

shade:[英 [ʃeɪd] 美 [ʃed] ]


过去式:shaded;   过去分词:shaded;   现在分词:shading;   复数形式:shades;

shade 基本解释

名词遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的)阴暗部分

及物动词遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上


shade 同义词


shade 反义词



shade 相关词组

1. in the shade : 逊色;

shade 相关例句



1. She shaded her eyes from the sun.



1. shade的解释

1. I am a shade better today.


2. Store the bottle of medicine in the shade.


3. Keep in the shade; it's cooler.


shade 网络解释

1. shade的反义词

1. 阴影:在都柏林,他最近刚刚把自己的新小说(Shade)交给出版社. 故事用一个女孩的眼睛来描写她在自家花园里被园丁杀死的过程,是尼尔?乔丹响应读者号召写的一本恐怖小说. 因为有的读者们在看过感受的诡秘气氛之后,

2. 暗:特别体现在(Stero World)、W.I.T、(Shade)等这些作品中. 当然他们并不是唯一一支受到碎瓜影响的年轻乐队. 另外值得一提的是(Sweet 16)这首歌曲的词作整个就是另类摇滚版的[Janies Got A Gun,

3. 灯罩:照明装置采用了打开灯罩(Shade)便会自动亮灯,而合上以后灯便会熄灭的开合式开关. 灯罩的开合角度可以在约25度到90度之间进行调节. 另外该产品还配备了万一倒下可以同时切断照明和离子发生设备电源的功能.

4. 遮蔽:导入的toString方法被ImportDuty从Object那里继承而来的具有相同名字的方法所遮蔽(shade)了[JLS 6.3.1]. 遮蔽与遮掩(谜题68)非常相像,二者的关键区别是一个声明只能遮蔽类型相同的另一个声明:一个类型声明可以遮蔽另一个类型声明,

shade 双语例句

1. And trees do something else -- they can provide grazing animals with shade from the sun.


2. I have ridiculously fair skin, and your Light Cream shade is perfect for me.


3. The fair to light is the perfect shade.



4. Moved by her fidelity, Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade of Protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.


5. We can only fly low shade of a tree stand.


6. Better seat. That's all. Well, if you have to waitall day, you might as well sit in the cool shade, ah?


7. As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.


8. The sun rose to the mid sky and doves cooed in the shade.


9. The unique layout of Central River on both sides, together with the shade trees over the courtyard architecture and the high Mediterranean style, makes you enjoy the particular Mediterranean scenery, customs and the mythology of the atmosphere and the environment in the clear water flow between the Yi instead of flying to the distant Europe.


10. shade的翻译

10. The pupil could adjust the shade of light exposure according to the light but its flexible ability is limit when it comes across the intense light, its physiological functions will be destroyed.


11. Tsui island lush green trees, shade cover, looking like an emerald set in the lake.



12. Her playing pats mine in the shade.



13. Birds fed only Canthaxanthin will develop a dull brick shade of red.


14. Some species of plants such as bougainvillea and frangipani, this can have a smell can shade the United States.


15. Thus talking hand in hand alone they pass'd On to thir blissful Bower; it was a place [690] Chos'n by the sovran Planter, when he fram'd All things to mans delightful use; the roofe Of thickest covert was inwoven shade Laurel and Mirtle, and what higher grew Of firm and fragrant leaf; on either side [695] Acanthus, and each odorous bushie shrub Fenc'd up the verdant wall; each beauteous flour, Iris all hues, Roses, and Gessamin Rear'd high thir flourisht heads between, and wrought Mosaic; underfoot the Violet, [700] Crocus, and Hyacinth with rich inlay Broiderd the ground, more colour'd then with stone Of costliest Emblem: other Creature here Beast, Bird, Insect, or Worm durst enter none; Such was thir awe of Man.


16. Still working on the background layer (with the SKETCH and GRID layers in the foreground), I started to shade the image in grey, using the airbrush and smudge tool with various soft brushes varying between 60-80% pressure.


17. If the wooden folding Jizhi try to brush on the edge overcast shade, I am going to wander in here to rest.


18. Cartridges should be stored in the shade, you should install after six months'time is used up, do not use expired ink, when using ink cartridge gently shake before, but if the cartridge is open, you may not be agituted.


19. He closed his eyes in the shade, with the scent of the roses in his throat, and let the music roll through his soul, a saraband which caressed the face of death as lovers caress the face of their beloved.


20. shade的近义词

20. The shade may be movable, convenient to change and may also be fixed on the pieces. Mahjong of this k9ind is also calked silent Mahjong.


shade 词典解释

1. (色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度

A shade of a particular colour is one of its different forms. For example, emerald green and olive green are shades of green.

e.g. In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray...


e.g. The walls were painted in two shades of green.


