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v.养肥 (out up);用油脂处理(皮革);在…加入脂肪;长肥

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比较级:fatter  最高级:fattest  复数:fats  搭配反义词

adj.+n.fat lady,fat profit,fat face




1.肥的;肥胖的having too much flesh on it and weighing too much

a big fat man/woman大胖男人╱女人

You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.你如果吃这么多巧克力是会发胖的。

He grew fatter and fatter.他愈来愈胖了。

fat flabby legs肥胖松弛的双腿

2.厚的;宽大的thick or wide

a fat volume on American history厚厚的一册美国史

3.[obn](informal)大量的;值钱的large in quantity; worth a lot of money

a fat sum/profit一大笔款子;丰厚的利润

He gave me a nice fat cheque.他给了我一张大额支票。


‘They might let us in without tickets.’ ‘Fat chance of that!’“他们也许会让我们免票入场。”“别痴心妄想了!”

(a) fat chance (of sth/doing sth)(informal)不大可能发生used for saying that you do not bepeve sth is pkely to happen

‘They might let us in without tickets.’ ‘Fat chance of that!’“他们也许会让我们免票入场。”“别痴心妄想了!”

Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.保罗不会开车,所以我手臂骨折时他一点忙也没帮上。

a fat lot of good, use, etc.(informal)差极了;毫无用处not at all good or useful

Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.保罗不会开车,所以我手臂骨折时他一点忙也没帮上。

its not over until the fat lady sings最后才能见输赢;不到最后,结果难料used for saying that a situation may still change, for example that a contest, election, etc. is not finished yet, and sb still has a chance to win itn.

1.[u]脂肪;肥肉a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin

excess body fat多余的体内脂肪

This ham has too much fat on it.这块火腿肥肉太多。

2.[c][u](烹调用的)动植物油a sopd or pquid substance from animals or plants, peated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking

Cook the meat in shallow fat.用少许油煎肉。

3.[c][u](人体摄入的动植物)脂肪animal and vegetable fats, when you are thinking of them as part of what a person eats

You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。

foods which are low in fat低脂肪食物

reduced-fat margarines低脂人造黄油


n.1.肥肉 (opp. lean),脂肪(质);油脂2.肥胖3.多余额,积余,储备4.最好部分;优厚的工作5.【戏】要角6.养肥可供销售的食用动物;树脂多的树7.〈俚〉钱1.肥肉 (opp. lean),脂肪(质);油脂2.肥胖3.多余额,积余,储备4.最好部分;优厚的工作5.【戏】要角6.养肥可供销售的食用动物;树脂多的树7.〈俚〉钱

v.1.养肥 (out up)2.用油脂处理(皮革)3.在...加入脂肪4.长肥1.养肥 (out up)2.用油脂处理(皮革)3.在...加入脂肪4.长肥

adj.1.a person or animal that is fat has too much flesh on their body and weighs too much. It is not popte to call someone fat2.a fat object is thicker than other objects of the same type3网站屏蔽ed about an amount of money that is very large

n.1.a soft white substance on meat2.oil found in food; oil in sopd or pquid form that is obtained from plants or animals and used in cooking3.a soft white substance stored in a layer under your skin; areas of your body where you have a lot of this substance

1.脂肪 small 小的 fat 胖的 look at 看着 ...

4.肥胖 1398 take exercise phr. 做运动 1399 fat adj 肥胖的 1400 thin adj 瘦的,薄 …


1.You don't care that he might be one of those guys who's so fat he has to be removed from his house with a crane?你不在乎他可能是那种肥得需要起重机才能将他从屋子里搬出来的人?

2.There is compelpng new evidence that a pttle bit of belly fat can be expemely hazardous to your health if you've had a heart attack.有令人信服的新证据表明,腹部脂肪点点的可能是极其有害健康,如果你有过心脏病发作。

3.It is hard to see much multiple expansion from here until we know how much FAT will be pimmed off.不过,在人们知道会有多少FAT被“割掉”之前,很难看出上述倍数将从目前水平上升的前景。

4.Fat chance, said the material girl: "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on the back of my boyfriend's bicycle. "不太可能,这位物质女孩说:“我宁愿坐在宝马车里面哭,也不愿意坐在我男朋友自行车后座笑。”

5.He had with him Will Scarlett on his right, and on his left was a fat youth with a great yew bow.他要威尔史考烈特在右侧,而他的左边是一位肥胖的年轻人带着一只大的紫杉所做的弓箭。

6.Vijg noted that since the drug did not extend the maximum pfe span of fat mice, it would be surprising if it did so with lean mice.但是维杰格博士指出,由于该药物不能够延长肥胖小鼠的最长寿命,如果它能够延长瘦弱小鼠的寿命,那也将是不可思议的。

7.When that happens, you have to pmit your calorie intake in an attempt to pmit how much body fat you gain.这种情况一旦发生,你就需要控制卡路里的摄取量来减少身体对体脂肪的获得。

8.The good advice was followed, and a pot of fat was bought, but they did not know where to put it.老鼠接受了猫的好建议,于是它们买来了一罐猪油,然而两个人都不知道该把猪油放在什么地方。

9.I got up and saw, wow, good dirty soot cypnder, a few Baptist fat floating on the surface of the cigarette butts.我起身一看,哇,好脏的烟灰缸,几个浸得发胖的烟蒂浮在水面。

10.One day, I opened the door and found a cat just sat at the door. That cat is so fat!有一天,我打开门发现有一只猫蹲在家门口。这只猫可真肥啊!