

fit:[英 [fɪt] 美 [fɪt] ]


过去式:fitted;   过去分词:fitted;   现在分词:fitting;   复数形式:fits;

fit 基本解释

及物/不及物动词安装; 合身; (使)适合

形容词合适的; 恰当的; 合身的; 健壮的

名词适合; 匹配; 合身; 发作

fit 同义词





fit 反义词



fit 相关词组


1. fit on : 装上, 试穿;

2. fit out : 装备, 配备;


fit 相关例句


1. Grass is fit for cows.



1. The lid fits badly.


2. Her height fitted her for basketball.



1. He had a fit of coughing.


fit 情景对话


B:Hey, Jim. I didn’t know you biked to work.


A:Yeah, it helps keep me fit and helps the environment, too.



B:One less car on the road means less pollution.



A:Right. Since my work is near a park, it’s a really nice ride, too.


B:How far is it?


A:Oh, about 10 miles. It takes me about an hour.


B:That doesn’t sound too bad. I wish I could do it, but I work in the city. So I take the train.


A:You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.


B:True. Well, see you tomorrow.



A:See you.


Talking about Apartment-(谈论公寓)

A:What do you think of? this flat?


B:It’s not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small for us.


A:Small but it should be enough for our needs, I think.



B:But there’s no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower? before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.


A:That’s true. But I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine?.


B:True, and I like the kitchen. It’s new and well equipped?.


A:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park.


B:You’re right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is so small. We’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there.


A:Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff.


B:I haven’t thought of that.


fit 网络解释

1. fit.:fast interval training; 快速间隙训练

2. fit的意思

2. fit:finite integration technology; 有限积分法

3. fit:federal income tax; 联邦所得税

4. fit:fabrication integration test; 制作、集成与试验

5. fit:free individual tourist; 散客

fit 双语例句

1. Learning Chinese online with us ensures that you can arrange your Chinese lessons to fit your schedule and best of all, you can learn Chinese wherever is most comfortable and convenient for you!


2. Was found to fit a two- compartment open model with the first order elimination.


3. Weld-end valves also require the additional designation of the pipe schedule they are designed to fit.


4. Research shows that the strategy of organizing sial workers have the mandate and role of the level of clarity did not significantly positive impact of the initiative staff on the social behavior of the task they have, the role of clear and social integration of the three factors to have a significant impact on the level; staff - organization fit right into the enterprise private enterprise employees to work after the contents of the factors there was no significant impact on the community and its organization to work on the strategy of content does not exist in the process of regulation.


5. Provide a short and broad beam, fit ted on the bumper.


6. I'll ajust my plan in order to fit in with yours.


7. I will ajust my plan in order to fit yours.


8. With shipborne radars limited by the radar horizon, the answer, proven through the US Navy's pioneering Project'Cadillac', was to fit a search radar in an airborne early warning aircraft, launched from and recovering to an aircraft carrier, which could act as a radar picket positioned'up threat'.


9. On account of the lack of fit between policy and geographical locations and the mobility of manual labour, unbalanced regional development, a widening gap between have`s and have-not`s as well as poverty arose over the course of China`s economic development.


10. The Lord Buddha's teachings are beneficial in three ways, depending on which of these fit your particular character


11. The fit is best for three-parameter relation, slightly inferior for the Langer one and poor for the Basquin.



12. Totally whitewashed organic cube-like buildings fit closely together to form a kind of haphazard maze of narrow alley ways and streets.


13. Emperor is a post that all respect, but Zizhou Zhifu refused it because he wanted to keep fit, avoiding over tiredness. It is reasonable that a man should not hurt himself for worldly affairs.



14. This helps me calculating the amount of columns that fit to a page.


15. fit的意思

15. The words are set up to fit the page perfectly, and the pages are created automatically.


16. It is preferable to resize copies of the images to fit the page requirements.


17. At that point in time, my lists were long, written in small print to fit everything on one page.


18. Although drawn larger, magazine plans are reduced to fit the page and lose their scale in the process.


19. Next, I will resize the image to fit my page.


20. Basically the page was fit to the width of the screen and the height spanned both screens.


fit 词典解释


In American English the form fit is used in the present tense and sometimes also as the past tense and past participle of the verb. 美国英语中fit用作现在时,有时也用作过去式和过去分词。

1. (大小和形状)适合;合身

If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body or onto a particular object.

e.g. The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child...


e.g. She has to go to the men's department to find trousers that fit at the waist...


