

dual:[英 [ˈdju:əl] 美 [ˈdu:əl] ]


dual 基本解释



名词双数; 双数词


dual 网络解释

1. 对偶:就数学原理,超密加码与量子隐传是两个互为对偶(Dual)的概念. 首先假设春娇(Alice)与志明(Bob)是一对相隔甚远的恋人,春娇想把手边的一个单一量子位元「隐形传递」给志明当礼物. 但春娇完全不知道此位元处於何型式的量子态,

2. 对偶的:1635 年笛卡尔 (Rene Descartes) 观察到雪花结晶的为对偶的 (dual) 正多面体, 例如正八面体与正六面体互为对偶, 正二十面体与正十二面动还不是很明白时, 刻卜勒 (Johannes Kepler) 就用模型来说明行星的运动.

3. 二重的:自我意识,乃高于意识,乃是三重的(trinal),而意识乃为二重的(dual). 同一个人的灵乃有两种不同的形式--主体与客体. 上帝三种本质的意识,结合起来,成为一体的时候,就形成一个上帝的意识,......三个位格,便成为一个本体」.

4. dual:diffusing update algorithm; 通过扩散更新算法

dual 双语例句

1. The ability of interferon-based therapy to induce HBsAg clearance may be associated with its dual immunomodulatory and antiviral mode of action.


2. dual

2. A true sleep innovation, Insomnia-X is the only natural sleep aid in a unique dual action bi-layered tablet.


3. dual的翻译

3. It's a majorization arrangement for economic capital allocation under dual-ristrictions of risk and profit.


4. History of the ancient capital of the south city of Nanjing, east scenic city of Yangzhou, located in Shanghai, China's most dynamic economic areas of cooperation, a good economic environment for development, the factory mainly produces armoured thermocouple cables, armoured thermoelectric Dual, armored, platinum and rhodium - platinum thermocouple, armoured thermal resistance lead, armored, heat resistance, armoured compensation wire, armored, heaters, armoured cables for the protection of metal pipe, for inorganic The various temperature insulation materials and components and industrial temperature thermocouple and industrial thermal resistance eight series, more than 2, 000 varieties.


5. DUAL also guarantees that each path is loop-free.

DUAL 也保证每条路径是没有回圈的。

6. dual的解释

6. It is strange that at this initial moment, I felt very clear on what you have is unique, not only are my all and you know people can feel in your body: You are a dual personality of the person, is a passion, frivolous fun of Youth, at the same time is a very solemn at the cause of a strong sense of responsibility, a very profound, very quality people.



7. LC2-1530 CNC Laser Cutting Machine was new product of our laser series in 2000, with the modern Laser Cutting System, movable Dual-Servo Gantry Construction and pallet changer.


8. The problem lies in the dual structure of income.


9. Then it discusses the meaning of systematism of principles of liability of maritime torts and suggests that the dual-liability system should be established in maritime tort law.


10. The EA Series offer advanced circuitry design, low profile chassis removable channel modules and true dual monaural configuration.


11. A: Once you start to get into the dual-wield talents, then Enhancement is a dual-wield tree.


12. Dual frequency laser and relative measurement technology in the 21st century.


13. A dual-clutch DSG is also expected to be featured as an option.


14. Under Class C is a Marx-Sraffa theorem such as the ratio of values in the dual accounting regime are never affected by the increase in the rate of surplus value, even though the ratio of prices will be generally affected by changes in the rate of profit, in any system where the ratios of direct-wageto other costs are not uniform between industries.


15. The shift from a Dual system of Government towards a hereditary Monarchy under King Ugyen Wangchuck brought the people together and gave the country a distinct identity.


16. The main series products cover three aspects such as driven gears of motorbikes, electronikc power dual pinion wheels, automobile chain wheels, pulley wheels, valve guide, seat bush, signal wheels, disc, and bearing covers, electrical rear driven bridge powder metallurgical wheel and speed different gears. The parts also cover series for clutch plates for trains and automobiles air conditioning compressors as well.


