

disposal:[英 [dɪˈspəʊzl] 美 [dɪˈspoʊzl] ]



disposal 基本解释

名词(事情的)处置; (自由)处置权; 清理; 排列



disposal 相关例句


1. They spent quite some time on the disposal of furniture in their new house.


2. The sanitation department is in charge of garbage disposal.


3. disposal

3. A huge supply of books is at your disposal in the library.


4. disposal是什么意思

4. His disposal of the difficulty pleased everybody.


disposal 网络解释

1. 处理:这些原则可以应用于一切建筑活动:(1)功能与社会影响;资源高效设计;消息灵通做决策;灵活可变的设计;经济效益;创新;终生经济学(在设计阶段,就应该考虑楼房的终生成本,包括生产成本、建筑成本、运营成本、拆除成本以及处理(disposal)成本环境影响;道德责任与社会责任;

2. 废弃处置:13) 废弃处置(disposal)是指对被化学品污染的包装和无使用价值的化学品的安全处理方法,包括废弃处置方法和注意事项. 14) 运输信息(transport information)主要是指国内、国际化学品包装、运输的要求及运输规定的分类和编号,

3. disposal的意思

3. 丢弃:如纸 的回收生成再生纸;再 制造程,再与其他元件重组成新产品的过程,和 气机的元件;修 (repair)是对回收的物件进 局部的修 后,可使用则归还顾客, 可使用则丢弃(disposal)并以新并考 丢弃(dispoal)及出售多余的回收存货下,

disposal 双语例句

1. Research Areas Include, but are not exclusive to: resource quality, quantity and sustainability; economics of environmental management; transport and fate of pollutants in the environment; spill prevention and management; remediation of contaminated sites; process modification for pollution prevention; improved energy efficiency and waste treatment and disposal etc.


2. Rubber tire disposal is a real problem for landfills all over the world.


3. For the application of specific provisions of this Directive scientific and technological progress, set forth in Annex I A breakdown products Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment available in the processing, storage and disposal of technical requirements.


4. disposal的反义词

4. We thank you in anticipation of you kindness, and always at your disposal for similar service.


5. The instructional idea and fundamentals of design of the aggiornamento architectures of hydropower stations in China nowadays are described; and the design thought of the disposal and fitment assorting with the circumstance outside the station and inside are discussed; the design principle of the harmonious uniformity among the nature and the building and the human are also expounded.


6. The preparing method comprises the following steps: adjusting material; washing material; washing; beating; fluffing; blending; removing impurities; washing; preparing acid; preparing chlorine; bleaching; proceeding acid disposal; removing impurities; washing; filtering.



7. Disposal of high level radioactive nuclear waste; Fractured rocks; Coupled flow and heat transfer; Green's function method; Numerical


8. disposal的意思

8. Keywords Sewage disposal engineering Engineering structure Facility Corrosive atmosphere Anticorrosive mechanism Provide prevention and control in a comprehensive way


9. A USD100.00 fee will be deducted from each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit this charge shall be for the account of the beneficiary +in accordance with the provisions of article 16C III B of UCP600, if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant and, subject to such waiver being acceptable to us, to release documents against that waiver without reference to the presenter provided that no written instructions to the contrary have been received by us from the presenter before the release of the documents. any such release prior to receipt of contrary instructions shall not constitute a failure on our part to hold the documents at the presenter's risk and disposal, and we will have no liability to the presenter in respect of any such release.

登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|+ 1 USD100.00费将被扣除根据本信用证从每本收费不符单据应为受益人的帐户根据第16C条+与第三期UCP600 B的规定,如果我们发出通知的文件拒绝本信用证下提交但我们会保留权利,接受了来自申请人放弃和差异,但这种放弃被接受的我们反对,放弃要求释放文件没有提及主持人只要没有相反的书面指示,已收到来自各主办单位在我们面前的文件释放。任何这类释放之前,收到相反的指示,不得构成失败我们的一部分举行的主持人的风险和处置的文件,我们将在任何方面不释放这些演示责任简单说就是每个不符点是USD100,且从受益人账户支付。对方客户如果接受不符点(你们修改单据比客户接受不符点晩),对方银行有权直接放单给你客户让他们去提货。

10. Lord Brittan has played an active part in the following transactions since his start at UBS: Share placing of China Telecom, IPO of Deutsche Post, IPO of Mass Transit Railway Hong Kong, IPO of Bank of China, IPO of Chunghwa Telecom and Unilever disposal of Bestfoods.


11. Processes associated with a product throughout one or more phases of its life (e. g., from conception through disposal), such as the manufacturing and support processes.


12. Conditions of use and operating/usage scenarios, modes and states for operations, support, training, manufacturing, disposal, and verifications throughout the life of the product


13. However, there also are problems with disposal of low level radioactive wastes and mill tailings


14. The greater the population there is in a locality, thegreater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


15. Thegreater the population there is in a locality, the greater the needthere is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.



16. Decision of the disposal of the non-confirming materials/products should be done immediately.


17. In order to solve the problem of excessive release of heavy metals into the environment, because of geopolymers excellent ability to adsorb ion to be used as an altermative technology for treatment and disposal of heavy metal waste, the fly ash based geopolymers solidification materials was modified by the natural zeolite.



18. The Directors consider that the rate of the default interest should be treated together with full payment of the deposit upfront a s a package of the Disposal.


19. Study on the Feasibility of Disposal of Ball Cartridge Scrap by Burning of Boxes


20. disposal什么意思

20. The results showed that the coverage of rural latrines, sanitary latrines and safe night-soil disposal in the surveyed regions had reached 90.0%, 6.0% and 25.0% of populations respectively.


disposal 词典解释

1. 任…处理;供…任意使用;由…自由支配

If you have something at your disposal, you are able to use it whenever you want, and for whatever purpose you want. If you say that you are at someone's disposal, you mean that you are willing to help them in any way you can.

e.g. Do you have this information at your disposal?...


e.g. He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal...


2. (废物等的)丢掉,清理,销毁,处理

Disposal is the act of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed.

e.g. ...methods for the permanent disposal of radioactive wastes.


e.g. ...waste disposal sites.


disposal 单语例句

1. The Shanxi health department study said students with more money at their disposal were more likely to buy cigarettes and take up smoking.

2. There is a pressing need for effective waste reduction by means of a garbage disposal fee.

3. They threatened the soldiers in the camp out of the weapons at their disposal.

4. Asset disposal is one of the easiest ways for companies to boost their capital or seek working funds amid the financial crisis.

5. The disposal is to optimize the company's capital structure so as to turn its focus to core businesses such as shipping services.

6. Although Northern Rock requested substantial emergency funds at a penalty rate, the bank has said it had billions of pounds in cash at its disposal.

7. Catherine Yang insisted on installing a food waste disposal unit in her kitchen when carrying out home improvements in her new apartment in Shanghai.

8. Chinese tradition encourages people to pursue success in certain situations with every possible means at their disposal.

9. The 500 barrels of chemical waste have already been transferred to a professional waste disposal company for treatment.

10. Japan has said the disposal was a military secret and that many documents on its chemical warfare were destroyed when the war ended.

disposal 英英释义


1. the act or means of getting rid of something

Synonym: disposition

2. a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)

Synonym: administration

3. a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage

Synonym: electric piggarbage disposal

4. the power to use something or someone

e.g. used all the resources at his disposal