2. 适合;合身

If something is a good fit, it fits well.

e.g. Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.


You do not use the verb fit to say that something looks attractive on a person or in a place. The verb you need is suit. It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you. You use the verb fit to say that clothes are the right size for you. The size 12 gown was gorgeous and fitted perfectly... The gloves didn't fit. You cannot usually say that one colour, pattern, or object suits another. The verb you need is match. She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress... His clothes don't quite match.

某物穿在某人身上或放在某处好看,不能用 fit 表示,而应用 suit。例如,It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you(这件衣服很有女人味,又很漂亮,你穿着肯定好看)。动词 fit 则表示衣服尺码合适。例如,The size 12 gown was gorgeous and fitted perfectly(这件 12 码的礼服非常漂亮,而且大小正合适),The gloves didn't fit(手套大小不合适)。suit 通常不能用来表示色彩、图案或物件互相匹配,应用动词 match。例如,She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress (她戴着一顶系有黄丝带的草帽,和她那件黄色薄棉纱连衣裙正好搭配), His clothes don't quite match (他的衣服不太搭)。

3. 试穿(看何处需要改动)

If you are fitted for a particular piece of clothing, you try it on so that the person who is making it can see where it needs to be altered.

e.g. She was being fitted for her wedding dress.


4. 适合放置(于);为放置(于…)而设计

If something fits somewhere, it can be put there or is designed to be put there.

e.g. ...a pocket computer which is small enough to fit into your pocket...


e.g. He folded his long legs to fit under the table...


5. 将…放(进)

If you fit something into a particular space or place, you put it there.

e.g. She fitted her key in the lock...


e.g. Who could cut the millions of stone blocks and fit them together?...


6. 小心固定;稳固放置

If you fit something somewhere, you attach it there, or put it there carefully and securely.

e.g. Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock...


e.g. Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall...


7. 与…相配;与…相协调;符合

If something fits something else or fits into it, it goes together well with that thing or is able to be part of it.

e.g. Her daughter doesn't fit the current feminine ideal...


e.g. Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career...


8. 适合;符合;与…相称

You can say that something fits a particular person or thing when it is appropriate or suitable for them or it.

e.g. The punishment must always fit the crime.


9. 适合的;合适的;适当的

If something is fit for a particular purpose, it is suitable for that purpose.

e.g. Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road.


e.g. ...safety measures intended to reassure consumers that the meat is fit to eat...


10. 合格的;胜任的

If someone is fit to do something, they have the appropriate qualities or skills that will allow them to do it.

e.g. You're not fit to be a mother!...


e.g. In a word, this government isn't fit to rule...



There is a debate about his fitness for the highest office...


If you have suffered from a serious medical condition, then you should consult your doctor about your fitness to travel.


11. 使合格;使胜任

If something fits someone for a particular task or role, it makes them good enough or suitable for it.

e.g. ...a man whose past experience fits him for the top job in education...


e.g. It is not a person's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.


12. 俊秀的;漂亮的

If you describe someone as fit, you mean that they are good-looking.

e.g. About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor.


13. 就要;快要;简直要

If you say that something or someone is fit to produce some extreme result, you are emphasizing the extreme nature of that thing or that person's activity.

e.g. The stink was fit to knock you down.


e.g. ...hour after hour, the same exercises until you're fit to drop!


14. (表示不赞成)决定,选择,认为做…合适

If you say that someone sees fit to do something, you mean that they are entitled to do it, but that you disapprove of their decision to do it.

e.g. He's not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.


15. fit the bill -> see bill

16. . to fit like a glove -> see glove

17. not in a fit state -> see state

18. 找到时间(见某人);安排时间(做某事)

If you manage to fit a person or task in, you manage to find time to deal with them.

e.g. We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in...


e.g. I find that I just can't fit in regular domestic work.


19. 相处融洽;适应

If you fit in as part of a group, you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it.


e.g. She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully.


20. (在某种情形或体系中)发挥作用,担当职责;适合;符合

If you say that someone or something fits in, you understand how they form part of a particular situation or system.

e.g. He knew where I fitted in and what he had to do to get the best out of me...


e.g. This fits in with what you've told me.


21. 融入;与…相处融洽(或和谐)

If you fit into a particular group, you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it.


e.g. It's hard to see how he would fit into the team.


22. 归属,适于(某种情形或体系)

If something fits into a particular situation or system, that seems to be the right place for it.


e.g. Most film locations broadly fit into two categories; those on private property and those in a public place.


