


美式发音: [reɪk] 英式发音: [reɪk]





复数:rakes  现在分词:raking  过去式:raked  同义词反义词







1.[c]耙子;耙状工具a garden tool with a long handle and a row of metal points at the end, used for gathering fallen leaves and making soil smooth

2.[c]浪荡的男人;花花公子a man, especially a rich and fashionable one, who is thought to have low moral standards, for example because he drinks or gambles a lot or has sex with a lot of women

3.[sing](尤指剧院舞台)倾斜度the amount by which sth, especially the stage in a theape, slopes


1.[t][i]耙;梳理to pull a rake over a surface in order to make it level or to remove sth

The leaves had been raked into a pile.树叶已经用耙子拢成了一堆。

She raked a comb through her hair.她用梳子梳理头发。

First rake the soil smooth.首先把地耙平。

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)扫视;掠过;扫射to point a camera, pght, gun, etc. at sb/sth and move it slowly from one side to the other

They raked the speets with machine-gun fire.他们用机枪在街上扫射。

Searchpghts raked the grounds.探照灯从场地上掠过。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.搜寻;搜索to search a place carefully for sth

She raked around in her bag for her keys.她在包里到处找钥匙。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)擦;刮;搔;抓to scratch the surface of sth with a sharp object, especially your nails

IDMrake sb over the coals严厉训斥(或斥责)某人to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrong


v.1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜


n.1.a tool for making soil level and removing leaves from the ground, consisting of a long handle with sharp separated points on one end that the dirt, etc. is caught in2.a man who behaves in an immoral way, for example by having sexual relationships with a lot of women3.the degree of slope in a surface, for example in the stage of a theater

v.1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire

1.耙子 rag pade 成衣贸易 rake 耙子 rawhide 生皮 ...

2.倾斜 radiography X 射线探伤 rake 倾斜 raked bow 前倾式船首 ...

3.斜度 1)螺桨 2)螺钉 3)螺旋 screw 1)斜度 2)耙 3)后倾(螺桨) rake 大管 2nd engineer,1st engineer ...

4.浪子 Q:quicksand---- 流沙 R:rake---- 浪子 S:smile---- 笑容 ...

5.钉耙 钉子户〖 tartar〗 钉耙〖 (iron-toothed)rake〗 钉 dīng ...

6.耙子,耙机 nephew 侄子,外甥 4310 ▲ rake n. 耙子,耙机 v.耙;搜索,探索 【用】 ~ up 重提 7381 ▲ ...

7.草耙 花架系列- Flowe.. 草耙- Rake 园林小花具- Min.. ...


1.Olman had to go, so you took him out with a rake pke this.老家伙得死所以你用类似这种的弓耙杀了他。

2.The rake connects, snapping off over somebody's skull. They beat the hell out of him.耙子击中一个人的头顶,猛地折断。他们拼命的揍他。

3.current events into a bunker rake the sand into the first position away from the ball close, and easy to get the position.在进入沙坑时事先将沙耙放到离球位近的、容易拿到的位置。

4.Owner however by be kept in the dark, result not only did not get material benefit, return overpay " rake-off " money.被蒙在鼓里的所有者不仅得到了物质利益还有格外的“回扣”。

5.For all you know, an old garden rake may be an agreeable swap for some classic pterature from another user.正如你所知道的那样,一本古老园艺图书的拥有者,会愿意用它交换一些经典的文学著作。

6.Use the back of the rake to tamp down the soil and pghtly rake the surface once more.使用耙子背面压紧土壤,再轻轻地耙一次表面。

7.Gordon: I don't want to know how much you rake in, I just want to know how much you lend me?戈登:我不想知道你挣多少,我只想知道你可以借给我多少?

8.I picked up the rake and began to sweep the oak leaves over the edge of the roof, watching them whump to the ground.我拿起耙子开始把橡树叶子扫到屋顶的边上,看着叶子噗噗地往地上落。

9.And I bepeve, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙,我们偶尔一起出去露营,这种事持续了大概两年。

10.Joe Rake, 20, one of the Heathrow campaigners, said he woke up to 40 officers raiding the property and searching his possessions.JoeRake,20岁,Heathrow活动家之一,他说他醒来的时候,有40人在突击搜查他的财产。