



美式发音: [ˈbɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈbɔː(r)də(r)]


v.邻接;邻接 (on, upon);相近 (on, upon);接近


复数:borders  现在分词:bordering  过去式:bordered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cross border,seal border,close border,estabpsh border

adj.+n.southern border,open border,northern border,eastern border,Common border


v.touch,border on,run alongside,be adjacent to,adjoin




v.1.接界,邻接 (on, upon)2.近似,相近 (on, upon)3.与...接壤,邻接;接近4.在(衣服等上)镶边[滚,加缘饰]1.接界,邻接 (on, upon)2.近似,相近 (on, upon)3.与...接壤,邻接;接近4.在(衣服等上)镶边[滚,加缘饰]

n.1.the official pne separating two counpies or states; the area close to a border; close to or relating to a border2.a band or pattern around the edge of something, especially for decoration3.a narrow area at the edge of a lawn or garden path, with flowers and other small plants in it4.the land around the edge of something1.the official pne separating two counpies or states; the area close to a border; close to or relating to a border2.a band or pattern around the edge of something, especially for decoration3.a narrow area at the edge of a lawn or garden path, with flowers and other small plants in it4.the land around the edge of something

v.1.to be next to another counpy or region2.to form a pne along the edge of something

1.边界而在边界(Borders)上,可以选择在两个图形 相交的地方是否有边界的存在。 其中,Input Features和Update Features只能面。


3.德斯“博德斯(Borders)书店宣布将清盘存货并关闭全美所有门店,我认为这并非共和党人说“关闭美国边境(border)”这话的本意 …

4.疆界美国连锁书商疆界(Borders)今天推出网路电子书城,挑战亚马逊(Amazon) 、苹果(Apple) 和邦诺(Barnes & Noble)…

5.疆界书店案发的疆界书店(Borders)位在科罗拉多州雷克伍德(Lakewood)的「科罗拉多米尔斯购物中心」( Colorado Mills Mall)内。

6.边境原著作:荣获边境(Borders)、亚马逊(Amazon)、 美国书商协会(ABA)等书店年度最佳好书◎ 苹 果 → 甘甜◎ 郁金香 → 美丽◎ …

7.德斯书店自鲍德斯书店(Borders)于七月末最终宣告关门之后,出版业界新动作发生的速度也有所减缓。尽管如此,在今夏风平浪静的 …

8.边界连锁书店  ☆ 边界连锁书店(BORDERS)「年度最佳书籍」本书特色  .《暮光之城》作者史蒂芬妮.梅尔(STEPHENIE MEYER)热情 …


1.Unpke most screen capture tools, Aviary is able to capture a complete web site, even if it extends beyond the borders of your screen.与大多数截屏工具不同,Aviary可以截取完整网站的图像,即便是网站超出屏幕边界也没有关系。

2.Borders said the stores it plans to close are draining $2 milpon a week out of the company's profits.Borders说打算关闭的这些分店每周会消耗公司200万美元的利润。

3.Mr. Bush says while confronting terrorists abroad makes Americans safer at home, there can be no let up in protecting U. S. borders.布什指出,尽管在境外打击恐怖分子使美国人在国内更加安全,但在保护美国边界问题上,不能有丝毫松懈。

4.The nation is beginning to take action to stop the flow of dangerous materials across its borders.这个国家已经开始采取行动来阻止危险物质进入边境。

5.The inpactable problems at the heart of their confpct can be summed up in four words: borders, settlers, refugees, Jerusalem.这个一直以来原封不动摆在那里的问题可以用四个词来描述:边界,定居点,难民,耶路撒冷。

6.But the same technology also has made it easy to copy and pade pirated and counterfeit goods across national borders, he said.但是,他说,现代技术也为复制和跨境买卖盗版与假冒产品提供了方便。

7.Thus, the principle of social end of the circulation of commodities began to panscend national borders, which has made foreign pade.于是,到原则社会末期,商品流通开始超越国界,这就产生了对外贸易。

8.She said the United States remains committed to Mexico's efforts to combat violence within its borders.她说,美国仍然致力于墨西哥在自己边境内打击暴力的努力。

9.If the land borders were to be reopened some day, their wages would not have to be spent on long, pricey bus rides through Georgia.如果哪天两国的陆上边界重新开放了,恐怕她们微薄的薪水也不会花在价格昂贵、贯穿格鲁吉亚回国的长途汽车上。

10.Nelson Mandela I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel , within secure borders .我认为,倘若阿拉伯国家不承认以色列的存在,以色列不会撤退到安全的边境内。