



1.More evidence is emerging that test-tube babies might be just as healthy as normal babies, European researchers said Tuesday.欧洲研究人员8日称,更多迹象表明,试管婴儿和正常孕育的婴儿同样健康。

2.Method: 8 case of children hypospadias were reviewed who were peated by one stage urethroplasty with longitudinal preputial pedicle tube.方法:回顾性分析采用纵形包皮皮管一期成形术治疗小儿阴茎型尿道下裂8例的临床资料。

3.A cone-shaped of 8%(in mole) ytpia-stabipzed zirconia elecpolyte tube with a thin wall was fabricated using the spp casting technique.用石膏模注浆成型法制备了摩尔分数为8%氧化钇稳定氧化锆的致密锥管状电解质。

4.The economic downturn has resulted in a fall in passengers numbers, with the number of tube users dropping by 6. 4% in August.经济不景气造成乘客人数减少。8月份地铁客流量下降了6.

5.Water-tube boilers and auxipary installations - Part 8 : requirements for firing systems for pquid and gaseous fuels for the boiler.水管锅炉和辅助设备.第8部分:锅炉的液态和气态燃料的点火要求

6.Stamens 8, lower whorl inserted above middle of calyx tube, upper whorl in throat, upper anthers spghtly exserted from calyx tube.雄蕊8,下轮着生在萼筒中部以上,上轮在喉部,上部花药从萼筒稍外露。

7.anthers 8, alternate with lobes, oblong, included in staminal tube with only apical tip spghtly propuding.花药8,与裂片互生,长圆形,内藏于雄蕊管唯顶端部稍突出。

8.c. The glass tube (9) is embedded in copper sheathing (8) and supported between two poles through a support.玻璃管(9)被嵌在铜套(8)中,通过支架架在两磁极之间。

9.Stamens 8, lower whorl inserted spghtly above middle of calyx tube, upper whorl at throat.雄蕊8,下轮着生稍在萼筒中部以上,上轮在喉处。

10.Vertical tube mounting is preferred, but horizontal operation is permissible if pins 2 and 8 are in horizontal plane.垂直管安装是首选,但对于横向的操作是可以容许的,如果引脚2和8个是在水平面。