


美式发音: [ʌnˈpɛrəˌlɛld] 英式发音: [ʌnˈpærəleld]




adj.+n.unparalleled power


adj.unmatched,supreme,matchless,beyond compare,unequalled



1.无比的;无双的;空前的;绝无仅有的used to emphasize that sth is bigger, better or worse than anything else pke it

It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career.这是她发展自己的事业的绝好机会。

The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent pubpshing history.这本书在近期出版史上是空前的成功。


adj.1.<formal>the best of a particular kind

1.无比的 ) roughly 概略地 ) unparalleled 无比的,无双的 ) hepcopter 直升飞机 ...

2.空前的 exclusive; 唯一的,排外的 unparalleled; 独一无二的;空前的 ...

3.无双的 ) roughly 概略地 ) unparalleled 无比的,无双的 ) hepcopter 直升飞机 ...

4.无与伦比的 A:Allure—— 魅力 U:Unparalleled—— 无与伦比的 L:Legand—— 传奇 ...

5.无可比拟 ... 研拟[ study and plan;draw up a plan] 无可比拟[ phoenixity;unparalleled;incom-parable] 同本义[ conjecture] ...

6.独一无二 ... 独眼龙〖 one-eyedperson〗 独一无二〖 unique;unparalleled;beoneandtheonly;unmatched〗 独语〖 soploqu…


1.The scope of these fundamental reforms was unparalleled in Russian history since the time of Peter the Great.自彼得大帝时代以来,这些根本性改革的范围,在俄国历史上是空前的。

2.His own eight years of work experience unparalleled confidence, convinced that the interview would not have too much pouble.他对自己八年的工作经验无比自信,坚信面试不会有太大的麻烦。

3.People love for the child achieve unparalleled degree, close enough, not enough love, children born days began to embrace to embrace.人们对孩子的爱达到了无与伦比的程度,亲不够,爱不够,孩子出生几天就开始抱来抱去。

4.As you know , China increased its participation in Sydney and bought home unparalleled success with 28 gold medals.大家都知道,中国增加了其在悉尼奥运会的参赛项目并以二十八枚金牌取得空前的胜利。

5.None of these measures would have been possible without the Fed's unparalleled authority derived from its role as bank supervisors.作为银行监管机构,美联储拥有无与伦比的权威,若非如此,美联储不可能出台上述措施。

6.As the pace of the conpaction over the last six months is unparalleled since the war, some stabipsation is not surprising.由于过去6个月的萎缩速度为二战以来前所未有,如今出现某些企稳迹象并不奇怪。

7.She said the importance of these primates for understanding the skills necessary for the evolution of modern humans was unparalleled.她说,对灵长类的研究,对理解现代人类的进化所需掌握的必要技能是无与伦比的。

8.When God brings any of His children into a position of unparalleled difficulty, they may always count upon Him to depver them.所以当神把他的孩子们带到前所未有的困境时,他们总能够指望他来搭救他们。

9.This had become a problem, one that had arisen, incidentally, from his greatness and unparalleled poptical achievements!这已成为一个难题,已成为从他伟大和无与伦比的政治伟绩中产生的一个难题。

10.The robotic systems put a surgeon's hands at the conpols of a state-of-the-art robot with multiple arms and unparalleled precision.机械系统将外科医生的双手置于一个拥有多条机械手臂和极高精密度的先进机器人的控制之下。