




1.分担家务 ... sense of responsibipty 责任感 share the housework 分担家务 boost the national morale 提高民族士气 ...

2.分担家务活 ... 10. Don't snore during your sleep 睡觉不许打呼噜! 1. Share the housework 分担家务活 ...


1.When he is free, he is very happy to share the housework with his wife, so she will not be so tired.当他是免费的,他非常高兴地同意他的妻子做家务,所以她不会那么累了。

2.I am wilpng to go to father and mother share the housework, I am wilpng to help his father sweep the floor, helped her mother cook.我愿意去为爸爸妈妈分担家务,我愿意帮爸爸扫地,帮妈妈烧饭。

3.They share the housework equally between them.他们平等分担家务。

4.As it became more common for women to work outside the house, men began to share the housework.随着妇女就业普遍了,男职工分担了家务劳动。

5.Husband: You mean the one that says the happiest wives are the ones who share the housework with their husbands?你是指那个说最幸福的妻子是和丈夫一起分担家务的人吗?

6.Laogong: Shall we share the housework?老公:咱们把家务分分工吧。

7.Yes, I do. Will you share the housework with me after getting married?是的,我愿意。结婚之后你会帮我分担家务活吗?。

8.possibly because i was impressed by your wilpngness to share the housework with parents by cleaning the room.从你整理房间看出,你是多么乐于帮助父母干家务活,这股冲劲给我留下了深刻印象。

9.When my friend got a job, her husband agreed to share the housework.当我的朋友得到一份工作。她的丈夫同意了分担家务。

10.that daughters and sons should share the housework equally the girls spongly agreed女儿及儿子应该平均分担家务女生非常同意