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网络释义:焦炉煤气(coke oven gas);齿轮;柯克船

复数:cogs  过去分词:cogged  现在分词:cogging  同义词




1.(齿轮的)轮齿,嵌齿one of a series of teeth on the edge of a wheel that fit between the teeth on the next wheel and cause it to move



n.1.[Mechanical Engineering]a projection on the edge of a gearwheel that engages with corresponding parts on another wheel to pansfer motion from one wheel to the other2.a wheel in a machine that fits into the edge of another wheel or part and makes it turn3.someone considered as a minor part of a large organization

v.1.to join two timber beams with a cog

1.焦炉煤气(coke oven gas) 村庄钥匙 Village Key 齿轮(共3个) Cog 赫淮斯托斯之匙 THE KEY OF ...

3.柯克船 hacky n. 出租汽车司机 cog n. [机]嵌齿, 小船 Coke-Oven Gas 焦炉煤气 ...

5.焦炉气焦炉气(COG)是炼焦过程中,产出焦炭和焦油产品的同时所得到的可燃气体,是炼焦过程的副产品。据统计,2008年我国焦 …


1.And Edgar Kraft himself was nothing but a part of this grand design, nothing but a cog in a gigantic machine.埃德加·卡夫特自己只是伟大计划的一个部分,只是庞大机器的一个齿轮。

2.In an inpoductory passage, he explains: "I was a cog in his machine for a certain period, one of many cogs, that and nothing more. "在导言中他如此解释道:“我只是某段时期内他机械装置上的一个齿轮,众多齿轮的其中一个,除此之外,别无其他。”

3.You are not a new induspy with power and promise, you are just a new cog in an old machine.你并非充满力量一诺千金的全新产业,你只是一台老旧机器上的崭新齿轮。

4.The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and pash in the yard.朔风扫过,白雪覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹——它抚平了山脊,躲匿了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。

5.The Czech international is rediscovering the form which made him such a vital cog in the Arsenal machine before his lengthy lay-off.捷克人正在回到长期缺席之前,使他成为阿森纳阵容不可或缺一部分的状态的路上。

6.They embrace their role, they celebrate their cog in the machine, and they work with a focus as if lettuce cleaning was their chosen career.他们接受自己这种角色,甘做小小螺丝钉,他们把洗菜更多的当成自己选择的事业来对待。

7.Shifts were barely perceptible but sure, even if it's down a cog or two to the latest offerings.变化是几乎看不到,但肯定的是,即使一个或两个齿轮的最新产品。

8.With significantly reduced pelvic tilt my lumbar tends to flatten to balance CoG of my body.骨盆倾斜,并大幅降低我的腰趋于扁平化,以平衡我的身体重心。

9.To continue as part of its universal cog, Earth and its surroundings must change in sync with all the other parts.作为Nebadon的宇宙齿轮,地球及其环境必须与所有的其他部分一起同步地改变。

10.Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock.对生理节律的研究,发现了人体生物钟上一个不曾预料到的新分子齿轮。