in darkness or bad weather

Synonym: radio beam

6. a column of light (as from a beacon)

Synonym: beam of lightlight beamrayray of lightshaftshaft of lightirradiation

7. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation

Synonym: rayelectron beam


1. smile radiantly

express joy through one's facial expression

2. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television

e.g. We cannot air this X-rated song

Synonym: airsendbroadcasttransmit

3. express with a beaming face or smile

e.g. he beamed his approval

4. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

e.g. She was beaming with joy

Her face radiated with happiness

Synonym: glowradiateshine

5. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

e.g. Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna

Synonym: glowradiateshine

6. emit light

be bright, as of the sun or a light

e.g. The sun shone bright that day

The fire beamed on their faces

Synonym: shine