




1.克拉申克拉申(krashen)把“可理解的输入量”(input+1)作为学习过程中的关键因素。当新输入知识或信息保持在可理解或接近的程度时, …

2.语言学家克拉申语言学家克拉申(Krashen)研究发现:儿童在习得母语时,要经历为期大约一年的“听”的过程(沉默期),然后才开口说出第一个词 …

3.美国语言学家克拉申美国语言学家克拉申(Krashen)在八十年代初提出的语言习得理论对外语教学影响深远。他提出“语言学习 ”(language learning) …

4.克拉欣【摘要】:通过对克拉欣(Krashen)监控理论及其i+1语言输入假说的应用,在大学外语的课堂教学及课外自主学习中的反复实践, …

5.克拉申的克拉申的(krashen)“输入假设”(input hypothesis)认为,学生习得语言通常是首先接触大量易懂的真实语言(输入语),并通 …

6.克拉辛克拉辛( Krashen) 的语言控制调节理论模式建立在五个假设之上。它们分别是: a1 自然获得与课堂语言学习的假设。

7.克莱森克莱森(Krashen)认为,在语言学习和语言获知的过程中,影响语言学习和获知的负面因素(affective filter)会直接影响学生 …


1.Speaking: teach krashen think the best method, is the only method, is to provide information and comprehensible input.克拉申认为:教说话的最好方法,也是唯一的方法,便是给学习者提供可理解的输入信息。

2.Therefore, according to Krashen, one can only be said to master a language when it has been acquired.因此,根据克拉申,只能说是掌握被收购时,它的语言。

3.According to Krashen's theory of Second Language Acquisition, affective factors play a very important role in foreign language learning.根据克拉申二语习得理论,情感因素在外语学习中起着很大的作用。

4.According to Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis, anxiety conpibutes to an affective filter, which prevents students from receiving inpu.根据克拉申的“情感过滤假设”,第二语言的习得进程受许多情感因素的影响。

5.Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis (1982) suggests that learners are dispacted by affective factors in language learning process.克拉申的情感过滤假说(1982)认为学习者在二语习得过程中颇受情感因素影响;

6.Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way.克莱森博士告诉我们兴趣阅读以不同的方式帮助每一个学生。

7.Though not everyone agrees with Krashen, it's hard to argue that reading more isn't a good thing.虽然克拉申的看法不是人人都同意,但我们很难去说多读不是件好事。

8.This thesis is aimed at studying Krashen "s Input Hypothesis and its effect on college Engpsh teaching in China. "本文旨在讨论提出的输入假说理论及其对第二语言教学的影响,尤其是对我国大学英语教学的指导意义。

9.The study is based on Theory of the Natural Route Hypothesis and the Affective Filter Hypothesis posed by Krashen, Discourse Theory .本研究是基于克拉申的“习得与学得假设”和“情感过滤假设”、话语理论。

10.Krashen's Input Hypothesis and its Enpghtenment on the Teaching of College Engpsh Writing克拉申的输入假说及其对大学英语写作的启示