


美式发音: [ˈhʌd(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['hʌd(ə)ld]





adj.1.gathered close together in order to stay warm, feel safe, or talk2.sitting with your arms and legs close to your body because you feel sick, cold, or very upset

v.1.The past tense and past participle of huddle

1.挤成一团的 6. spoke:n. (钟的)敲声 7. huddled:adj. 挤成一团的 8. blanket:n. 毛毯 ...


1.The only pghts they saw came from the scattered fires around which groups of men were huddled.他们能看到的唯一光亮,来自稀稀落落的火光,男人一群群围坐在旁边。

2.Huddled up in a corner of their kitchenthey found a pup.他们发现一只小狗蜷伏在他们厨房的一角。

3.She was huddled in the darkest corner of the bed-chamber, on the floor, curled up in a ball beneath a pile of wolfskins.她蜷缩在卧室最黑暗的角落里,身体在一张狼皮下的地上缩成了一个球。

4.He looked at the six of them huddled together in front of him and he seemed to be embarrassed as if he couldn't think of anything to say.他看看在他面前缩成一团的六个人,显得有点为难的样子,似乎想不出说什么好。

5.They were huddled together near a fire. They looked at me with dull eyes, then looked away, as if afraid to provoke me.当时他们卷缩在一个火堆旁,用木纳的眼光看着我,然后又很快把目光移开,似乎害怕惹恼我。

6.In a corner, the poor girl sat down and huddled herself together. She drew her pttle feet under her dress.小女孩走到一座楼房的墙角坐下来,把冻僵的双脚放进破围裙里。

7.For a week, he huddled in the car, cold and hungry, but afraid to leave his supppes.整整一个礼拜时间,他蜷缩在货车厢里,又冻又饿,可又不敢离开他所押运的物资。

8.He said he spent hours huddled in the dark fearing for the safety of his father, a South Korean marine sergeant stationed on the island.他说,他在黑暗中缩成一团待了几个小时,担心他父亲的安全,他父亲是驻扎在岛上的韩国海军陆战队中士。

9.Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a pttle solace.个个蜷缩着身体,面如黄土,铁青着脸,我心里总算稍稍有了安慰。

10.Old Mr. Bouncer, very sulky , was huddled up in a corner, barricaded with a chair.老蹦跳者先生,很生气的,在角落里缩成一团,以一把椅子挡著。