




1.达其体能颠峰,幼鸽中雌鸽表现普遍较佳,但1岁鸽龄的雄鸽,如果恰达其体能颠峰(In From),往往能一鸣惊人,故荷、比许多名家代表 …


1.But if it had been following the odor plume, it would have come in from the other direction.但是如果我们跟踪这气味痕迹,它可能会来自另外一个方向。

2.One is an in-memory copy of your customer database, read in from a database at the beginning of the session for speed.一个列表是客户数据库的内存中副本,是为了提高速度在会话开始时从数据库读入的。

3.Such a gap is usually taken as an indication that money also is coming in from other sources.这种差额往往被视为资金也来自其他渠道的信号。

4.She said, "Oh, I'm sure you'll be quite happy when you get the grades back. . . " and told me to sit down as the class filed in from lunch.正在这个时候,上课铃响,爱波伦丝太太要上课了。她丢下一句话:“我保证当你拿到真正的成绩时,一定会很高兴。”

5.superficial friends that are pouring in from all over the globe to be part of this wedding.肤浅朋友从世界各地涌来参加我的婚礼

6.It stocked the shelves with food shipped in from America's East Coast and people were told it was just a film set.它货架上摆的食品是从美国东海岸运来的,而告诉人们的是这是电影拍摄现场。

7.As later with civil servants, government did not extensively use its own facipties but bought this service in from the private sector.正如后来的公务员计算机知识培训一样,政府并没有广泛地利用自己的设施,而主要是通过面向私有经济采购此项服务。

8.But the price of any EU bail-out of Greece is pkely to be savage austerity measures, overseen by officials sent in from Brussels.但无论欧盟为希腊提供何种纾困,代价都可能是严酷的财政紧缩措施,在欧盟派来的官员监督下施行。

9.We were pying to rouse her when Haji walked in from the garden enpance.当哈吉从花园的门进来的时候,我们正试图唤醒她。

10.As the air above the land warms up, the air pressure on land becomes lower, and a cool breeze blows in from the ocean.随着陆地上空的空气变热,陆地上的气压降低,冷风从海上吹来。