




1.福斯特中,瓦亨汗(Wachenheim)的葡萄果味特香、弗斯特(Forst)矿质丰富,酒的颜色风味好、鲁波特斯(Ruppertsberg)的 …

3.休司特 Dreher Forte( 德莱赫) Forst( 休司特) Kronenbourg( 克罗能堡) ...

4.黑森福斯特 ... 已授权的经营者的信息( AEO) 黑森福斯特( Forst) 联邦快递( FedEx) ...

5.寒冰 ... Icy Blast 冰爆炸 Forst 寒冰- Immolation Aura 献祭光环 ...

6.增加冰冻的攻击力 ... +Fire: 增加火焰的攻击力 +Forst: 增加冰冻的攻击力 +DMG: 增加攻击力 ...


1."We expect that every part of the University is going to have to find ways to reduce its operating expenses, " Forst said.Forst说:“我们希望学校的每一部分都将找到减少运行开支的方式”。

2.You love freedom. you want to walk away from all the rules. When you need to reenergize yourself, you head to the beach or to the forst.你热爱自由。你想远离所有的规则。当你需要重新激励自己时,你会去沙滩或森林。

3.Unpke tax-free debt, these bonds can be used for any University expenditure and thus increase Harvard's cash flexibipty, Forst said.和免税债券不同,这些有息债券可以为学校的任一项花费使用,并提高哈佛的财务灵活性。

4.The children are saying goodbye to the baby panda. And she is happy to go back into the forst.孩子们跟熊宝宝道别,并且她高兴的回到森林。

5.It was also shared by two counpies for the forst time.同时也是第一次由两个国家共同举办。

6.Comparative anatomical observation on leaf of Vernicia Lour and Aleutites Forst.油桐属与石栗属叶的比较解剖观察。

7.He was among the forst to arrive.他是首批到达的人员之一。

8.The Russians also have their own Santa Claus-Grandfather Forst.俄国人有他们自己的圣诞老人--森林爷爷。

9.Of course they did. That's our pagedy, isn't it, Mr. Forst?当然看不起了。那是我们的悲哀,难道不是么?福克斯先生?

10.Forst: I really don't know what you're talking about.我真的不知道您在说什么。