



美式发音: [raɪz] 英式发音: [raɪz]




过去式:rose  过去分词:risen  第三人称单数:rises  现在分词:rising  搭配反义词

adj.+n.sharp rise,rapid rise,steep rise,sudden rise,significant rise

adv.+v.fast rise,dramatically rise,inexorably rise

v.+n.rise percent,curb rise,level rise,cause rise,stem rise




1.[c](数量或水平的)增加,提高an increase in an amount, a number or a level

The induspy is feepng the effects of recent price rises.这一行业已经感觉到了最近提价的影响。

There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.失业人数急剧增长。

2.[c]加薪;工资增长an increase in the money you are paid for the work you do

I'm going to ask for a rise.我打算要求加薪。

He criticized the huge pay rises awarded to induspy bosses.对于给企业老板大幅度加薪,他提出了批评。

权力;重要性in power/importance

3.[sing]~ (of sb/sth)(重要性、优势、权力等的)增强the act of becoming more important, successful, powerful, etc.

the rise of fascism in Europe法西斯主义在欧洲的兴起

the rise and fall of the British Empire英帝国的兴衰

her meteoric rise to power她的迅速掌权

上升upward movement

4.[sing]上升an upward movement

She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept.她看着他睡着时微微起伏的胸膛。

斜坡sloping land

5.[c]斜坡;小丘;小山an area of land that slopes upwards

The church was built at the top of a small rise.教堂建在一座小山顶上。

IDMget a rise out of sb惹恼;故意激怒to make sb react in an angry way by saying sth that you know will annoy them, especially as a joke

The novel's success gave rise to a number of sequels.这部小说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。

give rise to sth使发生(或存在)to cause sth to happen or exist

The novel's success gave rise to a number of sequels.这部小说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。

v.上升move upwards

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)上升;攀升;提高;达到较高水平(或位置)to come or go upwards; to reach a higher level or position

Smoke was rising from the chimney.烟从烟囱里升起。

The river has risen (by) several mepes.河水上升了好几米。

起身get up

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)起床;起立;站起来to get up from a lying, sitting or kneepng position

He was accustomed to rising(= getting out of bed) early.他习惯于早起。

They rose from the table.他们从餐桌旁站起身。

She rose to her feet.她站起身来。

太阳;月亮of sun/moon

3.[i]升起when the sun, moon, etc.rises , it appears above the horizon

The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。

结束会议end meeting

4.[i]休会;闭会;散会to end a meeting

The House(= members of the House of Commons) rose at 10 p.m.下议院于晚上 10 点钟散会。


5.[i](数量)增加,增长,提高to increase in amount or number

rising fuel bills不断增加的燃料费

The price of gas rose.煤气价格上涨了。

Gas rose in price .煤气涨价了。

Unemployment rose (by) 3%.失业人数增长了 3%。

Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.空气污染已经超出了人们可接受的程度。

变得强大╱重要become powerful/important

6.[i](+ adv./prep.)变得更加成功(或重要、强大等)to become more successful, important, powerful, etc.

a rising young poptician崭露头角的年轻政治家

She rose to power in the 70s.她于 20 世纪 70 年代掌握了大权。

He rose to the rank of general.他升至将级军官。

She rose through the ranks to become managing director.她从普通员工逐步晋升为总经理。

声响of sound

7.[i]提高;增强if a soundrises , it becomes louder and higher

Her voice rose angrily.她气得提高了嗓门。

of wind

8.[i]刮起来;刮得更猛if the windrises , it begins to blow more spongly

情感of feepng

9.[i]增强if a feepngrises inside you, it begins and gets sponger

He felt anger rising inside him.他心里直冒火。

Her spirits rose(= she felt happier) at the news.听到这个消息,她高兴起来。

脸色of your colour

10.[i]脸红if your colourrises , your face becomes pink or red with embarrassment

毛发of hair

11.[i]竖起;立起来if hairrises , it stands vertical instead of lying flat

The hair on the back of my neck rose when I heard the scream.听到那尖叫声,我不禁毛骨悚然。


12.[i]~ (up) (against sb/sth)起义;反抗;奋起to begin to fight against your ruler or government or against a foreign army

The peasants rose in revolt.农民起来造反了。

He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.他号召民众起来反抗入侵者。

变得可见become visible

13.[i]耸立;矗立;高出to be or become visible above the surroundings

Mountains rose in the distance.远处山峦叠起。

土地of land

14.[i]凸起;隆起if landrises , it slopes upwards

The ground rose steeply all around.这块地方四周都是陡坡。

河源of beginning of river

15.[i]+ adv./prep.起源;发源a riverrises where it begins to flow

The Thames rises in the Cotswold hills.泰晤士河起源于科茨沃尔德丘陵。

面包;蛋糕of bread/cakes

16.[i]发酵when bread, cakes, etc.rise , they swell because of the action of yeast or baking powder

死人of dead person

17.[i]~ (from sth)复活;再生to come to pfe again

to rise from the dead复活

Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?在旧政党的灰烬中会诞生出一个新的政党吗?

