


美式发音: [ˈflaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈflaʊə(r)]




复数:flowers  现在分词:flowering  过去式:flowered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.red flower,yellow flower,fresh flower,purple flower,blue flower

v.+n.grow flower,send flower,bring flower



n.floret,flower head,best,pick,height



1.花;花朵the coloured part of a plant from which the seed or fruit develops. Flowers usually grow at the end of a stem and last only a short time.

The plant has a beautiful bright red flower.这株植物开了一朵美丽鲜红的花。

The roses are in flower early this year.今年玫瑰花开得早。

The crocuses are late coming into flower .番红花开得迟。

2.开花植物a plant grown for the beauty of its flowers

a garden full of flowers种满花的花园

a flower garden/show花园;花展

3.(已摘)带梗的花a flower with its stem that has been picked as a decoration

I picked some flowers .我摘了一些花。

a bunch of flowers一束花

a flower arrangement一组插花

IDMthe flower of sth(某事物的)最佳部分,精华;精英the finest or best part of sthv.

1.[i]开花to produce flowers

This particular variety flowers in July.这个品种七月开花。

early-flowering spring bulbs早开花的春季鳞茎植物

2.[i]成熟;繁荣;兴旺to develop and become successful

n.1.花;花卉;花状装饰物2.开花,盛开3.弗劳尔4.精华 (of)5.少壮,青春,盛年,盛时6.词藻7.【化】华;(发酵时的)泡沫;〈古〉月经1.花;花卉;花状装饰物2.开花,盛开3.弗劳尔4.精华 (of)5.少壮,青春,盛年,盛时6.词藻7.【化】华;(发酵时的)泡沫;〈古〉月经


n.1.the colored part of a plant from which the plants fruit develops. A flower is often made up of many petals; a flower and its stem that have been removed from a plant2.a plant that is grown because its flowers are atpactive

v.1.if a plant flowers, it produces flowers2.to become more successful and completely developed

1.花 "child of abundant beauty"( 富美子) - "flower"( 花) - "flower child"( 花子) - ...

2.花朵 花缎〖 brocade;figuredsatin〗 花朵〖 flower〗 花萼〖 calyx〗 ...

3.花卉 异 宠/ Spange 花 卉/ Flower 猫 咪/ Cat ...

4.鲜花 开壶〖 kettlewithboipngwater〗 开花〖 blossom;flower〗 这棵百合早开花了〖 bloom〗 ...

6.花儿 fire n./v. 火/起火 火 起火 flower n. 花 花 fog n. 雾 雾 ...

8.弗劳尔 FitzGerald 菲茨杰拉德 Flower 弗劳尔 Flynn 弗琳; 弗林 ...