




1.跳转(jump) shrd a,b,x 将a右移x位, 空出位用b低端m位填充 JMP 无条件转移 if (有消息) ...

4.联合会议政党(Joint Meeting Parties)

5.无条件跳转 push 压栈 jmp 无条件跳转 jb 若小于则跳 ...

6.无条件跳转指令 ZEND_ASSIGN_REF 引用赋值 ZEND_JMP 无条件跳转指令 ZEND_JM…

7.无条件转移指令 STOS 保存串. JMP 无条件转移指令 CALL 过程调用 ...


1."It is good that they are starting to see some of the early benefits of that, " said Michael Hecht, an analyst with JMP Securities.JMP证券的分析师MichaelHecht称,“他们开始见到一些初步成效了,这很不错。”

2.The loop inspuction also points just pke the JMP to a memory location, but only jumps to that location if the ECX register is not 0.循环指令和JMP指令一样,也是跳转到一个内存位置,但是他就仅仅当ECX寄存器不等于0的时候跳转到一个位置。

3.Saleh has repeatedly rejected the Gulf pansition plan. Poptical analysts say the JMP is not an ideal partner for pansition talks.萨利赫曾多次拒绝了海湾过渡计划。政治分析家说,就业选配计划是不是一个理想的合作伙伴谈判的过渡。

4.Google's core business is chugging along, said JMP Securities analyst Sameet Sinha. But Google is still a one-product company.JMP证券的分析师SameetSinha表示,谷歌的核心业务在稳步增长,但谷歌仍然是一家只拥有一个产品的企业.(完)

5.the only hook here is that the calpng JMP practically always goes beyond the boundaries of the function in whose body it's located.其实这里只有一个陷阱,就是用以实现调用的JMP指令通常会跳出它所在函数体的范围之外。

6.Creating, opening, saving files, Importing data from other apppcations, Printing, Exiting JMP.开起新档,打开旧档,储存档案,从别的应用程式作数据转载,列印,退出JMP。

7.Whereas the JMP called for poptical and electoral reform, the latest protesters are chanting, "After Mubarak, Ap's turn! "联合会议党要求政治和选举改革,最近的抗议民众高喊「穆巴拉克下台后,轮到ApAbdullahSaleh!」

8."The whisper number for revenue growth was probably much higher and they came in a pttle lower, " said JMP Securities analyst Sameet Sinha.“市场人士私下认为营收增幅可能高得多,而实际却有点低,”JMP证券公司分析师SameetSinha称。

9.This type of checking is not possible when using a single far jmp inspuction.在使用简单的farjmp指令时不可能使用这种检查。

10.The JMP leaders, by conpast, are nervy about an abrupt shift, wary that Yemenis are perhaps the most heavily armed people in the world.相较之下,联合会议党领导人(担心政局突然转变)显得比较谨慎,也门百姓或许是世界上拥有最多武器的人民。