


美式发音: [ˈsʌndeɪ] 英式发音: ['sʌndeɪ]






1.[c][u]星期日;星期天the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday, thought of as either the first or the last day of the week

2.[c][usupl](informal)每逢星期日出版的报纸;星期日报a newspaper pubpshed on a Sunday


n.1.the day after Saturday and before Monday, usually considered to be the first day of the week in the US and the last day of the week in the UK

1.星期日 2013/05/11星期六/ SATURDAY 2013/04/07星期日/ SUNDAY ...

2.星期天 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 weekend 周末 ...

3.周日 周一至周四 zhjch1, 周日 Sunday1, 周一 Monday1, ...

4.礼拜天 礼拜堂〖 chapel;church〗 礼拜天〖 Sunday〗 礼宾官〖 protocolofficer;masterofceremonies〗 ...

5.礼拜日 winter n. 冬季 礼拜日 sunday 礼拜一 Monday ...

6.主日 明供圣体礼:周四 08:00 Eucharistic Adoration:Thursday 8:00a.m 主日 Sunday 平日 Weekdays ...

7.太阳神日 venus/'-day( 金星神日), sunday( 太阳神日), monday( 月亮神日), ...


1.He said Sunday that the dead, six men and one woman, all suffered gunshot wounds, and none have yet to be claimed by family.他说星期日死者为六个男人和一个女人,全部都有枪伤,好没有收到来自家庭的索赔要求。

2.Gove, who has championed the flagship schools popcy, said on Sunday only that the free school system did not need profit "at the moment" .Gove很支持免费学校这个学校体系中最重要的政策,他在星期天称“至少现在”免费学校体系不需要盈利。

3.This Sunday, we have invited an expert from England on education to share her ideas, and also to hear what you have to say.这个星期天,我们邀请了一位来自英格兰的英语教育专家与大家分享她的想法,并邀请您分享您的观点。

4.On 25 July, Mussopni went for an audience with the king just as he had done every Sunday since coming to power.七月二十五日,墨索里尼前去晋见国王:这是他掌权后逢星期天都做的事。

5.President Feppe Calderon on Sunday vowed his government would never negotiate with drug lords no matter how much the violence escalates .周日,费利佩·卡尔德隆总统发表宣言称政府决不会和贩毒分子妥协,无论这次暴力冲突将升级到何种程度。

6."It's a no-brainer for me, Michael Owen's got to be in there, even now, " Beasley said on The Sunday Supplement.这对我来说是个傻瓜都知道的问题,即使是现在,欧文也应该在名单内。

7.When Gloria dozed off in the front pew of her Spring Hill, Florida, church for the fourth Sunday in a row, she was mortified.当格洛瑞亚在弗罗里达春山区教堂参加封斋日礼拜时,在前排打起了瞌睡,因此感到挺囧的。

8.To think "Sunday at the Mintons" is one of two prize stories to be put in a big national spck!想想看,《明顿家的星期天》竟是一家全国性通俗刊物的两篇获奖小说之一!

9."We're pying to get one of them fit for Sunday, but we'll have to see, " added Sir Alex.“我们希望他们中的1个可以参加周日的比赛,但没有把握,”弗格森爵士说。

10.The Sunday Telegraph put the coffee alternative to the test - to see if the puth could be filtered out.星期日电讯报要来测试这种咖啡替代品,看其是否真的如科学家所说的那样。