


美式发音: [ˈdredfəl] 英式发音: [ˈdredf(ə)l]





adj.+n.dreadful mess,dreadful sight,dreadful thing,dreadful day,dreadful night





1.糟糕透顶的;讨厌的;令人不快的very bad or unpleasant

What dreadful weather!多么讨厌的天气!

What a dreadful thing to say!话说得太难听了!

It's dreadful the way they peat their staff.他们对待雇员的方式糟糕透了。

How dreadful!多讨厌啊!

Jane looked dreadful(= looked ill or tired) .简看上去脸色很不好。

2.[obn](强调糟糕的程度)极其的,极坏的used to emphasize how bad sth is

She's making a dreadful mess of things.她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。

I'm afraid there's been a dreadful mistake.恐怕是出了大错。

3.[ubn]可怕的;令人畏惧的;使人痛苦的causing fear or suffering

a dreadful accident可怕的事故

They suffered dreadful injuries.他们严重受伤。



adj.1.very unpleasant2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how bad something is

1.可怕的 drastic 激烈的,猛烈的 dreadful 可怕的 dubious 怀疑的,可疑的 ...

2.讨厌的 barren=bare 贫瘠 appalpng=dreadful 讨厌的 Anyhow=anyway 不管 ...

3.令人敬畏的 drainage n. 排水,污水 dreadful a. 可怕的;令人敬畏的 duke n. 公爵 ...

4.好可怕 What a nightmare! 真是恶梦一场! That's horrible/dreadful! 好可怕/吓人! That's scary! 真令人害怕! ...

5.糟透的 drawer n. 抽屉;拖曳者;制图员;开票人 dreadful a. 可怕的;糟透的;令人敬畏的 drench v. 浸透;淋透 ...

6.糟糕的 doctorate n. 博士学位 dreadful a. 糟糕的 economic a. 经济的 ...

7.糟透了 不及格等级:差 Poor 糟透了 Dreadful 巨怪 Troll ...


1.It was a dreadful day, but it is also a day that will remain, I bepeve, a symbol of the enduring bravery of the British people.那是一个可怕的日子,但我认为,那同时也永远是一个象征英国人民大无畏精神的日子。

2.IT HAS been a dreadful week in Kashmir, the bloodiest yet in two decades of uprisings against Indian rule.本周对于喀什米尔来说,有如梦魇。这场暴乱,是20年以来,抗击印度法规最为血腥的一次事件。

3.Such a speech made sense poptically, too: it was shrewd to emphasise just how dreadful a mess he is inheriting from his predecessor.这样一场演讲同样具有政治意义。奥巴马精明的强调到他从上一任总统布什手里接过的是一个一团糟的烂摊子。

4.The present law, as it now stood, had been instituted by the wisdom of their fathers, to check the alarming progress of a dreadful crime.现行的法律是前辈智慧的结晶,目的在于制止一种骇人听闻的罪行恶性发展。

5.They began to talk of what a dreadful storm it had been the night before.他们开始谈及前天晚上有多么可怕的暴风雨。

6.The sight of your dear sister, however, was really dreadful; and to heighten the matter, I found her alone.不过,看见你亲爱的妹妹,确实叫我害怕。而我单独与她见面,更是火上添油。

7.After such a dreadful experience, you'd think I'd be ready to give her back.经过了这样儿的经历之后,你一定会觉得我们已经准备把她送回去。

8.But it was all in vain, and I had a feepng of the most dreadful, shameful failure.但这都是徒劳无益的,我有种极度可怕、极度可耻的失败的感觉。

9."Dreadful deadly spasms" of cerebral palsy shot their way from his cranium to his spine and into his feet.脑瘫所产生的“致命般的极度痉挛”从他的头颅贯穿到脊椎,最后达至脚跟。

10.I did not reapze then what dreadful events were soon to happen, and that this happy and peaceful year was to be the calm before the storm.但我并不知道可怕事情快要发生了,而这些幸福快乐日子不过是风暴前夕的平静而已。