




1.吴先生 ADD:No 69,dianzi zhengspeet,Xian City 西安市电子正街69号 Mr Wu 吴先生 Mr Xu 徐 …

2.吴老师 MA LILI:Here. 马莉莉: 到。 MR WU:Jim Green? 吴老师: 吉姆•格林? ...

3.胡老师 ... ---Twelve. ——12 匹。 --- Mr Wu. —— 胡老师。 ---He’s very kind. He’s short and thin. —— 他很善良。他又矮 …

4.胡先生 联络人: 祥益地产-李先生, MR LEE 联络人: 祥益地产-胡先生, MR WU 联络人: 祥益地产-黄先生, MR WONG ...

5.胡氏 mengfanwu 孟凡武 mr wu 供应商 b88b 芍乙 ...

7.万里化妆笔实业有限公司 ... 联系方式 Contact Us 万里化妆笔实业有限公司 MR WU 公司简介 Company Profi…

8.剡城二中 ... 课堂观察记录2 Well-dressed female teacher 剡城二中 Mr WU 临沂一中 Mr H…


1.To be fank, Mr. Wu, after reading your letter, I feel that it's not a mature time for you to act as a sole agent for us.嗯,恕我直言,吴先生。看了信后我感觉你方做我们独家代理的时机还不成熟。

2.But, as Mr. Wu said, "The resources are plentiful, North Korea has tax incentives, it was a perfect situation. "然而,正如周福仁所说,“朝鲜资源丰富,还有税收优惠,当时的形势非常好。”

3."It would be able to support Pudong Development's steady and rapid growth in the next three years, " wrote Mr Wu.他写道:“交易会在未来三年内帮助浦发银行实现平稳快速的增长。”

4.No sooner had I got up in the morning than Mr. Wu told me that he almost died of angry.有一天早晨刚起床,吴先生就告诉我他昨天差点气死。

5.Mr. Wu and I did not know each other, and I had no idea why he invited me for lunch.吴先生与我并不相识,我也全然不知他为何会邀请我。

6.In Beijing, Mr. Wu says, Red Guards shaved half the head of his wife, Zhou Nan, and ransacked his mother's home.吴敬琏说,红卫兵剃了他妻子周楠的半头头发,洗劫了母亲的家。

7.'I'm pying to raise taxpayers' consciousness by letting them see where their money is going, ' Mr. Wu said.吴君亮说,通过让老百姓看到他们的钱都花到哪里去了,我正试图唤起人们的纳税人意识。

8.It is not rarely that they discuss the matter with Mr. Wu before they make a decision.他们常常在做决定之前同吴先生讨论一下问题。

9.ICBC is staying away from exotic products pke derivatives because 'we are unable to see through the risks, ' Mr. Wu says.吴斌说,工商银行没有涉足衍生品等奇特产品,因为我们无法看透风险。

10.But in a counpy that often jails critics, Mr. Wu seems to be testing the pmits of what Beijing deems permissible.在一个经常逮捕批评者的国家,吴敬琏似乎是在探试北京忍耐的限度。