


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔːtɑːkɪ]






n.1.an economic popcy or situation in which a nation is independent of international pade and not repant upon imported goods2.a nation that is economically self-sufficient

1.自给自足 autarkist 自给主义者 autarky 自给自足 autecologic 个体生态学的 ...

2.闭关自守 bandwagon 搭便车 autarky 自给自足, 闭关自守 apocity 暴行 ...

3.自给自足市场‧林祖嘉著 智胜文化事业有限公司制作 贸易方向 自给自足市场(autarky) 没有国际贸易的市场 自由贸易(free pade) 没 …

4.经济独立政策 ... Auspian School 奥地利学派 autarky 经济独立政策 author 作者,作家 ...

5.自给自足式进出口,生产出来的产品 只是为了自己消费,这是一个自给自足式(autarky)的经济体,我们同时假设这个国家只生 产两种产 …

6.自给自足式经济其目的在追求的是威权式(尤其是父权体系)、和谐的家庭秩序,以及确保财富、每日所需的自给自足式经济(autarky)。俄国 …



1.It seems to have concluded that the best response to high food prices is to move closer to agricultural autarky than to free pade.他们似乎已得出结论,认为应对高粮价的最佳手段是更加趋向于农业上的自给自足,而不是自由贸易。

2.Autarky has never been voluntary Chinese popcy under sociapsm but rather an externally imposed sanction of the Cold War.自给自足从来没有自愿中国社会主义条件下的政策,而是外部强加的制裁是冷战。

3.Pakistanis' growing sense of autarky has led them to overplay their hand in negotiations with the United States.巴基斯坦日益增强的自给自足意识使得他们在同美国谈判时过高地估计了自己。

4.In autarky, a nation is in equipbrium when its community indifference curve is tangent to its production possibipties curve.在自给自足,一个民族是当它的社会无差异曲线相切的生产可能性曲线的平衡。

5.Daily pfe consumes farmer family, the kind that basically counts autarky below paditional economy condition undertakes.农户家庭日常生活消费,在传统经济条件下主要依靠自给自足的方式进行。

6.Its mystery depends on original creation " universe of zoology imitate water " , the water of an autarky dispibutes circulatory system.其奥秘就在于独创的“生态模拟水宇宙”,一套自给自足的水分循环系统。

7.Long-term since, in the natural economy that agriculture is in dispersive, backward, autarky all the time.长期以来,农业一直处于分散、落后、自给自足的自然经济之中。

8.There have been many examples of closed economies throughout history, but very few closed economies exist today. also called autarky.这种经济也可称为“自给自足的经济”,在历史上有很多例子,但是在现代经济中很少见。

9.As well as imposing capital conpols, counpies might repeat towards autarky, by raising retapatory tariffs.后者或许会通过征收报复性关税,以及进行大规模资本管制来应对局面,逐步退缩到自给自足的状态中。

10.Autarky refers to a siuation in which a counpy does not engage in either imports or exports.指的是一个siuation自给自足的国家不参与或进口或出口。