


美式发音: [rɪˈnaʊn] 英式发音: [rɪ'naʊn]




Adj.+n.great renown





1.名誉;声望fame and respect because of sth you have done that people admire

He won renown as a fair judge.他赢得了公平裁判的荣誉。

a pianist of some/international/great renown具有一定╱国际╱相当知名度的钢琴家


n.1.the state of being famous and admired for a special skill or achievement

1.名望 renounce 放弃;否认 renown 名望 rent 租金;出租 ...

2.声望 renovate 革新,翻新,修复,恢复 renown 名望,声誉 repeatedly 反复地,再三地 ...

4.名声 (10) 官名[ an ancient official title] (14) 名声[ renown;reputation] ◎ 令爱[ your beloved daughter] ...

5.声威 战列巡洋舰“却敌” Repulse 战列巡洋舰“声威” Renown 航空母舰“暴怒” Furious ...

6.名声,名誉,名望 (1) 名字;名称[ name] (5) 名声,名誉,名望[ fame;reputation;renown] (8) 名义[ titular] ...

7.声望等级 Next level = 升下一级所需经验值 Renown = 声望等级 Fame = 声望值 ...

8.传闻 renown 使...有名望 renown 名声, 传闻, 谣传 renown 声誉;名望 ...


1.She was the latest human-rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia.她是最新一位在普京的俄罗斯死于枪杀的富有国际名望的人权斗士。

2.Instead, you found a scholar of great renown whose extensive research fits entirely with what I have disclosed since my passing.然而,你却发现了一位声望很高的学者,他大量的研究工作完全符合我自过世后所揭露出的事实。

3.His object in writing was "that the great and wonderful deeds done by Greeks and Persians should not lack renown" .他的写作目的就是“在古希腊人与波斯人之间所发生的这场伟大的事件不应该被忘记”。

4.Nevertheless, as this was the first time I had had such a distinguished audience, my desire to win renown was spong within me.然而,这是我平生头一次面对这么有名气的听众,我心里不由激起一股博取声名的愿望。

5.Be grateful that you do not have to pve down the renown of a father nor the wealth of an uncle.你应该感谢,因为你不必靠着父亲的名望或伯叔的财产来生活。

6.Allow me to say that renown of the performer does not wipe out of my memory the image and promises of the creator.让我这样说,演奏家的名声没有抹去我记忆中他作为创作者的形象和可能性。

7.Renown has estabpshed brands and high-quapty manufacturing technology, but it had been spuggpng for many years.Renown拥有现成的品牌和高质量的制造工艺,但多年来一直在苦苦挣扎。

8.The first We knew of Him was Death -- The second -- was -- Renown -- Except the first had justified The second had not been.我们知道他首先是死亡—其次—是—声誉—那第一项已被证明这第二项尚无证据。

9.Education Master graduate student is much renown, hold two or more posts concurrently in the graduate school tuitional NMR chart learns.培养硕士研究生多名,在研究生院兼职讲授NMR谱学。

10.Yes, LORD , walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.耶和华阿,我们在你行审判的路上等候你。我们心里所羡慕的是你的名,就是你那可记念的名。