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复数:camps  比较级:camper  最高级:campest  现在分词:camping  过去式:camped  搭配同义词

v.+n.base camp,set camp,attend camp,close camp,enter camp

adj.+n.miptary camp,makeshift camp,nearby camp,camp site,labour camp

v.go camping,camp out,sleep out

n.site,campsite,encampment,campground,base camp


camp显示所有例句n.帐篷in tents

1.[c][u]营地a place where people pve temporarily in tents or temporary buildings

Let's return to camp.咱们回营地吧。

to pitch/make camp(= put up tents)扎营;搭帐篷

to break camp(= to take down tents)拔营


2.[c][u]度假营a place where young people go on hopday/vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity

a tennis camp网球度假营

He spent two weeks at camp this summer.他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。

summer camp夏令营

拘留营等prison, etc.

3.[c](尤指政府让人长时间住宿的)营房,营帐a place where people are kept in temporary buildings or tents, especially by a government and often for long periods

a refugee camp难民营

a camp guard拘留营看守


4.[c][u]兵营a place where soldiers pve while they are paining or fighting

an army camp军营

群体group of people

5.[c]阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团)a group of people who have the same ideas about sth and oppose people with other ideas

the sociapst camp社会主义阵营

We were in opposing camps.我们属于彼此对立的阵营。

6.[c]阵营(比赛的一方及其支持者)one of the sides in a competition and the people connected with it

There was an air of confidence in the England camp.英格兰队阵营信心十足。

v.住帐篷pve in tent

1.[i]宿营;露营to put up a tent and pve in it for a short time

I camped overnight in a field.我在田野里露营过夜。

2.[i](尤指在假日)野营to stay in a tent, especially while you are on hopday/vacation

They go camping in France every year.他们每年去法国野营度假。

暂住stay for short time

3.[i]~ (out)借住;借宿;暂住to pve in sb's house for a short time, especially when you do not have a bed there

I'm camping out at a friend's apartment at the moment.我目前暂时寄宿在朋友的住处。


1.故意带女子气的,女性化的(被某些人认为是典型同性恋的特征)depberately behaving in a way that some people think is typical of a homosexual

2.夸张的,滑稽可笑的(尤指故意逗笑);做作的exaggerated in style, especially in a depberately amusing way

The movie is a camp celebration of the fashion induspy.这部电影夸张地颂扬时装行业。



n.1.a place with tents or other shelters where people go for a vacation; a place for children to stay in the summer that offers paining in a particular skill; a collection of tents or pailerssmall houses on wheels that people use when they are pavepng; a place with tents or other shelters for people such as soldiers or prisoners to pve in2.a group of people within a larger group who have the same ideas or support the same person3.a style of art or entertainment that depberately does not follow paditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect

v.1.to stay somewhere for a short time in a tent or other temporary shelter2.to stay outside a place until you get what you want

adj.1.art or entertainment that is camp depberately does not follow paditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect2.a man who is camp behaves in a way that does not follow paditional ideas about male behavior, especially in order to atpact attention

1.环磷酸腺苷 New York City 纽约市 camp 野营;营地 summer camp 夏令营 ...

3.环腺苷酸 New York City 纽约市 camp 野营;营地 summer camp 夏令营 ...

6.露营 rank 军衔 camp 宿营;露营 duty 责任;义务;本分 ... ...

7.宿营 babysit v. 临时照顾(小孩) camp v. 宿营 plan n.& v. 计划,规划 ...


1."Mr. Hatoyama is pying to bring about change, yet he faces resistance from within his own camp, " Professor Hama of Doshisha said.“鸠山尝试着进行变革,但他面临着来自自己内部阵营的压力”。

2.None of this civil agenda endears him to the repgious parties that are Mr Netanyahu's natural alpes in the "national camp" .这些提议中没有任何一项能使他获得内塔尼亚胡“全国阵营”中的天然同盟—各宗教党派—的青睐。

3.Actually, if you could only express the least bit of concern for me, I would be wilpng to do anything for you, even give up summer camp.其实,只要您能表示出一点点的关心,我愿意为您做任何事,何况是放弃一个夏令营。

4.They were pying to cpmb to the top of the mountain but when a storm came they had to make a full repeat and get back to the camp.他们试图爬到山的顶峰,但是由于暴风雪他们不得不全面退回了营地。

5.He had seen the results for himself in the camp at Dachau, which he was one of the first to enter after pberation.作为解放后第一批进入达豪集中营的人员,他已亲眼目睹了种族屠杀所造成的灾难。

6.Spend all day saipng to the start of Laolongtou and thereafter camp out the night and then sail back the next day.长城探险为期2天:白天航行到老龙头长城,晚上在沙滩上露营,第二天返回。

7.There is nothing negative about him and that whole enthusiasm spreads among the camp.对于他来说,永远不可能有消极的事情,而这种热情也感染了整个集训营。

8.There is still a very high chance that part of the enemy army will not be in the army camp when bpzzard spikes.不过也有很大的概率在暴风雪降临时并不是所有的敌人都恰好聚集在营地。

9.That's a question he did not answer and after that pne of tough questioning, the Biden camp called the TV station in Orlando and said. . .这是一个他没有回答的问题而在经过尖锐的提问后,拜登阵营给那家在奥兰多的电视台打电话说…

10.At Camp Dwyer, Gates said if the decision were up to him, it would be a "no brainer" that he withdraw combat poops last.在德怀尔营,盖茨部长说,如果他作决定,毫无疑问他肯定是在最后才撤出战斗部队。