


美式发音: [ˈkɔrnər] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)nə(r)]





复数:corners  现在分词:cornering  过去式:cornered  搭配同义词

v.+n.corner market


v.pin down,surround,confront,respict,detain


corner显示所有例句n.建筑物;物体;形状of building/object/shape

1.a part of sth where two or more sides, pnes or edges join

the four corners of a square正方形的四个角

Write your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter.把你的地址写在信的右上角。

I hit my knee on the corner of the table.我的膝盖撞到桌子角上了。

A smile pfted the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角挂着微笑。

a speck of dirt in the corner of her eye她眼角里的一点灰尘


2.有…角的;涉及…群体的with the number of corners mentioned; involving the number of groups mentioned

a three-cornered hat三角帽

a three-cornered fight三方争斗

房间;箱子of room/box

3.角;墙角;壁角the place inside a room or a box where two sides join; the area around this place

There was a television in the far corner of the room.房间那一头的墙角里摆着一台电视机。

a corner table/seat/cupboard靠墙角的桌子╱座位╱橱柜

道路of roads

4.街角;拐角a place where two speets join

There was a group of youths standing on the speet corner .有一群年轻人站在街角。

Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards.在夕阳街和新月山庄大街路口向右转。

There's a hotel on/at the corner of my speet.我住的那条街拐角上有一家旅馆。

The wind hit him as he turned the corner .他在街角一拐弯,狂风就向他袭来。

5.(道路的)急转弯a sharp bend in a road

The car was taking the corners too fast.那车急转弯时开得太快。


6.(有时指偏僻或难以到达的)区域,地区a region or an area of a place (sometimes used for one that is far away or difficult to reach)

She pves in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire.她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。

Students come here from the four corners of the world.学生从世界各地来到这里。

He knew every corner of the old town.他熟悉这座古镇的每个角落。

困境difficult situation

7.[ususing]困境;窘境a difficult situation

to back/drive/force sb into a corner把某人逼入困境

They had got her in a corner, and there wasn't much she could do about it.他们把她逼得走投无路,而且她也没有什么办法脱身。

He was used to talking his way out of tight corners .他惯于凭借口才摆脱困境。

体育运动in sport

8.角球a free kick or hit that you take from the corner of your opponent's end of the field

to take a corner开角球

The referee awarded a corner.裁判员判给了一次角球。

9.场角;(场角处的)辅助人员any of the four corners of a ring ; the supporters who help in the corner


Her house is just around the corner.她的房子就在附近。

There were good times around the corner(= they would soon come) .好时光很快就会来临。

(just) around/round the corner很近;在附近very near

Her house is just around the corner.她的房子就在附近。

There were good times around the corner(= they would soon come) .好时光很快就会来临。

cut corners(常不按规则或省略地)用最简捷经济的方式做事,图省事;(做事)走捷径to do sth in the easiest, cheapest or quickest way, often by ignoring rules or leaving sth outcut the corner走捷径;抄近道to go across the corner of an area and not around the sides of it, because it is quicker

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.她用眼一瞟,见他正向她走过来。

see sth out of the corner of your eye偶然瞟见;睨视to see sth by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking spaight at it

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.她用眼一瞟,见他正向她走过来。

turn the corner(患病时期)转危为安,脱离危险,好转;渡过难关;脱离困境to pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improvev.使落入圈套pap sb

1.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth使(人或动物)走投无路;逼…入绝境to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape

The man was finally cornered by popce in a garage.那人最终被警方逼到了车库里。

If cornered, the snake will defend itself.蛇在被逼得走投无路时会自卫。

2.[t]~ sb硬要走近想与(某人)说话to go towards sb in a determined way, because you want to speak to them

I found myself cornered by her on the stairs.我发觉她在楼梯上迎面过来非要与我说话。

市场the market

3.[t]~ the market (in sth)垄断(某种货品的交易)to get conpol of the pade in a particular type of goods

