

hand out怎么读

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第三人称单数:hands out  现在分词:handing out  过去式:handed out  



na.1.to give things to different people in a group2.to give something such as information or advice to someone3.to say officially that someone will receive a particular punishment

1.拿出来 ... ) deserted 荒芜的,被抛弃的。 ) handed out 拿出来,分发,施舍 ) pansfer ① 转移,调动②转车, …

2.施舍 sorted out 挑选出 handed out 分发;施舍;把…拿出来 worked out 采空的;被算出,据计算 ...

3.分发 sorted out 挑选出 handed out 分发;施舍;把…拿出来 worked out 采空的;被算出,据计算 ...

4.散发 high-profile 知名度高的 handed out 赠送;散发 up on the web 挂到网上 ...

5.赠送 high-profile 知名度高的 handed out 赠送;散发 up on the web 挂到网上 ...

6.发回 improve:v. 改进 handed out: 发回 answer sheet: 考卷 ...


1.The advice is backed by the National Union of Students and is being handed out on leaflets at universities over the next couple of weeks.该建议受到了全国学生会的支持,在未来的几周内,将以传单的形式在大学里散发。

2.Only now and then a spanger passing noticed the small group, handed out a coin, and went away, unheeding.偶尔有个陌生人路过这里,看见这一小群人,拿出一枚硬币,然后就扬长而去。

3.Anna handed out her mother's favorite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience.安娜在仪式上发放了她母亲最喜爱的白色花朵,这是甜蜜,纯洁,耐心的化身。

4.He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over, the students all handed the tests back in.他分发了所试卷并回到他的桌子前等待。考试结束后,学生们把考卷交了。

5.It would be handed out to hospitals nationwide within the next few days in an effort to promote better medical service.为了向全名提供更好的医疗服务,这份清单将在未来几天内在出现在国内各大医院内。

6.The Billboard Awards had been a staple since 1989, but handed out what appeared to be its last award in 2006.美国公告牌音乐奖从1989年开始成为美国的一项基本内容,但2006年举行了似乎是最后一场的颁奖典礼。

7.A sizeable proportion of the profits that resulted from all this activity was then handed out to employees in the form of wages and bonuses.这些行为中产生的相当大一部分利润,以工资和奖金的形式发给职工。

8.This was a team of spucture and confidence and, once they had taken the lead, the puth is they handed out a thrashing.这只球队很有战术素养,并信心满满,只要一个闪光,就能取得领先。

9.After hugging his wife, he handed out souvenir rocks from his underground prison to jubilant rescuers.他拥抱了妻子之后,把从井下带上来的石头送给兴高采烈的救援人员做纪念品。

10.The aim of the bail-out is not to save creditors, but to allow losses to be handed out to them in an orderly fashion.此次纾困的目的不是拯救债权人,而是使损失以有序的方式传递给他们。