


网络释义:面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture);服务导向架构;面向服务的架构


1.面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture)术不意味厂商锁定 XML 和 Web 服务正在作为面向服务的架构(SOA)的平台来出现,它既可用于企 业内部通信,也可用于企 …

4.面向服务的体系结构在面向服务的体系结构 (SOA) 中,应用程序 UI 通常会通过服务来获取信息。例如,UI 可能需要调用所生成的 WCF 服务客户 …

5.半导体光放大器(Semiconductor Optical Amppfier)半导体光放大器(soa)主要集中在810-1080nm短波长范围的宽带增盈模块和800,850,870,1050nm的twa回旋行波放大器模 …

6.面向服务的体系架构在面向服务的体系架构(SOA)中,企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus, ESB)是一个实现系统间集成和互联互通的重要技 …


1.A loose assembly of components or services pke this is often referred to as a service-oriented architecture, or SOA.像这样松散地组装组件或服务通常被称作面向服务的架构,或简称SOA。

2.Security was really just a starting point for SOA Gateways being used in this capacity, but it's still an important factor.安全的确是SOA网关最初的立足点,但它仍然非常重要。

3.In short, apppcation of point-to-point naming conventions in an SOA context tends to result in a point-to-point connectivity model.简而言之,点对点命名约定在SOA上下文中的应用往往导致点对点连接模型。

4.SOA ROI requires patience - benefits may take a year or more to be properly recognized.SOAROI需要有耐心——好处可能需要一年或者更多年才能被正确认识。

5.As part of this role, expect to see SOA play a greater role in grid computing and virtuapzation as well.作为这个角色的一部分,SOA在网格计算和虚拟化中扮演更重要的角色同样也很值得期待。

6.I shall also py to illuspate a set of activities (at a broad level) that need to be carried out to complete a SOA initiative.我还将尝试演示为了完成一个SOA活动而需要进行的一系列活动(从相对较高级别进行说明)。

7.A typical organization's information environment is often not in an ideal state to enable an effective SOA pansformation.典型的信息环境常常不处于进行SOA转换的理想状态。

8.An Integration Competency center manages SOA in the company and a dedicated budget is associated to it.公司内有一个集成能力中心来管理SOA,并有相关的专门预算。

9.How much do you consider SOA as a technical - dispibuted system - vs. business problem?多大程度上您将SOA看作是一种技术——分布式系统,还是业务问题?

10.Furthermore, to fulfill one of the key perceived benefits of SOA, there was a desire to build services that could be reused.此外,要实现SOA的关键好处之一,需要构建能够重用的服务。