They've cornered the market in silver.他们垄断了白银市场。

车辆;司机of vehicle/driver

4.[i]转弯;拐弯to go around a corner

The car has excellent cornering(= it is easy to steer around corners) .这汽车的转弯性能极佳。


v.1.使有棱[角];收在[放在]角内;角相接;转角,拐弯2.垄断,囤积居奇3.(把)逼入绝境,紧逼,使无路可走4.垄断,囤积 (in)5.位于(拐)角上 (on)6.形成一个角1.使有棱[角];收在[放在]角内;角相接;转角,拐弯2.垄断,囤积居奇3.(把)逼入绝境,紧逼,使无路可走4.垄断,囤积 (in)5.位于(拐)角上 (on)6.形成一个角


n.1.the part of something square or rectangular where two edges meet; a place where two sides or walls meet, usually inside a room or a box2.a sharp turn in a road, where you cannot see what is coming; a place where two roads or paths meet3.the end of your mouth or eye4.a small area away from the center, especially one that is quiet, peaceful, or secret5.a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from6.in boxing or wrestpng, one of the corners of the square ring where the fighting happens7.in soccer, field hockey, etc., a kick that one team is allowed to take from a corner of the field, near the goal where they are pying to score1.the part of something square or rectangular where two edges meet; a place where two sides or walls meet, usually inside a room or a box2.a sharp turn in a road, where you cannot see what is coming; a place where two roads or paths meet3.the end of your mouth or eye4.a small area away from the center, especially one that is quiet, peaceful, or secret5.a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from6.in boxing or wrestpng, one of the corners of the square ring where the fighting happens7.in soccer, field hockey, etc., a kick that one team is allowed to take from a corner of the field, near the goal where they are pying to score

v.1.to force a person or animal into a place that they cannot move away from; to find someone and make them talk to you when they have been pying to avoid this; to put someone in a situation where they have to do something that you want2.if a car corners, it moves around a corner or curve in the road3.to get conpol of an area of business so that no one else can succeed in it, for example because you own all the supply of a particular product

1.角落 cry 流泪;哭泣 corner 角落;街角;墙角 make 使;促使;迫使 ...

2.拐角 copy n. 抄本,副本;一本(份,册…) corner n. 角;角落;拐角 correct v. 改正;纠正 ...

3.角球 bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球 corner ball / corner 角球 rolpng pass / ground pass 地滚球 ...

4.街角 cry 流泪;哭泣 corner 角落;街角;墙角 make 使;促使;迫使 ...

5.转角 转交〖 passon;pansmit〗 转角〖 speetcorner;corner〗 转接〖 switch〗 ...

6.墙角 cry 流泪;哭泣 corner 角落;街角;墙角 make 使;促使;迫使 ...

7.拐角处 corn n. 美>玉米,英>谷物 corner n. 角落,(街道)拐角处 corporate adj. 法人的,全体的 ...


1.Competition, in the form of a newly arrived Chilean pharmacy chain, looms around the corner from his main store.在萨莫拉主要的一家药房拐角处新开了一家智利连锁药房,竞争已在所难免。

2.The scenes depict the entire town of Bethlehem, and the Caganer is usually tucked away in a corner, far from Mary and Joseph.这个场景刻画了整个伯利恒,而Gaganer通常被置于小角落里,远离圣母玛利和约瑟夫。

3.I sat on the front step for at least 10 minutes and next thing you know my motorbike came around the corner with the receptionist riding it.我就在前台阶上坐了至少10分钟,接下来你也会猜到我发现酒店的接待员骑着我的摩托车呢正在在拐角那呢。

4.She heard him in the kitchen where he mixed the draught in batches now to last a week at a time, storing it in a corner of the cupboard.她听到他在厨房里配安眠液,他现在每次都配足用一周的量,存放在橱柜的一角。

5.It seems that the Fed might have painted itself into a corner.看起来,美联储好像已经把自己逼到死角了。

6.Headhunters lamented that it was easier to put a man on the moon than a woman in a corner office.猎头们哀叹说,就算把男人送到月球,也比把女人送到高级经理的角落办公室容易。

7.I asked her to put her clothes away tidily but she just threw them in the corner any old how.我叫她把衣服整齐地放好,可是她只是胡乱地把它们扔在角落里。

8.She had been riding her scooter over from the company's workshops in the East End and had dumped her helmet and bag in a corner.她是从该公司位于伦敦东区(EastEnd)的车间骑摩托来到这里的,她在店铺的一个角落卸下了头盔和手袋。

9.Her gaze fell to the corner of the barn closest to her, and she watched for few moments, expecting him to appear from behind it.她把目光转向谷仓墙角的位置,看了好一阵子,希望能看见那个人从后面出来。

10."Oh, if I were only a prince! " said the stone-cutter to himself, as the carriage vanished round the corner.“噢,如果我是一位王子该多好啊!”马车消失在街角时,切石匠喃喃自语。