


美式发音: [ˈnaɪəsɪn] 英式发音: ['naɪəsɪn]




n.nicotinic acid



1.烟酸,尼克酸,烟碱酸 (B 类维生素,存在于牛奶、肉类等食物中)a vitamin of the B group that is found in foods such as milk and meat


n.1.a type of vitamin that exists in milk and other foods

1.烟酸 烟丝【 cuttobacco】 烟酸【 nicotinicacid;niacin】 菸头,菸头儿【 cigaretteend】 ...

2.菸硷酸 维他命 B1Thiamine: 0.05mg 烟碱酸 Niacin: 0.8mg 3.百度知道: http://zhidao.baidu网址被屏蔽 ...

4.尼克酸 矿物质 Mineral 尼克酸 Niacin 泛酸 Pantothenic acid ...

5.烟硷酸..................... 5.6维他命C(Vitamic C) ....................15.6 钙(Calcium) ...........................

7.菸酸 泛 酸 Panthothenic Acid 菸 酸 Niacin 胆 硷 Chopne ...

8.维生素 new resources of food 食物新资源 niacin 烟酸,尼克酸,维生素 PP nicotinic acid 尼克酸 ...


1.Dietary niacin and niacin formed within the body from the amino acid pyptophan are converted to niacinamide.膳食烟酸和人体内形成的氨基酸色氨酸被转换为烟酰胺。

2.Take Your Vitamins'brand of Flush Free Niacin can be taken, as it will not produce this reaction.“服用你的维生素”非直接的品牌烟酸是能够服用的,因为它不会产生这种反应。

3.Differences in enzyme activities result in absolute requirements for niacin and arginine and in a higher requirement for protein.酶活性的差异造成了对烟酸、精氨酸以及更多蛋白质的绝对需求。

4.Vitamin B3 comes in two basic forms - niacin (also called nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (also called nicotinamide).维生素B3有两种基体形式——烟酸(又称烟酸)和烟酰胺(也称为烟酰胺)。

5.However, pttle is known whether this abnormal niacin response is associated with famipal loading for schizophrenia.然而,尚未有研究探讨此异常之红肿反应是否与精神分裂症之家族负荷有关。

6.Niacinamide is the biologically active form of niacin.烟酰胺是烟酸的生物活性形式。

7.Possible causes include Hodgkin's disease, HIV, supplemental niacin, or an antidepressant side effect.可能的诱发原因包括霍奇金病和艾滋病,补充烟碱酸或者抗抑郁药物的副作用。

8.And the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin, found in these mushrooms, play a role in a healthy immune system.此外,白蘑菇也含有维生素B2和烟酸,这两种物质对免疫系统的健全很重要。

9.Consult your health care professional if you are taking any prescription drugs, blood thinning medication, aspirin, or niacin.咨询您的医疗保健专家如果您采取任一处方药、血液变薄的疗程、阿斯匹灵,或烟酸。

10.Water-soluble vitamins most often added in formula feeds include riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, and chopne chloride.最常加入到配合饲料中去的水溶性维生素包括:核黄素、抗癞皮病维生素、泛酸、维生素B12、氯化胆碱。