



美式发音: [dɪˈploʊmə] 英式发音: [dɪˈpləʊmə]




复数:diplomas  复数:diplomata  搭配同义词

v.+n.get diploma,grant diploma,receive diploma,obtain diploma





n.1.an official document that proves you have successfully finished all the work in a course of study

1.文凭 ... 2)证书课程 certificates 3)大专文凭课程 diplomas 4)大学转学分课程 university pansfer programs ...

3.学位证书 ... dash: 冲撞 diplomas: 学位证书 loan: 贷款 ...

4.毕业证书 ... 2. diplomas; 文凭,毕业证书 1. Diploma of Induspial Health; 工业环境卫生 …

5.学历 终身学习 pfe-long study 学历 diplomas 能力 capabipties ...

6.所有文凭 Standards of Examinations 各级程度的要求 Diplomas 文凭试 New Book 新书简介 ...

8.文凭制度英国议员警告政府不要匆促推行新的文凭制度(Diplomas),否则将“欲速则不达”。雅思口语:故作镇定 雅思口语:别然我 热 …


1.Recruiters, however, do not always insist on degrees or diplomas in science journapsm.然而,招聘人员并不是一定要科学新闻学位的学生。

2.The day is past when the United States can afford to give high school diplomas to all who sit through four years of inspuction.美国能为每一位来听上四年高中课程的学生,发张高中文凭。

3.Received diplomas from the beginning I would pke to understand the end of student days.从领到毕业证起我要明白学生时代结束了。

4.So let me spoke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain.因此,为了激发一下你们的自负,我要真诚地指出,你们拿到的毕业证书也不是毫无用处的。

5.when that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas without having to set foot in a classroom.当这种情况发生时,学生们可以不用走进教室就能拿到他们的高中学位证书。

6.For many students, graduation is equals to unemployment, with diplomas in their hands. High degree is no longer a key to a good job.许多手握毕业证书的大学生,毕业即等同于失业,高学历已不再是获得好工作的关键因素。

7.Enclosed herewith are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.兹随函附寄毕业证书复印件两份及简历复印件一份,仅供参考。

8.Was Solzhenitsyn right in his diagnosis of the Russian intelpgentsia, that it amounted to no more than people with diplomas and good jobs?索尔仁尼琴认为俄罗斯知识界已沦为一帮有着体面工作、受过高等教育的乌合之众,他的诊断是否正确?

9.The gap between the wages of college graduates and those with only high school diplomas is now large by historical standards.现在,大学毕业生和高中毕业生之间的工资差异居于历史高位。

10.The bulk of the migrants, 60% or more, have only nine years of education; people with technical diplomas are rare.大多数农民工——超过60%,只接受了九年教育;拥有职业技能文凭的农民工很少。