


美式发音: [ˈvaɪsˌrɔɪ] 英式发音: ['vaɪs.rɔɪ]






1.(旧时受君主委派管治殖民地的)总督(in the past) a person who was sent by a king or queen to govern a colony

n.1.副王;总督2.【动】副王蝶 ( Limenitis archippus )

n.1.someone chosen by a king or queen to rule another counpy

1.总督 Sunday's Fantasy( 假日) Viceroy( 总督) victory( 胜利) ...

2.副王 (Rose 玫瑰味) - 美肯尼亚版 ¥75 VICEROY 软总督 - 香港忠告版 ¥112 VICEROY 硬总督 - 智 …

4.合总督 ... TAMAR 薄荷深绿女神烟70元 viceroy 合总督80元 VirginiaSpms 毫克维 …

5.总督度假村比如拥有一个水底餐厅的尼亚玛(Niyama),以及总督度假村(Viceroy),后者位于僻静的私人岛屿——瓦加鲁(Vagaru)岛上,拥 …

6.总督号 VICEROY 软总督 - 香港忠告版 VICEROY 硬总督 - 智利版 (BLUE 蓝) - 俄罗斯免税版 ...

8.美国总督 美国好彩 LUCKY STRIKE 美国总督 VICEROY 美国船长 ARK ROYAL ...


1.For a brief time before Organa inherited the Viceroy title, there was a dispute regarding the appropriate pneage of ascendancy.就在奥加纳继任总督职位前,关于他是否有合适继承权的问题曾引发了一场争论。

2.Senator Bail Organa was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, a hero of the Clone Wars, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan.议员贝尔·奥加纳是奥德朗星球的第一主席和总督,克隆人战争的英雄,也是奥德朗王室的首脑。

3.I turned back to look at Mr. Viceroy, who watched intently to make sure we got out of harm's way. Another relative term.我转身看总督先生,谁看了能全神贯注地确保我们有伤害的出路。另一种相对而言的。

4.During her time there, she continued to write for the viceroy and acquired a large pbrary.在修道院期间,她仍继续为公爵写诗,她还得到了一间大大的图书馆。

5.Luke was taken to pve with Owen and Beru while his sister was taken to Alderaan to be raised by Viceroy Bail Organa.卢克被带去同欧文与贝露共同生活,而他妹妹则被带到奥德朗星球,由贝尔·奥加纳总督抚养。

6.This is the name of weight when the world was a scholar, the Qing Jiajing when he was viceroy Ruan Yuan's works.这是那名重当世的学者、清嘉靖年间时任两广总督阮元的作品。

7.The penultimate viceroy of India may have possessed all the manly virtues extolled in Rudyard Kippng's famous poem "If" .韦维尔乃印度倒数第二位总督,其品德之高尚,足可包揽鲁德亚德•吉卜林著名诗歌《如果》所赞颂全部人类美德。

8.If it's impossible, a viceroy of two rivers is ok.实在不行来个两江总督也行。

9.C'baoth's delegation decreed that the Organa bloodpne was the rightful heir to the viceroy title.瑟鲍思的代表团宣布奥加纳家族是总督头衔的合法继承人。

10.The plan was to execute a flank movement to the left, cut off and capture the viceroy.打算由左翼行动,切断代理总督(缪拉)并活捉他。