

delete:[英 [dɪˈli:t] 美 [diˈlit] ]


过去式:deleted;   过去分词:deleted;   现在分词:deleting;

delete 基本解释


delete 网络解释


1. 删除文件:通过图中的右键菜单,可以对服务器上SVN库中的文件进行日志检查(Show Log), 导出(Checkout),创建文件夹(Create Folder),添加文件(Add File),添加文件夹(Add Folder),删除文件(Delete)等等操作.

2. delete在线翻译

2. 删去:规范化的表布局设计,在以后的数值维护中,不会发生插进去(insert)、删去(delete)和更新(update)时的异样. 反之,数值库表布局设计分歧理,不仅会给数值库的使用和维护带来各类各样的问题,而且可能存储了大量不需要的冗余信息,

3. delete:dele; 删除文件的权限

4. delete的意思

4. delete:d; 删除

5. delete什么意思

5. delete:del; 删除

delete 双语例句

1. Delete temporary files of a small tool that can automatically delete temporary directory of all documents.



2. Note: DO NOT delete any of the front panel controls or block diagram code.


3. It can improve the degree of density of foundation, delete the collapsible feature of soil layers, lower compressibility of soil layers and increase loading capability of foundation.


4. Void delete (void * item Just like Set. h this file is protected by a preprocessor symbol NEW_H.

无效删除;就像Set.h此文件是受保护的预处理符号NEW_H 。

5. If you want to reinstall system, delete this file!


6. delete在线翻译

6. If you decide that the 808/9 folks are all wet, the output one isn`t either, and if you delete these and use the DPDT stomp switch, you come up with a single chip version that is remarkably easy to build.


7. Which has only recently become aware of the procedures for constructing delete temporary files generated by the set: deltree/y Temp settings is not what profound things, however useful, must use Select All to build.

其中有我最近才知道的程序构建时删除产生的临时文件的的设置:deltree /y Temp 的设置虽不是什么高深的东西但是很好用,使用时一定要选择全部构建。


8. Is in use for some of the documents, the system is not allowed to delete, and when this is the case, in Task Manager to end the process, and then press the soft kill of the virus prompted to manually delete the file path, or re-antivirus.


9. But now, the Delete button right on top and bottom of Gmail standard view interface.


10. At that time, when you Firefox 3 to conduct such operations, it can not delete any available data.


11. Jay Hilgert's Brush Pilot is a simple application that lets you preview, install, and delete brushes anywhere on your hard drive.



12. Delete Java cache and other temporary files.


13. Donot use coarse language!! otherwise, I will request the editor to delete your ID

你是想说 foul language 吧,不是我说你,你那个词霸真的过时了

14. The system can also complete to the browsing of various information, search, increase, delete, modify, report etc.


15. In fact, Lady Gaga the performances, the organizers even asked her to delete some of its programs in order to avoid time-out performances, but was the personality of the singer refused.

事实上,Lady Gaga此场演出,主办方甚至要求她删掉部分节目,以避免演出超时,但遭到了这位个性歌手拒绝。

16. The term pickaxe refers to an option to the diffcore routines that help select changes that add or delete a given text string.



17. If a keyboard has a Forward Delete key, the character following the insertion point is deleted each time the user presses the key.



18. That day, eden net has been shut sadly; The drama of the beauty that do not have card that aerial video network announces to will delete a netizen to upload and day theatrical work.


19. The solution to this problem is to add a number to the structures that contain the number of pending I/O calls, and we delete the structure when we know that there are no more pending I/O calls.


20. delete在线翻译

20. If you have rason to believe you are not the intended recipient of transaction data, you will inform company and delete the information from your system.


delete 词典解释

1. 删除;画掉

If you delete something that has been written down or stored in a computer, you cross it out or remove it.

e.g. He also deleted files from the computer system...


e.g. The word 'exploded' had been deleted.



This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material...


David wanted to make several deletions and additions to the text.

戴维想对文本进行几处增删。delete 单语例句

1. It can issue warnings to listed candidate sites - or delete them - when damage is attributed to improper management or protection.

2. Banks and telecom companies have to delete customer information after use as the first code of conduct for personal data protection comes into effect.

3. Before the indictment was publicly released, the judge agreed to a prosecution request to delete portions dealing with the conspiracy count.

4. Police have confiscated 154 web servers and ordered websites to delete infringing contents for over 500 times.

5. Internet providers should delete the content and links upon receiving the written notice from the copyright holders.

6. Websites often run the risk of being sued for defamation if they refuse to delete comments about certain products.

7. " All I could do was delete the messages, " she said.

8. That prompted many companies to hire PR agents to polish their images online and delete unfavorable comments posted by netizens or their rivals.

9. The Internet will be closely monitored 24 hours a day to discover and delete information, such as postings about exam answers or cheating equipment for sale.

10. I learned that I could order " samples " of 40 pages in any book I fancied and if I wasn't really interested I could delete it.

delete 英英释义


1. cut or eliminate

e.g. she edited the juiciest scenes

Synonym: editblue-pencil

2. wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information

e.g. Who erased the files form my hard disk?

Synonym: erase

3. remove or make invisible

e.g. Please delete my name from your list

Synonym: cancel