

thorax:[英 [ˈθɔ:ræks] 美 [ˈθɔrˌæks, ˈθor-] ]


  复数形式:thoraces; thoraxes;

thorax 基本解释



thorax 网络解释

1. 胸:用白细胞介素或烟雾人为地激发巨噬细胞,然后注入白藜芦醇. 另一个试验,注入红酒提取物,但没有进行人工的炎症诱发. 研究人员发现,无论是吸烟者或COPD患者,其白细胞介素的产生减少近一半. 这项试验结果公布在11月份的(Thorax)杂志上.

2. 胸廓:1、由于目前选择乳房假体大小的标准是基于尺寸(dimensions)而非容量(volumes),因此在选择解剖形假体时,建议着重考虑胸廓(thorax)高度与宽度的差异程度,并根据胸廓的尺寸确定假体的高度和宽度.

3. 胸部:昆虫的身体分为[[头部]],[[胸部]](thorax)和[[腹部]](一译:下体)(abdomen). 头部有着各种感觉器官. [[触角]](antenna)除了有触觉外,有时还会传递气味信息. 在某些雄性蚊子中,触角甚至有听觉,借助触角,它们才能听见同类雌性蚊飞行震动时的声音,

4. 胸腔:一种新型呼吸检测技术能成功发现患者的肺部肿瘤,甚至对于早期癌症也有一定的效果. 这一结果发表在了(Thorax)上. 作者表示,此方法很可能带来癌症检测方法的革命,并挽救很多人的生命.

thorax 双语例句

1. Cases (Thorax 1075, abdomen 1425) of double-helix CT scan were reported.



2. Result: All the average time for operation is 115min (25~155min), the average time for thoracis cavity drainage is 2.5d(1~26days). 6 cases were transfered thoracotomy for pleural adhesion 10 cases with thorax complication. There's no death case in the operation.


3. The fore-limb bud is observed to form on 28th day of gestation, and the hind-limb bud on 30th day. The coelom divides into thorax and celiac part on 32th day and the fetal period came on 40th day.


4. Objective To study the relevant factors and prevention of Xray missed diagnosis in compages of thorax fracture.


5. thorax的意思

5. Thoracic cage, compages of thorax


6. Dissection of a mouse will reveal two large, lobulated masses of brown fat on the dorsal aspect of the thorax, between the scapulae.


7. Using the CT technique of head, thorax, abdomen mode, QA phantom was scanned on Philips AcQSim spiral CT. Spiral scans were performed with different scan parameters including mAs, slice thickness, spacing, reconstruction algorithm and pitch. Then standard deviation of CT values of images were measured and analysed.

对PHILIPS AcQSim 大孔径CT模拟机,使用临床常用的头、胸、腹部扫描模式,采用CT质控体模(Catphan 500),选择不同层厚、间隔、毫安秒、重建算法和螺距等扫描参数,分别进行螺旋扫描,测量其图像中心感兴趣区内的标准差并进行分析。

8. S23 Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of thorax


9. open heart surgery through right subaxillary minithoractomy is a safe, effective, aesthetic surgery, with the advantages of small injury, hidden scars, maintaining the integrity of thorax, less bleeding, rapid recovery, etc., being consistent with the principle of minimally invasive surgery.


10. The number of lung colony at lung surface was counted. For irradiated group, the mice` thorax was irradiated 20 Gy X-ray and injected i. v.

的方式注入1x10E5 颗NFsa肿瘤细胞,在注入细胞后的第8天牺牲老鼠,并计数肺表面的肺群落数。

11. OSAS causes GERD to may concern with the following element: Negative pressure of the thorax in process of nightly breath suspension increases 貽 SAS patient, cause esophagus negative pressure to lift, next esophagus constrictor are crossed pressing its is inside when lens checks negative, can use proton pump depressor makes diagnostic sex treatment, use standard dose, 2/D, with week of medical time 1~2, GE...


12. The study was published online in the journal Thorax Maternal food consumption during pregnancy and asthma, respiratory and atopic symptoms in 5-year-old children.


13. thorax

13. These three types of rib rings with intercostal muscles were used to replace a segment of trachea in thorax.

将犬的第 3肋骨修整卷曲成三角形、四边形和多边形,用附着不同形状肋骨的骨肌瓣环替代胸内部分气管。

14. Anatomically, the abdomen stretches from the thorax at the thoracic diaphragm to the pelvis at the pelvic brim.


15. thorax在线翻译

15. In the thorax of the gun, to be a heart, a soul, a binominal existence.


16. Understanding the association between growth of the thorax and growth of the spine may explain the occurrence of thoracic insufficiency in patients with congenital scoliosis.


17. Methods Under anesthesia and artificial ventilation, the thorax was opened and a capsule was placed on the left anterior descending coronary artery. The myocardial ischemia was performed by ligating LAD with a water-filled capsule with a 6-0 silk suture attached to an atraumatic needle. The reperfusion was performed by empting the capsule to re-open the LAD.



18. Main products of this company are:single-use vein needle, anaesthetic puncture bag, infusion pump, puncture bag for thorax, canula for trachea, trachea cut cannula, sputum aspirator pipe, suction connection pipe, urethral catheterization bag, general anesthesia bag, dressing change bag, oxygen therapy pipe, etc.



19. Material: Mew? 10mg/ is raised, shandong Qi Lu pharmaceutical factory produces, recombine 10 thousand U/ of 2(20 of leucocyte interpose element to raise, inc. of industry of drug of Beijing double aigret produces), canal of central vein buy covers a bag, its are in charge of external diameter 1.7mm, internal diameter 1.1mm, drainage bag, transparent dressing is stuck and article of thorax puncture convention. 1.2 operations and remedial method patient are taken ride cross, towel of groovy disinfection, shop, local anaesthesia, take out central vein conduit, exceed fixed position dot to be puncture dot with B.


20. Lung expansion increases extramural pressure (which helps pump blood out of the thorax) and thereby reduces LV afterload.


thorax 词典解释

1. 胸部;胸腔;胸廓

Your thorax is the part of your body between your neck and your waist.

2. (昆虫的)胸部,胸节

An insect's thorax is the central part of its body to which the legs and wings are attached.

thorax 单语例句thorax的近义词

1. British pair Paul Green and Matthew Harrison suffered thorax and spine injuries during the rally's first stage when their car overturned in another bad accident.

2. The most common type is thoracopagus - that is, two bodies joined from the upper thorax to the lower belly.

thorax 英英释义


1. part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs

2. the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates

Synonym: chestpectus

3. the middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen