




1.百威英博gic的最新统计数据称,去年中国雪花牌啤酒超越全球啤酒老大英博(AB-InBev)旗下“百威淡啤(BudLight)”,成为世界销量第一 …

3.百威英博公司百威英博公司(AB-INBEV)联合利华(UNILEVER) 屈臣氏(WATSONS) 欧莱雅(L'ORéAL) ◆◆ × 我的接听时间为: 从 …

4.百威英博啤酒集团百威英博啤酒集团(AB-Inbev) 亚太区副总裁、总法律顾问 Frank Wang

5.英博集团这次试饮的荷兰皇佳黑麦汁,由年营收高达390亿美金的世界最大饮品公司「英博集团」(AB-InBev) 的工厂生产制造。荷兰皇佳 …


1.AB InBev, maker of Budweiser, Stella Artois and Beck's, said in a statement that the panel had awarded no damages or remedies.英博在一份声明中称,该委员会已作出不予赔偿或补偿的裁定。

2.In China, Budweiser and Harbin, another AB InBev brand, also benefited from such promotions, the company added.该公司补充称,在中国,百威和哈尔滨啤酒(百威英博旗下另一个品牌)也得益于此类促销活动。

3.AB InBev said it would "vigorously contest" the lawsuit.百威英博表示,将“有力抗辩”这一诉讼。

4.I am eager to work with my new colleagues and grow with AB InBev in a brighter future.我热切地盼望能和新同事们一起工作,和百威英博一起成长,一起拥有更辉煌的未来。

5.We are pleased to announce that 2012 AB InBev GMT recruiting program is officially kicked off today!我们很高兴地跟大家宣布2012百威英博全球管理培训生招聘今天正式启动!

6.Welcome Join AB InBev Great Team!欢迎加入百威英博出色团队!

7.AB Inbev 2011 Global Management Trainee Campus Recruitment Team--Guangzhou百威英博2011全球管理培训生招聘广州校园大使团队

8.Trainings about culture of AB Inbev百威英博企业文化的培训

9.Face to face sharing about AB Inbev GMT pfe面对面的百威英博GMT生活的分享