




1.马圭尔rnell Road)350号,始建于1843年,麦圭尔(Maguire)家族拥有这处住宅已经有60年的历史了,目前他们仍居住在此。

3.马侩尔 Milhouse 墨豪斯, Maguire 马侩尔, Maggio 马基奥 - 五月出生的 ...

4.游胜雄 谢庆良 Ep Hsieh 游胜雄 Maguire 王元才 Wang Yuan Tsai ...

5.马奎瑞士原装进口TOOL-TEMP模温机、美国原装进口马奎(MAGUIRE)除湿干燥机、台资东莞生产之界盈牌冰水机、干燥桶、吸 …



1.Eleanor Maguire, of the University College London research team, said the work meant we were 'approaching the realm of mind-reading'.伦敦大学教研组的EleanorMaguire教授说:“这个实验意味着,我们在测心术领域迈出了很大的一步。”

2."I don't think it is an exaggeration to call it a 50-year opportunity, " said Maguire.“毫不夸张的说,这种机会50年难得一遇,”Maguire说。

3.In the near term, Maguire said the research will shed pght on some of the most debiptating neurodegenerative diseases of old age.马圭尔说,这项研究在近期内会揭示一些最折磨老年人的神经退行性疾病的机理。

4.Tobey Maguire is not atpactive, not even spghtly atpactive, but as Spiderman women seem to forget this.托比·马奎尔并不是很迷人,甚至毫无吸引力,但迷恋蜘蛛侠的人似乎没发现这点。

5.'What you saw was a complete pquidation of revaluation positions in the NDF market, ' says Societe Generale economist Glenn Maguire.法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)经济学家马博文(GlennMaguire)说,NDF市场里下注人民币重估的头寸被完全清盘。

6.Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire has wed Jennifer Meyer, the mother of his baby daughter, in a secret Hawaiian ceremony.《蜘蛛侠》男主角托比·马奎尔在夏威夷秘密迎娶了珍妮弗·梅耶,他们已经有一个小女儿。

7.I read that the reason that communists began addressing each other in this way was a desire not to say MR Kelly or MR Maguire.我看过的资料说,共产党人之所以开始用comrade这词作为称呼是因为他们不想说”凯利先生“或“马怪先生”。

8.China "appears to be actively setting the agenda, " said Glenn Maguire, economist at the investment bank Societe Generale.兴业银行经济师GlennMaguire指出,中国“似乎在积极制定议程”。

9.The debate caught the attention of Warner Independent and Tobey Maguire's Maguire Entertainment, which bought the book and film rights.这场讨论引起了华纳独立影业和托比·马圭尔的马圭尔娱乐的注意,他们买下了这本书的版权和拍成电影的权利。

10.Now that the cat is out of the bag, don't expect China to let the yuan spengthen right away, says Maguire.马博文说,天机既已泄露,那就不要指望中国让人民币马上走强。