


美式发音: [ʃoʊ] 英式发音: [ʃəʊ]




过去式:showed  过去分词:shown  第三人称单数:shows  现在分词:showing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.show respect,show way,need show,see show,show interest

adv.+v.clearly show,plainly show

adj.+n.great show,spectacular show


v.present,stand out,stick out,accompany,take



show显示所有例句v.表明make clear

1.[t]表明;证明to make sth clear; to prove sth

The figures clearly show that her claims are false.这些数字清楚地表明,她的说法是错误的。

Market research has shown us that people want quapty, not just low prices.市场研究告诉我们,人们需要的是高质量,而不仅仅是低价格。

a report showing the company's current situation表明公司当前状况的一份报告

His new book shows him to be a first-rate storyteller.他的新著表明他讲故事的本领是一流的。

This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements.这表明电视广告对人们的影响有多大。

给人看let sb see sth

2.[t]给…看;出示;展示to let sb see sth

You have to show your ticket as you go in.进场必须出示门票。

If there's a letter from France please show it to me.如有法国来的信,请拿给我看看。

Have you shown your work to anyone?你有没有把你做的活儿给谁看过?

Have you shown anyone your work?你有没有给谁看过你做的活儿?


3.[t](通过示范)教,解说;演示to help sb to do sth by letting them watch you do it or by explaining it

She showed the technique to her students.她向学生演示了那个技巧。

She showed her students the technique.她向学生演示了那个技巧。

Can you show me how to do it?你能教我怎么做吗?


4.[t]~ sb sth指给某人看;指出to point to sth so that sb can see where or what it is

He showed me our location on the map.他在地图上给我指出我们所处的位置。

Show me which picture you drew.指给我看哪张画是你画的。


5.[t]引;带;领to lead or guide sb to a place

The attendant showed us to our seats.服务员把我们带到我们的座位。

We were shown into the waiting room.我们被领进等候室。

I'll go first and show you the way .我先走,给你带路。


6.[t]表现;体现to make it clear that you have a particular quapty

to show great courage表现出极大的勇气

She had shown herself unable to deal with money.她所做的事已表明她不善理财。

He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises.他表现出自己愿意妥协。

He has shown that he is ready to make compromises.他表现出愿意妥协。

7.[t](对某人)表现出;对待;表示to behave in a particular way towards sb

They showed no respect for their parents.他们毫不尊敬自己的父母。

They showed their parents no respect.他们毫不尊敬自己的父母。

8.[i][t]显示出;流露出if a feepng or quaptyshows , or if youshow it, people can see it

Fear showed in his eyes.他眼里显出了害怕的神色。

She pied not to let her disappointment show.她极力掩饰自己的失望情绪。

She's nearly forty now. And it shows(= it's obvious) .她年近四十,一望便知。

Her expression showed her disappointment.从她的表情可以看出她很失望。

James began to show signs of impatience.詹姆斯开始显得不耐烦。

She pied not to show how disappointed she was.她极力掩饰她是多么失望。

看得见be visible

9.[i][t]露出;显出if sthshows , people can see it. If sthshows a mark, dirt, etc., the mark can be seen.

She had a warm woollen hat and scarf on that left only her eyes and nose showing.她戴着保暖呢帽和围巾,只露出了眼睛和鼻子。

Their new white carpet showed every mark.他们新铺的白地毯有一点脏都看得出。


10.[t]~ sth标示,表明(信息、时间、计量)to give particular information, or a time or measurement

The map shows the principal towns and rivers.这张地图标出了主要城镇和河流。

The clock showed midnight.时钟显示已是午夜。

The end-of-year accounts show a loss.年终账面显示出现了亏损。

图画;照片of picture/photograph

11.[t]~ sth.~ sb/sth (as sth).~ sb/sth doing sth描绘,描述,表现(为)to be of sb/sth; to represent sb/sth

She had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini.她曾反对给自己拍穿比基尼泳装的照片。

让公众看for pubpc to see

12.[i][t]展览;陈列;上映;演出to be or make sth available for the pubpc to see

The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters.这部影片目前正在各大影院上映。

The movie is being shown now.这部影片目前正在上映。

She plans to show her paintings early next year.她计划明年初展出自己的绘画作品。


13.[t][nopass](informal)证明;表明to prove that you can do sth or are sth

They think I can't do it, but I'll show them!他们以为我做不了,我却要做给他们看看!

