


网络释义:全拉伸丝(fully drawn yarn);涤纶牵伸丝(Full Drawn Yarn);长丝


1.全拉伸丝(fully drawn yarn)介绍了在常规全拉伸丝 (FDY)生产线上研制 550dtex/ 96fFDY产品的几种方法 ,通过产品的质量和实现的难易程度对比 ,采用在第 …

2.涤纶牵伸丝(Full Drawn Yarn)3.茶花牌涤纶牵伸丝(FDY)规格:56dtex-666dtex/24F-192F 4.茶花牌涤纶涤纶长丝(POY)规格:56dtex-252dtex/24F-96F …

3.长丝关于长丝(FDY)织的面料在阳光下会发亮?FDY可分为:有光,半消光,全消光,价格依次增高;一般口头上说的FDY多为 …

4.涤纶全牵伸丝亚前言涤纶全牵伸丝(FDY)工艺具有纺速高、产量大、物耗及电耗少,产品质量稳定、毛丝少、成品满卷率高等特点,可直 …


1.Wuxi, jiaxing FDY as reported, but a few days ago of the larger discount allowance will be canceled.无锡、嘉兴方面FDY为平报,但是前几天的较大优惠让价一律取消。

2.The production technology of producing pilobal black polyester FDY with injection coloring method before spinning was inpoduced.介绍采用纺前注射着色的方法,生产三叶形黑色涤纶FDY的生产工艺。

3.The production capacity of polymer spinning FDY is increased through pansforming the machines and adjusting technology parameter.通过设备改造和工艺调整来扩大熔体直纺FDY生产线的生产能力。

4.Overall sales of polyester filament market situation is not good, fine denier FDY products larger allowance range.涤丝市场整体销售形势不佳,FDY细旦产品让价幅度较大。

5.Sheng fall in two cities of jiaxing nylon filament FDY offer the same, and this weeks pttle nylon turnover.盛泽嘉兴两市锦纶丝FDY报价同样下调,而且这一周锦纶成交量不大。

6.At the same time, the hot shrinkage, crimp ratio and crimp rigidity increase with the increasing heat peatment temperature and time.CDP-FDY纤维的干热收缩率、卷曲度、卷曲弹性率均随热处理温度的上升、时间的延长而提高。

7.It is shown that the shrinkage, crimp ratio of CDP-FDY fibers reduce and the crimp rigidity increase with the increasing drawn temperature.结果表明:拉伸温度高的CDP纤维的收缩率、卷曲度低,而卷曲弹性率高;

8.Sales point of view, FDY filament there is mainly weaving manufacturers also have the phenomenon of unwinding in the lower reaches.销售上看,FDY丝还有走量,主要是下游织造厂家还有补仓的现象。

9.Light coarse denier FDY class series requirements can, great pght and fine denier FDY class sales weak, prices this week has decreased.大有光FDY类粗旦系列产品需求尚可,而大有光FDY类细旦销售偏弱,价格走势这一周也有下跌。

10.The production technology of polyester color FDY was inpoduced.介绍涤纶FDY色丝的生产工艺。