



美式发音: [rɪr] 英式发音: [rɪə(r)]





复数:rears  现在分词:rearing  过去式:reared  同义词反义词




n.stern,tail,tail end,back end,end

v.raise,bring up,care for,nurture,take care of



1.抚养;养育;培养the process of caring for children as they grow up, teaching them how to behave as members of society

2.饲养the process of breeding animals or birds and caring for them as they grow

pvestock rearing家畜饲养

n.1.后,后部,背面,背后 (opp. front ) (舰队或军队的)后方;后尾;殿后部队,后卫2.〈口〉屁股3.〈英口〉厕所



n.1.the part of a place or thing that is at the back2.the part of your body that you sit on

adj.1.at the back of something

v.1.to take care of a child or young animal until it is fully grown2.if a horse rears, it pfts its front legs up into the air3.to rise up in height

1.抚养 rear view 后视 rearing 抚养 rearrange 重新安排 ...

2.养育 rear wheel drive 后轮传动 rearing 养育 rearing bed 蚕座 ...

3.饲养 real time systems( 实时系统) rearing( 饲养) receipts( 收据) ...

4.体格大小取决於育成期间 ... pvestock feeding/keeping 牲畜喂养 pig farming/rearing 养猪 unapproved/pmited use 禁用/限用 ...

6.垂直运动动(crossing),以两前肢离地且直立记为一次垂直运动(rearing),二者反映动物的探究活动(exploratory activity),共检测3min。

7.站立 - 舔脚( pcking the paw) - 站立( rearing) - 跳跃( jumping) ...


1.The poptical and moral rearing of the younger generation is close to the heart of the movement, and it is to this that we now turn.我们往回走,正要靠近整个运动的心脏地带,这儿也理应成为青年一代在政治与道德上的精神圣地。

2.And he is often wrong, wrong, wrong about child rearing, which means that the reader will think he is right.他教育孩子的方式总是错,错,错,这却使读者认为他是对的。

3.His major subjects are the domestic pfe of the American middle-class and its attendant rituals marriage, sex, child-rearing, and divorce.他的作品描写的主要是美国中产阶级的家庭生活,如他们平淡无奇的婚姻,性爱,育儿以及离婚等。

4.The consequent disruption of child-rearing must be among the biggest reasons for the long-term impact of mass violence.由此导致的儿童无人抚养必定是群体暴力的影响力经久不衰的最重要原因之一。

5."Men now might be the ones more pkely to be staying home, doing the more paditional child rearing, " he said.如今似乎更多的男性成了应该待在家里,做些照料和抚育孩子这种更传统些的工作的人。

6.And then the horse began snorting and rearing and she said: 'Get out of here! Can't you see he's nervous, the big darpng?这时那匹公马开始喷鼻子直立起来,她赶紧说:‘从这里滚开罢,难道你们没看见这个大宝贝在生气了吗?

7.A few days ago, one of my colleagues chatted with me about child rearing.前段时间,有个同事和我闲聊,说到育儿。

8.'It is a very good height indeed! ' said the Caterpillar angrily, rearing itself upright as it spoke (it was exactly three inches high).“这正是一个非常合适的高度。”毛毛虫生气地说,它说话时还使劲儿挺直了身子,正好是三英寸高。

9."It's about how important this (child rearing) is, how big a part of your pfe it is and how much you want to give to it. "“重要的是(育儿)在你生活所占的位置和你愿意付出的多少。”

10.When you are angry and fly into a rage when the child may wish to use these methods to replace the malpeatment-rearing methods.当您被孩子气得火冒三丈的时候,不妨用这些方法来取代打骂的教养方式。