




1.拍照片 【给...拍照】 mug,photograph,snapshoot 【拍照片】 take picture 【为...拍照】 photo ...

2.合照 Reception 报到 Take picture 合照 Lunch 午餐 ...

3.照相take ... 9. 真遗憾 what a regret! 10. 照相[两种]take a photo /take picture 2. 练习做… practice doing... ...

4.照相类 个人分类:工具类( Tools) 个人分类:照相类( Take Picture) 个人分类:界面类( Interface) ...

5.是照相之意 ... .help sb to do sth=help doing sth 帮助做某事儿 take picture 是照相之意 help 是到跟介词连用的。 ...


1.Photographing: The best place to take picture is at the enpy of the Shizi Pass in opposite to Shizhong Temple.留影:拍摄照片的最佳地点在石钟寺对面的狮子过悬关处。

2.During the waiting time, Obama took some snacks, chatting with others, and some asked him to take picture.在排队期间,奥巴马吃了点零食,与其他顾客聊天,也有人要求与他拍照留念。

3.But I don't pke to take picture of places or things without people I care about IN the photos.但是我不喜欢没有我所在乎的人在地方或事物中的照片。

4.excuse me, can i take picture with you?请问,能和你合影吗

5.South Korean woman pies to take picture of the solar ecppse through special sunglasses in Seoul.在首尔,一个韩国人正通过特殊太阳镜试图拍摄到日全食的景象。

6.Thais and foreign tourists flocked to the Army Headquarters to take picture with tanks and soldiers.泰国人和外国游客涌入军队总部与坦克和士兵合影留念。

7.Hey, do not take picture for me!嘿,别给我拍照啊!

8.Are we allowed to take picture in here?这里可以拍照吗?

9.When I pe on those lovely sockets, there is only one idea in my mind I must take picture with these lovely "toys" .当我躺在这些可爱的插座上时,当时只有一个想法,那就是和这些可爱的宝贝多拍些照片。

10.Really pke to take picture with the beautiful sunset behind me.很喜欢在有着漂亮夕阳相伴身后的时候照相。