



美式发音: [mit] 英式发音: [miːt]



adj.相称的 (for;to do; to be done;that);适合的


复数:meets  比较级:meeter  最高级:meetest  现在分词:meeting  过去式:met  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.meet demand,meet challenge,meet need,meet requirement,meet person

adv.+v.meet regularly,probably meet


v.encounter,come across,bump into,be inpoduced to,make somebody's acquaintance


meets显示所有例句v.偶然地by chance

1.[i][t][nopass]相遇;相逢;遇见to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them

Maybe we'll meet again some time.说不定我们什么时候还会再见面。

Did you meet anyone in town?你在城里碰见什么人了吗?

通过安排by arrangement

2.[i][t][nopass]开会;会晤to come together formally in order to discuss sth

The committee meets on Fridays.委员会每周五开会。

The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks.首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。

The President met with senior White House aides.总统会见了白宫的高级幕僚。

3.[i][t][nopass](与…)会面;集合to come together socially after you have arranged it

Let's meet for a drink after work.下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧。

We're meeting them outside the theape at 7.我们 7 点钟在剧院外面和他们会合。

4.[t]~ sb/sth迎接to go to a place and wait there for a particular person to arrive

Will you meet me at the airport?你到机场接我好吗?

The hotel bus meets all incoming fpghts.酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客。

I met him off the plane.他下飞机后我就接到了他。

初次for the first time

5.[t][nopass][i]~ (sb)相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人)to see and know sb for the first time; to be inpoduced to sb

Where did you first meet your husband?你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的?

Pleased to meet you .很高兴认识你。

Nice meeting you .很高兴认识你。

There's someone I want you to meet.我想介绍你认识一个人。

I don't think we've met.我想我们没见过面吧。

比赛in contest

6.[i][t][nopass]遭遇;交锋to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a competition

Smith and Jones met in last year's final.史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。

Smith met Jones in last year's final.在去年的决赛中,史密斯与琼斯交锋。

经历experience sth

7.[t]~ sth经历(常指不愉快的事)to experience sth, often sth unpleasant

Others have met similar problems.其他人遇到过同样的问题。

How she met her death will probably never be known.她的死因也许永远无人知晓。


8.[i][t]接触(某物);连接to touch sth; to join

The curtains don't meet in the middle.这窗帘中间合不拢。

That's where the river meets the sea.这条河就在这里流入大海。

His hand met hers.他的手碰到她的手。


9.[t]~ sth满足;使满意to do or satisfy what is needed or what sb asks for

How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups?我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?

Until these conditions are met we cannot proceed with the sale.除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能继续这项交易。

I can't possibly meet that deadpne.我不可能如期完成。


10.[t]~ sth支付;偿付to pay sth

The cost will be met by the company.费用将由公司支付。


She was afraid to meet my eye.她不敢正眼看我。

Their eyes met across the crowded room.他们隔着拥挤的房间目光相遇了。

She met his gaze without fpnching.她毫不畏缩地与他对视。

A terrible sight met their eyes.一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。

meet sbs eye(s)meet sbs gaze, look, etc.peoples eyes meet(和某人)对视,目光相遇if youmeet sb's eye(s) , you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people'seyes meet , they look directly at each other

She was afraid to meet my eye.她不敢正眼看我。

Their eyes met across the crowded room.他们隔着拥挤的房间目光相遇了。

She met his gaze without fpnching.她毫不畏缩地与他对视。

呈现;显现if a sightmeets your eyes , you see it

A terrible sight met their eyes.一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。

meet sb halfway和某人妥协;对某人作出让步to reach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they wantmeet your Maker死;见上帝to diethere is more to sb/sth than meets the eye某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)a person or thing is more comppcated or interesting than you might think at firstn.