17. A novel Dual Half Bridge Series Resonant Inverter for an induction heating appliance with unity power factor is proposed to remove the interferential acoustic noise caused by the difference between operating frequencies of adjacent loads.

为了除去因相邻的下属操作周波数的差而引起的杂音,提示了具有单一逆流的诱导加热器的新Dual half-bridge共振型串连整流器。

18. dual

18. In this paper, the mathematical model of dual-redundancy brushless DC motor was built by the mathematical formula of self-inductance and mutual-inductance between two phases.



19. This chapter points out, after analysing compre-hensively the contradiction existing in the traditionaltheory of AR, that there isn't any substantial rela-tion between the existence of AR and the height of theorgnic composition of agricultural capital, nor anynecessary association between the quantity of AR andthe balance of value of agricultural product and it'sPP; The only factor that determines the existence ofAR is the monopoly of land ownership, which naturallytakes the limitednass of land and the marginal reve-nue product of land bigger than zero as it's premise; The monopoly of land ownership makes the MPP transformto monopolistic enough price determined by the indivi-dual enough price of inferior land; AR as the MPP ofinferior land equals to the balance of IEP and IPP, andDR as the MPP of superior land equals to the balanceof MEP and IEP; All rents are created from the naturalproductive force of labour, both of them coming fromthe deduction of total surplus value.

第三章 绝对地租与垄断足够价格本章所提出的新见解是:(1)全面分析了传统绝对地租理论中存在的矛盾以及这些矛盾由以产生的根源;(2)论证了绝对地租的存在与农业资本有机构成的高低没有任何本质的关系,绝对地租的数量与农产品价值和生产价格的差额也没有必然的联系,绝对地租存在的唯一条件是土地所有权的垄断,而这种垄断又是以土地的有限性和土地的边际收益产品大于零为前提的;(3)揭示了由于土地所有权的垄断所引起的垄断生产价格向垄断足够价格的转化;(4)在劳动价值论和平均利润理论基础上重新阐释了绝对地租的来源及其量的规定,并对级差地租和绝对地租进行了综合考察,指出,全部地租都是由劳动的自然生产力创造的,它们均来自对总剩余价值的扣除,其中绝对地租作为劣等土地的边际收益产品等于个别足够价格与个别生产价格的差额,级差地租作为较优等土地的边际收益产品等于垄断足够价格与个别足够价格的差额。

20. According to the physical aging behavior of rapidly quenched atactic polystyrene, it was found that dual amorphous phases with quite different properties were formed due to the internal stress: free amorphous phase and constrained amorphous phase.


dual 词典解释

1. 两部分的;双重的;双的

Dual means having two parts, functions, or aspects.


e.g. ...his dual role as head of the party and head of state...


e.g. Rob may be entitled to dual nationality.


dual 单语例句dual在线翻译

1. This is a dual story of two unhappy souls, washed across the central European continent by the irresistible currents of international capitalism.

2. Guests also have access to the latest technological conveniences, including portable GSM phones with dual SIM card slots and citywide coverage.

3. A representative of the Carrefour also said workers inspected the store's remaining stock of the suspect brands and found no instances of dual production dates.

4. Premier Wen Jiabao admitted that the dual pension system was " not reasonable " during an online chat with netizens on Sunday.

5. Many overseas Chinese are calling for dual nationality so that they can keep their Chinese citizenship while obtaining a foreign one.

6. These have the dual function of mortuary and temple for showing respect to ancestors and as meeting place for big clan events.

7. The former local government of Tibet practiced a dual clerical and secular officials system, in which the monk officials were senior to the lay officials.

8. China has a dual system of judicial and administrative protection when it comes to IPR.

9. Improvement in governance structure and human resources are considered a major dual focus in reform.

10. Sundlof said the lack of dual contamination was key because studies so far show dangerous health effects only when both chemicals are present.