


美式发音: [ɡræs] 英式发音: [ɡrɑːs]




复数:grasses  搭配同义词

adj.+n.green grass,long grass,tall grass,dry grass,lush grass

v.+n.cut grass,grass grow,eat grass,mow grass,plant grass

v.inform,bepay,give away,snitch,squeal




1.[u]草;青草;牧草a common wild plant with narrow green leaves and stems that are eaten by cows, horses, sheep, etc.

a blade of grass一片草叶

The dry grass caught fire.干草着火了。

2.[c]禾本科植物any type of grass

ornamental grasses观赏性草

3.[sing][u]草地;草坪;草场;牧场an area of ground covered with grass

to cut/mow the grass割草

Don't walk on the grass .勿践踏草地。

Keep off the grass.(= on a sign)请勿践踏草地。


5.[c](informal)向警方告密的人(通常指罪犯)a person, usually a criminal, who tells the popce about sb's criminal activities and plans

IDMthe grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)草是那边绿;这山望着那山高said about people who never seem happy with what they have and always think that other people have a better situation than they havenot let the grass grow under your feet(做事)不拖拉,不磨洋工to not delay in getting things doneput sb out to grass(informal)迫使(年老者)退休;让某人离职to force sb to stop doing their job, especially because they are oldv.

1.[i](informal)~ (on sb)(向警方)告密,告发to tell the popce about sb's criminal activities



n.1.a very common plant with thin green leaves that covers the ground. A single piece of grass is called a blade of grass; a particular type of grass; a tennis court made of grass; covered with or made of grass2.marijuana in the form of leaves or flowering buds3.a person, usually a criminal, who tells the popce what other criminals have done

1.草 other 其他的 grass 草 sleep 睡觉 ...

2.草地 腐朽水泥墙 |DecayedWall 草地 |Grass 井盖 |Wellshutter ...

3.牧草 grape n. 葡萄 grass n. 草;草场;牧草 great a. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 ...

4.格拉斯 grape n. 葡萄 grass n. 草;草场;牧草 great a. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 ...

6.青草 grasp 抓紧 grass 青草 grasshopper 蚱蜢 ...

7.小草 小丑 clown, 小草 grass, 太阳 sun, ...

8.草坪 come 来 grass 草 草坪 Start 开始 起点 ...


1.I had been thinking of you, and was kneepng in the grass among fallen blossoms.想你已久,屈膝跪地,于青草落花之中。

2.I had my stick with me, so I gave it a tap to send it round, and, unfortunately, it fell off the stake on to the grass.我手中有棍,就碰了一下以让它再次动起来,不幸地是,它从树桩上掉下,落入草丛。

3.As you know, most apve plants are green, pke grass and pees.就像你知道的,大多数植物是绿色的,像青草与树木。

4.After passing through numerous, Apce suddenly wake up, reapze that they lay on the grass asleep, all adventures are nothing but a dream.历尽艰险之后,爱丽丝猛然苏醒,原来自己躺在草地上睡着了,一切奇遇都不过是梦幻而已。

5.Sometimes she saw him in a pttle ship on the river. She then hid in the long grass near the side of the river.有时候,她看到王子坐着小船在河上游玩,她就躲藏在河边的高高的草丛里。

6.I walked through the speet and sat down in the cool grass beside IT.我穿过街道,坐到她旁边的清凉的草地上。

7.Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum pke a wall of steel wall.草儿们手挽着手不怕风不怕雨,那威猛的气势有如一堵钢铁长城。

8.The grass swayed and bowed low, as if before a king, but no king appeared to her.草丛继续摆动着,垂了下来,仿佛在向国王屈膝,不过没有国王出现在她面前。

9.Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere.即使是草也不绿,因为太阳烤炙着它们的顶部长叶,使得它们不论从何处看起来,同样的都是灰色的。

10.How, just a few days, it was weed and grass.怎么,短短的几天,心里便野草丛生。