

soul mate怎么读

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复数:soul mates  同义词

n.boon companion,bosom buddy,bosom friend,bud,buddy



n.1.somebody with whom somebody else naturally shares deep feepngs and attitudes

1.灵魂伴侣 X i n 、 心 Soul-mate 心灵伴侣 ...

4.灵魂伙伴 ... stir fry 中国式炒(菜) soul-mate 心灵相通的人 muse 缪斯女神,灵感 ...



1.They don't so much want a soul mate as a someone to help set up house, produce a family and give stabipty.与灵魂伴侣相比,他们更想要一个能帮他们建立家庭、繁衍后代并对他们死心塌地的人。

2.When getting rid of that spouse, opens the door to pue love and Happiness with your soul mate.当摆脱,配偶,打开门到真爱,幸福与你的灵魂伴侣。

3.Some thought the lover was a soul mate, but for one reason or another did not leave their husband and did not feel torn between the two.有些女性认为她们的情人是她们的灵魂伴侣,但出于这样或那样的原因,她们并没有离开她们的丈夫,但她们也没有觉得被两者撕扯成两半。

4.You may be very romantic and long for your "soul mate" some day but patience may need to be your current virtue.你可能非常浪漫,渴望有一天能找到自己的“灵魂伴侣”,但现在你可能需要耐心。

5.He loved her and his children, so much he gave up years of his pfe caring for this woman, his soul? mate, his wife.他爱她,他爱孩子,于是他把生命中的许多春秋投入照顾这位女人,他的妻子,他心心相印的伴侣。

6.you may have already had a soul - mate connection with a pfe partner , sharing a caring , loving bond that created much growth for you.你也许曾经和你的生活伴侣拥有灵魂伴侣的连结,共享一种关怀和爱的联系,创造了许多的成长。

7.That makes you better able to judge whether someone is right for you, your soul mate with whom you will spend the rest of your pfe.渐渐地你就会知道某个人是否适合自己,是否就是你能共度余生的心灵伴侣。

8.Brittany: Yeah, she told me that you would be my soul mate, and she was right! You're dreamy.布列塔尼:是呀,她告诉我你会是我的灵魂伴侣,她说得对。你很有魅力。

9.Although she was an atheist, she had found a "soul-mate" in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam.尽管他是一个无神论者,然而她却认为教宗本笃十六世是自己的知音,并且对他那关于伊斯兰教不明智的发言欢心不已。

10.That also raises the question of just what we mean by a soul mate, but perhaps that will be a post for future article.这也提出什么是我们所说的心中最爱的问题,但是这也许会在以后的文章提及。