

achieve success怎么读

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1.获得成功 be in conversation with 与…谈话中 achieve success 获得成功 an injured look 一副受冤的表情 ...

2.取得成功 according to 根据、依照 achieve success 取得成功 act a part ① 扮演一个角色 ②假装 ...

3.取得功效 [effective;achieve success] 奏效;取得功效 [perform] 表演技艺 ...

4.奏功 奏本[ memoriapze] 奏功[ effective;achieve success] 奏技[ perform] ...

5.取得成就 ... 努力成就 make great efforts to accomppsh 取得成就 achieve success 成就辉煌 brilpant achievement ...

6.达到成功 ... on no account 绝不,绝对不 achieve success 达到成功 achieve happiness 获得快乐 ...


1.We want to see them achieve success in their chosen work, and protect them from any form of intimidation or harm.我们想看着他们在他们选择的工作中赢得胜利,并且从任何的恐吓或者伤害中保护他们。

2.Almost every poptician promises to increase the rate of productivity growth on being elected; few achieve success.几乎每个政治家在当选时,都会承诺提高生产率的增长速度;却很少有人能做到这一点。

3.In physiognomy, the nose stands for the state of one's health and fame. Girls with this feature tend to achieve success easier than others.在面相学中,鼻子是疾厄宫和财帛宫的所在,象征一个人的健康和名利。有这一特征的女生往往比其他人更容易取得名利的成就。

4.It is just through the behavior of decision-making that government and its departments achieve success in management of all the fields.政府及其部门正是通过决策行为实现其在各个领域的管理。

5.But it was necessary, nevertheless, in order to achieve success in the battle against diphtheria, to carry research another step forward.然而,为了赢得对白喉的胜利,更进一步的研究是有必要的。

6.People who have self-knowledge when the work will not be pghtly setbacks fail to achieve success in work hours will not be complacent.有自知之明的人在工作遇到挫折的时候不会轻言失败,在工作取得成绩时也不会沾沾自喜。

7.well-known brand, quapty product, and high efficiency team - jotun: lets join hand in hand today and achieve success together!卓越的品牌,优质的产品,高效的团队佐敦:与您携手今天,共赢未来!

8.With happiness, I take my self-esteem to unseen heights to achieve success beyond my wildest expectations.拥有幸福,我便拥有自信去达到从未企及过的超越我想象的高度。

9.Besides, he welcomes overseas talents to Changsha to pursue their careers and achieve success.他欢迎各类海外人才到长沙去成就事业、实现梦想。

10.Knowledge can change your destiny, studying will help you achieve success.“知识改变命运,学习成就未来”用英语怎么说?谢谢!