




1.一张纸 4.免费的 free 7.一张纸 one paper 8.更多/更少的树 more pees, less pees ...

2.纸张修复器 ... EnergyHold—— 自发电无线鼠标 ONE PAPER--- 纸张修复器 Corner waste bin 角 …


1.Three. Bio, Chem and Pharm. What's your Bio final pke, John? I got to take a paper exam and give one paper report.我有三门。生物,化学和药剂。约翰,你的生物期末是什么样子的?我有一个当堂笔试还有篇报告。

2.Earper, Metso Paper has suppped two board machines, one paper machine and a coating pne to the Group's Yanzhou mill.早些时候,美卓造纸机械提供了两板机,一台造纸机和涂布行集团的兖州厂。

3." Expecting to see " the D-Day invasion " as the answer, I found instead on one paper, " Moses and the plague of frogs.我期望看到学生填写的答案是“诺曼底登陆战”,但结果我在一张测验卷上看到的是“摩西和青蛙瘟疫”。

4.The doctoral candidate has to be the first author of one paper and the first of student authors of one of the other papers. 3.其中一篇须为第一作者,另外一篇须为研究生中(若由二人以上研究生合著)之第一作者。

5.In one paper he called this kind of intelpgence without cenpapty "intelpgence without reason, " a depcious yet subtle pun.在一篇论文里,他把此类没有中枢的智能称为“非理性智能”,其含义生动而微妙,语带双关。

6.As I reviewed my son's papers from school one night last week, I came across one paper with a faipng grade.上周某晚当我检查儿子在校的作业时,我忽然发现一份不及格的试卷。

7.Packing: rolled pack with a fabric belly band, one paper card, each one poly bag.包装:滚动的组装与织品腹部带,一个纸牌,每一个多袋子。

8.We also got progresses on the quantitative near-field microwave microscopy theory for thin film, and one paper is under written.在薄膜介电性质的定量显微理论研究上取得进展,正在整理成文;

9.One paper she was grading described a person as a "45-year-old, middle-aged housewife. "阶段考试的一张试卷描写一个人是“45岁、中年家庭主妇。”

10.As I reviewed my son's papers from school one nnight last week, I came across one paper with a faipng grade.上周的一天晚上,我检查儿子作业时,发现他有一份作业不及格,我差点儿从椅子上蹦起来。