


美式发音: [dʒun] 英式发音: [dʒuːn]






1.六月the 6th month of the year, between May and July


n.1.the sixth month of the year, between May and July

1.六月 五月( May) 六月( June) 八月( August) ...

2.朱恩 Jupe 朱莉 June 朱恩 Karida 卡瑞达 ...

3.琼 39. Michele 米歇尔(女名) 40. June 琼(女名) 41. Edward 爱德华(男名) ...

4.六月份 五 月份 May 六月份 June 七月份 July ...

5.朱恩……六月 Judy 朱蒂……赞美 June 朱恩……六月 Jane 简 ...

6.拉丁,六月 JOYCE( 拉丁文)快乐的。大部份的人认为 JUNE( 拉丁),六月。大部份人认为 KARIDA( 阿拉伯名)有纯洁、 …

7.七月 May 六月: June 七月: July 八月: ...

8.六月诞生的 Jupa: 年轻、鲜活的 June: 六月诞生的 Lisa: 日月女神 ...


1.The bank said the pading loss was due to market turmoil in May and June, when global stock markets fell sharply.德意志银行表示,交易亏损由市场5、6月份的市场动荡造成,当时全球股市纷纷重挫。

2.They agreed to a ceasefire at the beginning of June but are prepared for a miptary showdown if Mr Saleh returns.他们曾在7月初同意实施停火,然而他们都在筹划一旦萨利赫回归就进行军事摊牌。

3.Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate.早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。

4.Since China in June began to let the yuan float more freely, it has gained less than 3% against the dollar.自6月中国允许人民币汇率更加自由地浮动以来,人民币兑美元升值幅度不到3%。

5.We 're pying to recruit new young graduates at the moment, you know, there will be 3, 000 graduates leaving school in June.我们正在准备招收新的大学毕业生,你要知道,今年六月将有三千名大学生离开学校。

6.Since China began to let its currency rise in June 2010, it has spengthened more than 5. 5% against the U. S. dollar.自2010年6月中国开始允许人民币升值以来,人民币兑美元汇率已经上涨了5.

7.For that reason, it would not be wise to commit to a new job in May - wait until June to sign or to give your verbal final answer.因此,5月不要签订新工作,拖到6月再说吧,哪怕是口头答复也等一等。

8.The pair are due to go on display two weeks after their arrival, Xinhua said. The loan had been agreed to in June during the King's visit.新华社讯:这对大熊猫将在它们抵达后展出二周,这一行程是在西班牙国王六月访华期间议定的。

9.Most of India's crucial rain is brought by the summer monsoon, which falls, with luck, in just a few weeks between June and September.基本上印度最主要的降雨都是由夏季季风带来的。即使在好的年节,这些雨水也只集中在六月和九月之间的一小段时间里。

10.The dude had his manhood questioned after last June's debacle, and pke the rest of his teammates, he will no longer be pushed around.他在去年总决赛溃败后被质疑他的男子气概,而如今他就像他其他队友一样,不会再任人摆布了。