

sensor:[英 [ˈsensə(r)] 美 [ˈsɛnsɚ, -ˌsɔr] ]



sensor 基本解释



sensor 网络解释


1. 感应器:1 感应器 (sensor) 感应器相对人的五观(眼、耳、口、鼻、皮肤),是机械人探索环境的工具. 2 控制器 (controller) 感应器相对人的脑袋,机械人通过他的感应器搜集环境的数据后,通过他的大脑分析,计划他的行动

2. sensor是什么意思

2. 敏感器:测试对象穿合适的普通科室运动鞋行走在两台床反力计(Kistler9281)步行路上,自由步行,共3次,动态足底压采用F-Scan系统(Tekscan)测量,敏感器(sensor)放于足底板和鞋底之间.

3. 感受器:细菌通常使用双信号转导系统(two-component signal transduction system)来感受体外瞬时化学变化(图1),其中两个蛋白分别作为感受器(sensor)和响应控制器(response regulator)[29].

4. sensor的意思

4. sensor:sen; 感测器

sensor 双语例句


1. This feature eliminates the need for a separate temperature sensor for over-temperature monitoring.


2. The application of amorphous soft magnetic alloys to the sensor elements have been discussed.


3. It consists of FIA system, semiconductor thermostat, immobilized enzyme reaction column, thermal sensor and data collection module.


4. Sensor data and user profile information are fed to the inference engine on-demand, they are accessed by logic predicates, returned as their parameters and abstracted by axioms which may also make use of external services.



5. Silicon pie zoresistive sensor is applied here t o in -situ record the curing stress evolution for different adhesives and the distributions of the re sidual stress.


6. sensor什么意思

6. The characteristic voltage-time curves were fairly interpreted using three types of calculation methods, with which specific inhibition rates were thereafter expressed. Using the calculated I% close to the value measured by Oxygen Dissolved Analyzer and the shortest response time of such method, an optimized microbial sensor with such built-in processing algorithm was provided.


7. sensor是什么意思

7. The sensor connecting the LED and annunciator, so it can detect the atmosphere of the coal mine a...



8. With PC, eddy current sensor and sound card, a vibration signal collecting system was sacredly designed.


9. This unit will be internally installed in a LAU-129 missile launcher, has an external triaxial sensor requiring excitation power from the unit, uses 28 VDC power, and uses an external antenna.



10. A novel semiconductor absorption fiber optic temperature sensor was developed for electrical power system.


11. The application potentiality of wireless sensor network in Intelligent Civil Structure is analyzed.


12. sensor在线翻译

12. Another type of active proximity sensor is an infrared sensor.


13. sensor

13. A proximity sensor measures the relative distance between the sensor and objects in the environment.


14. Our example project will be a smart proximity sensor that triggers a digital camera.


15. This grenade has a proximity sensor, and will produce a cloud of knockout gas when approached.


16. sensor

16. New Technology: Based on Capacitive Proximity Sensor using a wire as the proximity sensor.


17. The IC can also be configured for use as a proximity sensor, allowing a nearby hand or object to be detected.


18. The proximity sensor net is under attack in secto


19. Arithmetic Analysis of Geocentric Vector Based on Earth Sensor for Spheral Model and Oblate Model; 2. The accuracy of the measurements of the geocentric vector plays a key role in satellite navigation, but it is affected by the earth oblateness.


20. sensor的翻译

20. Display programe achieve the act of touring measurement and display of the value of temperature in every point, and allow correct of the error through interuption programme to realize the correction of the sensor according to the calibration of the temperature.


sensor 词典解释

1. (探测光、热等的)传感器,探测设备,敏感元件

A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.


e.g. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.


e.g. ...a light sensor.


sensor 单语例句

1. The liquid crystal display television is also equipped with a unique light sensor capable of adjusting onscreen visuals to compensate for actual room lighting conditions.

2. It carried a sophisticated and secret imaging sensor but the satellite's central computer failed shortly after launch.

3. While Sony CMOS sensor revenues grew a heady 108 per cent in 2003, but that's only slightly better than the market rate.

4. Most digital cameras today use the more efficient CMOS sensor, although the CCD sensor is still used for advanced photography.

5. And it would have to adjust for varying light conditions and the raucous commotion of people at different distances from its sensor.

6. The failure of a sensor in a water purification system providing cooling water for the unit triggered a shutdown of the operation.

7. The mannequin was outfitted with a sensor that recorded the depth of chest compressions and other measures of CPR quality.

8. The probe will carry several cameras, a magnetic field sensor and an ion detector.

9. A sensor at the diaphragm detects when a patient takes a breath, signaling the implant to zap the nerve.

10. There are plans to integrate optical sensor modules into the dressing to measure the pH value and indicate the results on a reader unit.

sensor 英英释义


1. any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner

Synonym: detectorsensing element