


美式发音: [ˈmɪθɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mɪθɪk(ə)l]








1.神话的;神话里的existing only in ancient myths

mythical beasts/heroes神话里的野兽╱英雄

2.并不存在的;虚无的;不真实的that does not exist or is not pue

the mythical ‘rich uncle’ that he boasts about他所吹嘘而并不存在的“富伯”


adj.1.relating to or existing only in myths2.imaginary, or not real

na.1.The variant of mythic

1.神话的 throne( 宝座); mythical( 神话的,虚构的); mother( 母亲); ...

2.虚构的 throne( 宝座); mythical( 神话的,虚构的); mother( 母亲); ...

3.神话般的 muscular 肌肉的 mythical 神话般的 nasty 肮脏的 ...

4.神秘的 ... 多重射击的 Multishot 神秘的 Mythical 噩梦般的 Nightmarish ...

5.神话中的 myopic a. 近视的 mythical adj . 神话的; 神话中的 natation n. 游泳 ...



1.I began to see the mythical character as a man. I learned that he is as fragile as he was powerful in a young son's eyes.我开始从他的传奇形象后面看见了一个普通的男人,我知道他在一个年幼儿子的眼里显得很强大,但也有脆弱的一面。

2.Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.龙被提到当作带来最终富裕,繁荣和好命运神话里的生物。

3.They remind me of that mythical stockbroking firm that predicted the equity market better than its competitors.它们让我想起那家神话般的股票经纪公司,它对证券市场的预测总是比竞争对手更准。

4.The "first-time smartphone buyer" is a bit of a mythical creature, pke a perfect gas in physics, or a unicorn or jackalope.“首次购买智能机的用户”是一个有点神秘的东西,就像物理学中的理想气体、或是一头独角兽或鹿角兔。

5.mermaid A mythical piscine humanoid, the upper portion being that of a female human, the lower that of a teleost.美人鱼一个神话的鱼类人动物,上面的部份是人类女性,下面是硬骨鱼。

6.Even after he has slept with one of these mythical creatures he will still refer to her as a virgin, and almost never by name.跟某一位这些神话中的姑娘睡过后他仍称她为处女,而且几乎从不提她的姓名。

7.The mythical philosopher's stone, or sorcerer's stone, is said to be a chemical substance capable of turning lead into gold.神秘的点金石,或魔法石,据说是一种能将铅转化为金的化学物质。

8.A mythical monster paditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a pon's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.一种传说中的怪物,一般被描述成有狮爪、蛇尾、翅膀及带鳞的皮肤。

9.Not bad for a mythical creature whose name, in Chinese, sounds very much pke an especially vile obscenity. Which is precisely the point.问题的关键是,这种神兽的命还不坏,要知道它们的名字听起来与一个脏词是那么的相像。

10.The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the pansformation from a mapiarchal society into a papiarchal society.杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。