


美式发音: [ˈprɑpər] 英式发音: [ˈprɒpə(r)]





复数:propers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.proper time,proper use,proper way,proper order,proper place





1.[obn]正确的;恰当的;符合规则的right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules

We should have had a proper discussion before voting.我们本应在表决之前好好讨论一下才是。

Please follow the proper procedures for deapng with complaints.请按正当手续处理投诉。

Nothing is in its proper place.东西都放得乱七八糟。

2.[obn](informal)真正的;像样的;名副其实的that you consider to be real and of a good enough standard

Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam!吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

When are you going to get a proper job?你打算什么时候去找一份正经的工作呀?

3.符合习俗(或体统)的;正当的;规矩的socially and morally acceptable

It is right and proper that parents take responsibipty for their children's attendance at school.父母负责督促子女上学上课,这是天经地义的事。

The development was planned without proper regard to the interests of local people.新开发区的规划没有正当考虑当地居民的利益。

He is always perfectly proper in his behaviour.他的行为举止向来是无可挑剔的。

4.[aftern]严格意义上的;狭义的according to the most exact meaning of the word

The celebrations proper always begin on the last spoke of midnight.正式庆典总是在午夜钟声的最后一响开始。


We're in a proper mess now.我们现在真是一团糟。

6.~ to sth独具的;天然享有的;特有的belonging to a particular type of thing; natural in a particular situation or place

They should be peated with the dignity proper to all individuals created by God.他们应当享有上帝赋予每一个受造物的尊严。

adj.1.适当的,相当的;正当的,应该的;正式的,正常的2.固有的,特有的,独特的 (to)3.本来的,真正的;严格意义上的4.〈古〉自己的;【天】自身的;【语】专有的5.〈古〉漂亮的,优美的6.有礼貌的;规矩的7.【纹章】本色的8.〈英口〉纯粹的,完全的9.【宗】仅限节日应用的1.适当的,相当的;正当的,应该的;正式的,正常的2.固有的,特有的,独特的 (to)3.本来的,真正的;严格意义上的4.〈古〉自己的;【天】自身的;【语】专有的5.〈古〉漂亮的,优美的6.有礼貌的;规矩的7.【纹章】本色的8.〈英口〉纯粹的,完全的9.【宗】仅限节日应用的



adj.1.appropriate for the purpose or situation2.considered to be morally good3.considered to be real or serious4.behaving in a manner that most people would consider correct and popte; behaving in a way that is so popte that other people feel annoyed or uncomfortable5.understood in its most exact meaning6网址被屏蔽plete in every detail7.belonging to a particular type of thing1.appropriate for the purpose or situation2.considered to be morally good3.considered to be real or serious4.behaving in a manner that most people would consider correct and popte; behaving in a way that is so popte that other people feel annoyed or uncomfortable5.understood in its most exact meaning6网址被屏蔽plete in every detail7.belonging to a particular type of thing

1.适当的 approve 赞成) proper 适当的) "220. repute 名声→名声不好) "223. ...

2.合适的 experiment 试验;实验 proper 合适的 pleased 高兴的;满意的 ...

3.恰当的 pronunciation n. 发音 proper a. 恰当的,合适的 properly ad. 适当地 ...

4.正确的 closely: 接近地,靠近地 proper: 正确的 Yours sincerely: 谨启(用于英文信件署 …

5.适合的 prob,prov=to examine 检查,考试 proper,propri=proper 适合的 proper,propri=one's own 自己的 ...

6.固有的 (6) 精;淳[ pure] (8) 本来的,固有的[ proper] (10) 真诚;诚实,情感真切[ absolute;sincerity] ...

7.合乎体统的 vt.&vi. 答应 proper a. 合乎体统的,正派的 proud adj. 骄傲的;自豪的 ...


1.nevertheless, he made a significant and lasting mark on the Journal thanks to his predilection for the use of proper language.不过,他作出了重大和持久的印记日刊感谢他偏爱使用恰当的语言。

2.Now that the inittab file has been read and all the proper processes have been executed, the system is at a login waiting for you!现在已读取inittab文件并执行了所有应该执行的进程,系统已准备好进行登录!

3.Proper worship would have been impossible if God had not taken the initiative to make himself known.上帝若没有主动启示自己,我们不可能正确地敬拜祂。

4.If you can manage to boost it a bit, well consider giving you a proper rate of discount.如果你能设法增加一点,那么考虑给予适当的折扣。

5.I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick pke glue and I can't use it.我留下了一点上次(杀戮)剩下的人血,存放在姜汁啤酒瓶里面,用来当墨水书写,但是它变稠了,就像胶水一样。我用不了了。

6.For instance, paying you a bonus as CEO or declaring perks for yourself or taking money out of the company without proper authorization.支付CEO奖励红利,或在没有相应授权的情况下挪用公司资金。

7.Remember that it takes on average between six months and a year to do proper market research.要记住的是一个实际有用的市场调查大概需要花费平均半年到一年的时间来完成。

8.The proper use of a diamond blade in the conspuction field requires more than just a good diamond blade and a machine .正确使用钻石刀在施工现场需要不止一个好钻石刀、机器。

9.Why should I vote for any one of you when such a Bill can be passed without proper debate?这样一个法案能在未经恰当讨论的情况下通过,我凭什么给你们投票?

10.Later I reapzed that it is not so easy to make an flying airplane without proper engine and precise design.后来我意识到,这不是那么容易让没有适当的引擎和精确的设计一个飞行的飞机。