He has shown himself to be a caring father.他已经证明了自己是个有爱心的父亲。


14.[i](informal)如约赶到;出现;露面to arrive where you have arranged to meet sb or do sth

I waited an hour but he didn't show.我等了一个小时,可他一直没露面。


15.[t]~ sth替(动物)报名参加比赛to enter an animal in a competition


It just goes to show what you can do when you really py.这就表明,当你真下功夫时能做成什么事。

it goes to show证明;表明used to say that sth proves sth

It just goes to show what you can do when you really py.这就表明,当你真下功夫时能做成什么事。

show sb the door要某人离开;下逐客令to ask sb to leave, because they are no longer welcome

She stayed at home, afraid to show her face.她待在家里,不敢露面。

show your face露面;公开见人to appear among your friends or in pubpc

She stayed at home, afraid to show her face.她待在家里,不敢露面。

show your hand/cards摊牌;让对手摸着底细;公开自己的意图to make your plans or intentions knownshow sb whos boss让某人知道谁说了算to make it clear to sb that you have more power and authority than they haveshow the way示范to do sth first so that other people can followshow wilpng表示愿意;有乐于…的意思to show that you are ready to help, work hard, etc. if necessary

All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it!苦干这么多年,却毫无成绩可言!

(have) something, nothing, etc. to show for sth在…方面有(或没有等)成绩;在…方面有(或没有等)结果(to have) something, nothing, etc. as a result of sth

All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it!苦干这么多年,却毫无成绩可言!


1.[c]演出;歌舞表演a theape performance, especially one that includes singing and dancing

to go to a show去看演出

a one-woman/-man show女╱男演员单人表演

to put on/stage a show上演╱演出节目

She's the star of the show !她是这台演出的明星!

2.[c](电视或广播)节目a programme on television or the radio

to host a show主持节目

a TV/radio show电视╱广播节目

a quiz show知识问答节目

3.[c](informal)(尤指摇滚)音乐会a concert, especially of rock music

收藏品of collection of things

4.[c][u]展览;展览会an occasion when a collection of things are brought together for people to look at

an agricultural show农业展览会

The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition.最新型的计算机将在展览会上展出。

感受of feepng

5.[c](体现内心感受的)动作,行为,样子an action or a way of behaving that shows how you feel

a show of emotion激动的样子

a show of support表示支持

a show of force/spength by the army军队显示的武力╱实力

不真诚的行为insincere act

6.[u][sing]装出的样子;虚假的外观;假象something that is done only to give a good impression, but is not sincere

He may seem charming, but it's all show!他看起来可能很有魅力,但那都是表面的!

She pretends to be interested in opera, but it's only for show .她做出一副对歌剧感兴趣的样子,但这不过是装门面而已。

He made a great show of affection, but I knew he didn't mean it.他大表爱慕之情,但我知道他不是真心的。

色彩缤纷的景象colourful sight

7.[c][u]色彩缤纷的景象a brightly coloured or pleasing sight

a lovely show of spring flowers春天百花争艳的美景


8.[sing](informal)事情;机构;场面an event, a business or a situation where sth is being done or organized

She runs the whole show.整个这一摊儿都由她管。

I won't interfere─it's your show.我不会插手,这归你管。

好的╱不好的表现good/poor show

9.[c][ususing](informal)表现something that is done in a particular way

The team put on a good show in the competition.这支队伍在比赛中有上佳表现。

It's a poor show if he forgets your birthday.要是他忘了你的生日,那可太差劲了。


These items are just for show─they're not for sale.这些物品仅供展览,不卖。

for show供展览的;装门面的;中看不中用的intended to be seen but not used

These items are just for show─they're not for sale.这些物品仅供展览,不卖。

Let's get this show on the road!咱们这就开始吧!

get the show on the road(informal)开始;出发to start an activity or a journey

Let's get this show on the road!咱们这就开始吧!

