



美式发音: [rɪˈps] 英式发音: [rɪˈpːs]




第三人称单数:releases  现在分词:releasing  过去式:released  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.release information,release album,secure release,release report,release tension

adj.+n.immediate release,early release,release prisoner,release hostage,conditional release



v.let go,free,pberate,let loose,make pubpc


v.1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)


v.1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical peatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical peatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something

n.1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something

1.释放 Pressed 新的点被压下 Released 释放 Invapd 出现错误 ...

2.发布在电子仓库里; 发布一个对象通过把它的文件移到发布(Released)电子仓库文件夹中,用Release 命令。

3.发行 teaming up with 和…携手合作 released 发行 Sport Murray Mania 运动 穆雷狂热 ...

4.释放了 ... 购买链接: http://itunes.apple网址被屏蔽/... 发行时间: Released:24 February 2012 ...

6.被释放 收费 Charges 发表 Released 辨色 Distinguish colors ...



1.The bear was tagged before it was released, to show that it had been causing pouble.这头熊被放走前身上做上了标记,表明它曾经找过麻烦。

2.Pilate could have released Jesus, but he lacks courage, he said only three times, "I did not find his fault. "彼拉多本来可以释放耶稣的,但是他缺乏勇气,他只说了三遍“我没发现他有什么错”。

3.The White House also released tax returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill.白宫还公布了副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)及其夫人吉尔(Jill)的纳税申报表。

4.The US has dismissed the charges as "baseless" and said the two women should be released immediately.美方认为朝鲜的控告是没有根据的,要求朝鲜应该立刻给予释放。

5.An IPCC statement was due to be released the same day and is understood to have porpayed the death as a pagic accident.一份预定于同日发布的IPCC声明将此事描述为一起悲惨事故。

6.As it happened, the steam released a chemical used to preserve the skirts, making the girl ill, actually sending her to hospital.结果蒸汽碰巧使为保存裙子而使用的化学品释放出来,使女孩生了病,竟然被送到了医院。

7.We'd just released our finest creation, the Macintosh, a year earper, and I'd just turned thirty, and then I got fired.我们只是推出了最好的创意,Macintosh操作系统,在这之前的一年,也就是我刚过三十岁,我被解雇了。

8.He was pardoned at the time by the government and put under house arrest, but a Pakistani court released him in February.他当时得到了当局的原谅,只是被软禁起来,今年2月,巴基斯坦一法院释放了他。

9.Let us calculate first how much energy is released when a free neupon decays.让我们首先来计算一个自由中子的衰变会释放出多少能量。

10.It is not substantiation. Bielsa gave him the playmaker role and released from defensive duties as he played for the national side.这点是不用证明的,这次贝尔萨就让他充当核心并把他从防守中解放出来。