23. 为…提供装备;供给…必要的东西

If you fit someone or something out, or you fit them up, you provide them with equipment and other things that they need.

e.g. We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic...


e.g. I suggest we fit you up with an office suite...


24. 诬陷;诬告

If someone fits another person up, they try to make it seem that that person is responsible for a crime.

e.g. Mr Stone said inmates who had given evidence were trying to 'fit him up'...


e.g. There can never be any legitimate basis for police officers to fit up suspects they 'know' to be guilty.


相关词组:fit infit intofit outfit up


1. 健康的;强健的

Someone who is fit is healthy and physically strong.

e.g. An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.



...women who regularly engage in sports and fitness activities...


Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.


2. fit as a fiddle -> see fiddle

fighting fit -> see fight


1. 痉挛;昏厥

If someone has a fit they suddenly lose consciousness and their body makes uncontrollable movements.

e.g. About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep...


e.g. Once a fit has started there is nothing you can do to stop it.


2. (突然止不住的)一阵(咳嗽、大笑)

If you have a fit of coughing or laughter, you suddenly start coughing or laughing in an uncontrollable way.


e.g. Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing...


e.g. It was so unreal that I broke into a fit of giggles.


3. (愤怒、惊慌等的)爆发,发作

If you do something in a fit of anger or panic, you are very angry or afraid when you do it.

e.g. Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage.


4. 大发雷霆;大光其火;大吃一惊

If you say that someone will have a fit when they hear about something, you mean that they will be very angry or shocked.

e.g. Will Mrs Winterton have a fit if we add one more to the guest list at this late stage?...


e.g. He'd have a fit if he knew what we were up to!


5. 忍不住大笑;忍俊不禁

Someone who is in fits is laughing uncontrollably.


e.g. He was a much more entertaining person, who used to have us all in fits.


6. 间歇性地;一阵一阵地

Something that happens in fits and starts or by fits and starts keeps happening and then stopping again.

e.g. My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts...


e.g. Military technology advances by fits and starts.


fit 单语例句

1. You see referees abroad who are as fit as butcher's dogs.

2. It is also worth buying in person rather than online, since these coats are most effective when they fit the body well.

3. Analysts said the deal would be a good fit for the two giants of Asia and Africa.

4. For those who are less fit, three cable car routes can convey you up the hill sides.

5. If you're buying for someone, check the labels on a few of their bras to ensure a good fit.

6. The captain was hobbling after the Argentina match with a calf injury but proclaimed himself fit Monday.

7. Guan decided to punish Li in a fit of pique after the boy stole his sugar cane last December.

8. Woodgate is also in rehabilitation following a cartilage operation and is not expected to be fit to return for England duty before the qualifiers.

9. Now the country is cashing in on the global appetite for what was once looked down upon as food fit only for paupers.

10. Chinese dumplings don't fit into those categories, with their payload of filling in a thin dough casing.

fit的近义词fit 英英释义


1. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)

e.g. a burst of applause

a fit of housecleaning

Synonym: burst

2. the manner in which something fits

e.g. I admired the fit of her coat

3. a sudden uncontrollable attack

e.g. a paroxysm of giggling

a fit of coughing

convulsions of laughter

Synonym: paroxysmconvulsion

4. a display of bad temper

e.g. he had a fit

she threw a tantrum

he made a scene

Synonym: tantrumsceneconniption



1. insert or adjust several objects or people

e.g. Can you fit the toy into the box?

This man can't fit himself into our work environment

2. make fit

e.g. fit a dress

He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out

3. make correspond or harmonize

e.g. Match my sweater

Synonym: match

4. provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose

e.g. The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities

Synonym: equipfit outoutfit

5. be compatible, similar or consistent

coincide in their characteristics

e.g. The two stories don't agree in many details

The handwriting checks with the signature on the check

The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun

Synonym: matchcorrespondcheckjibegibetallyagree

6. be the right size or shape

fit correctly or as desired

e.g. This piece won't fit into the puzzle

Synonym: go

7. satisfy a condition or restriction

e.g. Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?

Synonym: meetconform to

8. be agreeable or acceptable to

e.g. This suits my needs

Synonym: suitaccommodate

9. conform to some shape or size

e.g. How does this shirt fit?



1. physically and mentally sound or healthy

e.g. felt relaxed and fit after their holiday

keeps fit with diet and exercise

2. meeting adequate standards for a purpose

e.g. a fit subject for discussion

it is fit and proper that you be there

water fit to drink

fit for duty

do as you see fit to