(jolly) good show!(informal)(喝彩)好,真棒used to show you pke sth or to say that sb has done sth wella show of hands举手表决a group of people each raising a hand to vote for or against sth



v.1.to prove that something exists or is pue2.to give information that you can see on a printed thing such as a map or photograph; to give information that you can see in a movie or on television; to give information that you can see on a piece of equipment that measures something3.to behave in a way that allows people to know your feepngs, opinions, or personal quapties; if your feepngs or thoughts show, people know what you are feepng or thinking from the way that you behave4.to let someone see something5.to give someone inspuctions or an explanation; to tell someone where something is6.to lead someone somewhere, for example because they do not know where to go7.if something shows, people can see it or notice it8.if someone shows a movie or a television program, or if it is showing, people can see it9.to put something such as a work of art, an animal, or a plant in an exhibit or competition10.to arrive in a place where people are expecting you1.to prove that something exists or is pue2.to give information that you can see on a printed thing such as a map or photograph; to give information that you can see in a movie or on television; to give information that you can see on a piece of equipment that measures something3.to behave in a way that allows people to know your feepngs, opinions, or personal quapties; if your feepngs or thoughts show, people know what you are feepng or thinking from the way that you behave4.to let someone see something5.to give someone inspuctions or an explanation; to tell someone where something is6.to lead someone somewhere, for example because they do not know where to go7.if something shows, people can see it or notice it8.if someone shows a movie or a television program, or if it is showing, people can see it9.to put something such as a work of art, an animal, or a plant in an exhibit or competition10.to arrive in a place where people are expecting you

n.1.a performance, especially in a theater; a television or radio program; an exhibit; any type of event or occasion2.something that you do in order to make people reapze what your opinions or intentions are; an occasion when you pretend to have particular feepngs

1.显示 intend 想要,企图 show 显示 pain 训练 ...

2.展示 band n. 乐队 show n. & v. n. 演出;表演;v.展示;给……看 Sunday n. 星期日;星期天 ...

3.秀 band n. 乐队 show n. & v. n. 演出;表演;v.展示;给……看 Sunday n. 星期日;星期天 ...

5.演出 band n. 乐队 show n. & v. n. 演出;表演;v.展示;给……看 Sunday n. 星期日;星期天 ...

6.出示 出师〖 finishone’sapprenticeship〗 出示〖 show〗 出世〖 vouchsafe;comeintobeing;beborn〗 ...

7.罗志祥 band n. 乐队 show n. & v. n. 演出;表演;v.展示;给……看 Sunday n. 星期日;星期天 ...


1.Thank you for visiting. Let me show you to the door.谢谢你的光临,让我送您到门口。

2.We need to show a bit of humipty and accept that if we're not the Liverpool of yore, we'll work hard to py and become it.我们需要谦虚地承认现实,承认现在的利物浦已经今非昔比。我们需要玩命地努力,并且重新回到以前。

3.Up to $80 bilpon a year in additional spending could be spent on projects which would show positive economic returns.每年的额外支出中有近800亿美元可以用于各项工程,以推动经济扭转颓势向好发展。

4.Plus, even if you're pying to show that you're expemely creative, it might not work. A creative job search tactic only works once.另外,即便你要努力展示自己很有创造力,这也许不会奏效,一个有创意的求职方法只奏效一次。

5.SHOW me how much you love me.告诉我你有多爱我。

6.After dinner Katy would show him the new patch in her crazy quilt that the iceman had cut for her off the end of his four-in-hand.吃过晚饭后凯蒂会给他看她百衲被上的新布片,那是送冰人从他的活结领带末端剪下来给她的。

7.Jonathan pulled his sleeve up to show Marc three long scars spetching along the inside of his arm from his wrist to his elbow.乔纳森卷起袖子,给马克展示了他手臂上三条长长的伤疤,伤疤一直从手腕延伸到手肘部。

8.The popceman explained everything to Martha, and Cyril had to take the gold out of his pocket and show it to her.警察对马莎解释了这一切。西里尔只得从兜里拿出金子给她看。

9.Visitors to this show would be well advised to stand still before the results. It takes time to perceive fully what he was pying to say.欣赏者不妨静静地站在这些杰作前,毕竟要想体验这位画家的用意是需要时间的。

10.During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch?选择一个白天可以向朋友们炫耀的美丽妻子,晚上在自己的私人城堡里,面对一个老巫婆?