2. 阴凉处;背阴;(树)阴

Shade is an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree, where sunlight does not reach.

e.g. Temperatures in the shade can reach forty-eight degrees celsius at this time of year...

一年中的这个时间,背阴处的温度可达到 48 摄氏度。

e.g. Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.


3. 给…遮挡(光线);荫蔽

If you say that a place or person is shaded by objects such as trees, you mean that the place or person cannot be reached, harmed, or bothered by strong sunlight because those objects are in the way.

e.g. ...a health resort whose beaches are shaded by palm trees...


e.g. Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct, hot sunlight...



These plants will grow happily in a sunny or partially shaded spot.


4. (为避免强光照射而)遮挡,遮住(眼睛)

If you shade your eyes, you put your hand or an object partly in front of your face in order to prevent a bright light from shining into your eyes.

e.g. You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether...


e.g. I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.


5. (绘画的)暗部,阴影部分

Shade is darkness or shadows as they are shown in a picture.


e.g. ...Rembrandt's skilful use of light and shade to create the atmosphere of movement.


6. (抽象事物的)细微差别,不同方面

The shades of something abstract are its many, slightly different forms.

e.g. ...the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning.


e.g. ...literally dozens of newspapers of every shade of opinion.


7. 逐渐变成;渐渐与…分辨不清

If something shades into something else, there is no clear division between the two things, so that you cannot tell where or when the first thing ends and the second thing begins.

e.g. As the dusk shaded into night, we drove slowly through narrow alleys...


e.g. The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.


8. 太阳镜;墨镜

Shades are sunglasses .

9. 同 lampshade

A shade is the same as a lampshade .

10. 窗帘;卷帘

A shade is a piece of stiff cloth or heavy paper that you can pull down over a window as a covering.

e.g. Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 blind

11. 魂灵;幽灵

The shade of a dead person is their spirit, which is thought to be still alive in some way and in contact with the real world.

e.g. His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.


12. see also: shaded;shading

13. 有点;略微

If you say that something is, for example, a shade unusual or a shade disappointing, you mean that it is slightly unusual or disappointing.

e.g. The first two goals were a shade fortunate...


e.g. He found her charming, but perhaps just a shade too ingenuous for him...


14. (演出等的)富于变化,多层次

If you say that there is light and shade in something such as a performance, you mean you like it because different parts of it are different in tone or mood.


e.g. ...a faltering, artless voice that is pleasant enough, if rather lacking in light and shade.


15. 使黯然失色;使相形见绌

To put someone or something in the shade means to be so impressive that the person or thing seems unimportant by comparison.

e.g. ...a run that put every other hurdler's performance in the shade.


Take care not to confuse shade and shadow

注意不要混淆 shade 和 shadow。shade 单语例句

1. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade.

2. That shade still stands in the Eastern Indian city of Calcutta's book district, in College Square.

3. Castanea Cafe is an outdoor space under the shade of Castanea trees, where people can gather together for a BBQ.

4. A Reuters reporter saw fans having to wait in a queue several hundred metres long with no shade in temperatures of around 30 Celsius.

5. The light and shade form striking contrasts, though a coherent balance has been maintained.

6. The color palette runs from a tender rose shade to pink and from orange to red.

7. Dark hair dyes in particular seem to have more question marks about their safety, so consider a lighter shade or learn to love your natural colour.

8. A survey carried out by local media recently showed that more than 60 per cent of Nanjing citizens prefer the shade as their city colour.

9. Colouring your hair at home can be a great option but ONLY if you want to add richness to your natural shade.

10. I'm told a particular shade of green indicates effective activity, while white is a sign of peacefulness and unassailable compassion.

shadeshade 英英释义


1. protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight

e.g. they used umbrellas as shades

as the sun moved he readjusted the shade

2. a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)

3. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color

e.g. after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted

Synonym: tinttincturetone

4. a mental representation of some haunting experience

e.g. he looked like he had seen a ghost

it aroused specters from his past

Synonym: ghostspookwraithspecterspectre

5. a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

e.g. without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor

don't argue about shades of meaning

Synonym: nuancenicetysubtletyrefinement

6. a slight amount or degree of difference

e.g. a tad too expensive

not a tad of difference

the new model is a shade better than the old one

Synonym: tad

7. a position of relative inferiority

e.g. an achievement that puts everything else in the shade

his brother's success left him in the shade

8. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body

e.g. it is much cooler in the shade

there's too much shadiness to take good photographs

Synonym: shadinessshadowiness


1. pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree

e.g. the butterfly wings shade to yellow

2. vary slightly

e.g. shade the meaning

3. protect from light, heat, or view

e.g. Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight

4. represent the effect of shade or shadow on

Synonym: fill in

5. cast a shadow over

Synonym: shadowshade off