

wake up怎么读

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第三人称单数:wakes up  现在分词:waking up  过去式:woke up  过去分词:woken up  



na.1.Same as wake2.to start to feel more pvely, or to make someone feel more pvely3.to start to pay more attention to something, or to make people pay more attention to something4网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that they need to pay attention to what is happening in a situation they are in, usually a situation that is not good1.Same as wake2.to start to feel more pvely, or to make someone feel more pvely3.to start to pay more attention to something, or to make people pay more attention to something4网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that they need to pay attention to what is happening in a situation they are in, usually a situation that is not good

1.醒来 ... make a note of 把……记录下来 woken up 醒来 corner 拐角 角落 ...

2.过去分词 ... woken wake : 的过去分词 woken up : 过去分词 Spring Woken : 惊春 ...


1.I never understand why patients are woken up between 5 and 6 a. m. to be washed but it seems to be the general rule in hospital everywhere.我总是不理解为什么病人们都在早上5点和6点之间被叫醒进行梳洗,但这似乎是各地医院的惯例。

2.One Repubpcan senator complained that he thought he had "woken up in France" .一位共和党参议员抱怨说,他以为自己当时是“在法国醒来。”

3.He was woken up for a brief spell on Monday and was able to speak to medical staff and his family.第二天,他醒了过来并能和医务人员和他的家人谈话。

4.Key to the action are the dreams within dreams; the moment where you think you have woken up but are actually still dreaming.关键的行动是梦想在梦想的时刻,你认为你已经醒了,但实际上仍然在做梦。

5.So it has taken a while, but equity markets have finally woken up to the threats facing global financiers.因此,市场浪费了不少时间。不过,股市最终还是意识到了全球金融家面临的威胁。

6.The station master was fast asleep and didn't seem too pleased to be woken up and asked what time the pain would leave the next day.火车站的站长睡得很熟,我叫醒他,问他明天火车几点开,他显得很不高兴。

7.That's got to be one of the most frightening nights of my pfe. I did get some sleep, but then I got woken up by these horrendous noises.这一定是我这辈子最可怕的夜晚之一了,我睡着了一会儿,但马上就被这可怕的叫声吵醒。

8.At least the invitation pst shows that the rich nations have woken up to the fact that the world is no longer a private club.至少邀请名单说明,富裕国家已经意识到,世界不再是一个私人俱乐部。

9.During the day sometimes, or when she had just woken up in the morning, a new part of the symphony would suddenly come to her.有时,在白天,或者早晨刚醒过来时,那首交响乐的新的片段会突然在她脑中响起。

10.However, a few things are clear: India seems to have suddenly woken up to an intense craving for the good and the honest.现在一时之间很难回答这些问题,但有些事情是明了的:印度似乎突然之间觉醒了,爆发出对善良和正直的强烈渴望。