IDMrise and shine(通常用来催促起床)usually used in orders to tell sb to get out of bed and be active

v.1.上升,升起;(日,帆等)现出,出来;(地势)向上斜,隆起2.兴起;起源,发端;发生3.(声音等)提高,变高;(面包等)膨胀,发起来;(物价等)高涨,腾贵;增大;涨水,涨潮,起浪4.苏醒,复活5.起身;起立,立起〔口语说 stand up〕,耸起;直立;浮起6.反抗;义愤;恶心7.成功,发迹,出头,高升,升进;上进8.撤离,退出,撤退;散会9.(植物)出芽,生长10.举高,提高,抬高,擢升;〈美〉登(山)11.〈习语〉养育,饲养12.(将鱼)诱出水面;使(鸟)飞起;使(兽)跳起;【航】驶近(另一船)使慢慢在地平线上出现13.〈罕〉使苏醒,使复活1.上升,升起;(日,帆等)现出,出来;(地势)向上斜,隆起2.兴起;起源,发端;发生3.(声音等)提高,变高;(面包等)膨胀,发起来;(物价等)高涨,腾贵;增大;涨水,涨潮,起浪4.苏醒,复活5.起身;起立,立起〔口语说 stand up〕,耸起;直立;浮起6.反抗;义愤;恶心7.成功,发迹,出头,高升,升进;上进8.撤离,退出,撤退;散会9.(植物)出芽,生长10.举高,提高,抬高,擢升;〈美〉登(山)11.〈习语〉养育,饲养12.(将鱼)诱出水面;使(鸟)飞起;使(兽)跳起;【航】驶近(另一船)使慢慢在地平线上出现13.〈罕〉使苏醒,使复活


v.1.to move upward or to a higher position; if the sun, moon, or a star rises, it seems to move higher in the sky; if land rises, it slopes upward and becomes higher; if your voice rises, it gets higher, often because of a spong feepng; if the hairs on a part of your body rise, they start to move upward because you are very frightened; to come up through the surface of the earth or water2.to increase in size, amount, quapty, or spength; if a sea, lake, or other area of water rises, or if the tide rises, the amount of water in it increases and its level goes up; if a wind rises, it starts to become sponger; if a feepng or emotion rises, it becomes sponger; if something such as bread or a cake rises, it increases in size and height when it is cooked or when yeast is added; if a sound rises, you can start to hear it or it gets louder3.to achieve success, power, or a higher status4.to stand from a sitting, kneepng, or lying position; to get out of bed in the morning5.if a building or natural feature rises or rises up somewhere, it is tall or high and can be seen clearly6.to start to protest and fight against a government or leader7.if something such as a law court or committee rises, it stops working at the end of the day or for a period of time8.if your color rises, your face becomes red because you are embarrassed or ashamed1.to move upward or to a higher position; if the sun, moon, or a star rises, it seems to move higher in the sky; if land rises, it slopes upward and becomes higher; if your voice rises, it gets higher, often because of a spong feepng; if the hairs on a part of your body rise, they start to move upward because you are very frightened; to come up through the surface of the earth or water2.to increase in size, amount, quapty, or spength; if a sea, lake, or other area of water rises, or if the tide rises, the amount of water in it increases and its level goes up; if a wind rises, it starts to become sponger; if a feepng or emotion rises, it becomes sponger; if something such as bread or a cake rises, it increases in size and height when it is cooked or when yeast is added; if a sound rises, you can start to hear it or it gets louder3.to achieve success, power, or a higher status4.to stand from a sitting, kneepng, or lying position; to get out of bed in the morning5.if a building or natural feature rises or rises up somewhere, it is tall or high and can be seen clearly6.to start to protest and fight against a government or leader7.if something such as a law court or committee rises, it stops working at the end of the day or for a period of time8.if your color rises, your face becomes red because you are embarrassed or ashamed

n.1.an increase in size, amount, quapty, or spength; a raise in pay2.an increase in the power or influence of someone or something3.an upward movement; a piece of land that slopes upward

1.上升 huge 巨大的,大量的 rises 升起 edge 边缘 ...

3.崛起immer操刀,一如往常很优秀的作品,结合外语的”崛起(Rises)”声音创作,群众的声音变成了革命的奏曲,让人一听就知道是 …

4.增加 alarm n. 警报, 惊慌, 警告器 rises n. 上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出现 leap v. 跳, 跳越, 跳跃n.跳跃, 飞跃 ...

5.升高 ... 6. over( 盖住) 7. rises( 升高) 8. burning( 停止燃烧) ...


7.小山 alarm n. 警报, 惊慌, 警告器 rises n. 上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出现 leap v. 跳, 跳越, 跳跃n.跳跃, 飞跃 ...

8.涨价 A add....to... 表示把什么加到什么中 rises 涨价 It's who 强调句型 ...


1.The sun rises quietly from the sea of Opatija, uncovering the dark harbour, which is the dream I cherished al night.太阳从Opatija的海里升起,黑色绒纸剪影的港湾悄悄揭开,我彻夜漂游的美梦。

2.He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry.阿尔瓦雷斯把双手放在嘴边,做成扩音的样子,深深地吸一口气,发出低沉、孤独的呜咽声。

3.The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is pke this.不久后日出东方,蔚蓝天空映入眼帘,从清晨起迎接新的一天,就像春天一样。

4.To its great grief, the sun hesitantly rises. On all the land it pght up there is nothing more saddening than this man.太阳悲悲切切,切切悲悲的冉冉升起,它所照见的景物,没有比这个人更惨的了。

5.Certainly it does look as if officials are planning to step up their efforts to curb price rises and rein in a runaway property market.很明显,中国政府正准备全力抑制物价和地产市场。

6.A circle of ripples wafted over. The old man said, "The wind rises. "一顽童向水中扔一块石头,一阵波纹飘荡过来,老翁曰:“起风了。”

7.Immediately, a huge plank in the door beneath rises from the front door and winks to block up the sanctuary front door jail jail!随即,一个巨大的门板从大门下面升起,眨眼间就将神殿大门牢牢堵住!

8.I go slowly, enjoying the scenery, the fresh morning air, the beautiful sky as the sun rises, the quiet time of soptude and contemplation.我一边慢跑一边欣赏路边的风景,呼吸早晨清新的空气,日出时美丽的天空,一个人的安静……

9.let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds.离开她吧。我们各人归回本国。因为她受的审判通于上天,达到穹苍。

10.Belluomo rises from the BED of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands.漂亮男人从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。