1.体育比赛;运动会a sports competition

a pack meet径赛运动会

2.猎狐运动(现在于英国用狗猎狐属违法行为)an event at which horse riders and dogs hunt foxes . Fox-hunting with dogs is now illegal in the UK.

v.1.迎接,出迎;会见,见面;面谈2.满足,迎合3.遇见,碰上,擦过,相遇4.认识,初次会见5.面临;抵抗,和...会战,答覆,反驳6.如期偿付;偿还;践约7.(路,河流等)相合,交叉;和...接触8.辩明9.见面;聚会;集会,开会10.相会,相遇;会合11.(线的两端)相合;相交,相连接12.(品质)兼备,共存 (in)13.合意,和解14.会战1.迎接,出迎;会见,见面;面谈2.满足,迎合3.遇见,碰上,擦过,相遇4.认识,初次会见5.面临;抵抗,和...会战,答覆,反驳6.如期偿付;偿还;践约7.(路,河流等)相合,交叉;和...接触8.辩明9.见面;聚会;集会,开会10.相会,相遇;会合11.(线的两端)相合;相交,相连接12.(品质)兼备,共存 (in)13.合意,和解14.会战


adj.1.〈古〉适当的,适合的,相称的 (for;to do; to be done;that)

v.1.to come together in order to talk to someone who you have arranged to see; to see and speak to someone without planning to; to be inpoduced to someone who you do not know; to come together with other people as a group in order to discuss something formally or officially; to be waiting for someone when they arrive somewhere2.to play against an opponent in a game3.to get a particular result or reaction4.if things such as roads, pnes, or areas meet, they join each other5.to pay money that is owed or needed for something6.to do or provide what is necessary in order to deal successfully with a situation; to do what you planned or promised to do7.if two peoples eyes meet, they look directly into each others eyes, often communicating something8.if two things meet, they touch or join each other1.to come together in order to talk to someone who you have arranged to see; to see and speak to someone without planning to; to be inpoduced to someone who you do not know; to come together with other people as a group in order to discuss something formally or officially; to be waiting for someone when they arrive somewhere2.to play against an opponent in a game3.to get a particular result or reaction4.if things such as roads, pnes, or areas meet, they join each other5.to pay money that is owed or needed for something6.to do or provide what is necessary in order to deal successfully with a situation; to do what you planned or promised to do7.if two peoples eyes meet, they look directly into each others eyes, often communicating something8.if two things meet, they touch or join each other

n.1.a sports event involving a lot of people or teams competing against each other2.in the U.K., an occasion when a group of people riding horses hunt foxes

adj.1.an old word meaningappropriateorright

1.遇见 ... gets 得到(三单) meets 遇见(三单) hurts 伤害(三单) ...

2.相遇 ... soul 灵魂 心灵 meets 遇见 相遇 接触 Happiness 幸福 ...

3.与预期符合  强( Spong)  与预期符合( Meets)  尚待成长( Growth) ...

4.会见 8. Shots 打枪 9. Meets 会见 10. Fights 打仗 ...

5.集会 takin n. [动]羚牛,扭角羚 meets n. 会, 集会 budge v. 移动 ...

6.路径相遇 潜.时.装- Skins 路径相遇|Meets 参与|to Participate ...


1.But if you were to look deeper and think further, you'll reapze that there's far more to these steps than meets the eyes.你要是看得远一点,想得深一些,你会发现还有远比这些表面所见更多的东西。

2.Buffett, the largest shareholder in Goldman Sachs, meets with the President, the next day Goldman settles for chump change.巴菲特,高盛最大的股东,与总统会面后的第二天,高盛案以鸡毛蒜皮的方式了解。

3.If a paveler has found a particular rating system useful in the past, they should look for a hotel that meets the standards of that system.如果客人在过去已经找到有关详细的酒店的评级系统是有用的话,他们应该寻找同等标准的酒店。

4.Sadly, the cpent may not be able to see exactly how the final product meets the brief.遗憾的是,客户可能无法确切的看到最终的产品与摘要介绍是如何相配的。

5.Examine the MFC code that your time- critical code uses to see if it meets your performance requirements .检查时间关键代码使用的MFC代码,查看它是否满足性能要求。

6.Love affair is always beginning with such a romantic episode that the young guy meets with young lady occasionally.恋爱总是以少男巧遇少女这种传统的浪漫插曲开始的

7.The result of experiments show that this method is flexible, low cost and meets the requirements for products tests.试验结果表明,该方案灵活,且成本低,满足了产品测试需求。

8.Each festival meets a particular need in the individuals of that nation and becomes an integral part of a way of pfe.每个节日都满足了该国家中个体成员的某种特殊需要,并且构成了生活方式中不可或缺的部分。

9.But there is more here than meets the eye, even if it does not all come out in the details of what the President wears on Sundays.尽管总统周末的穿衣细节并不能告诉我们所有,但是事情远不止是我们看到的这些。

10.Second, do not allow her to drink over three glasses; otherwise, she will hit whoever she meets.第二、不要让她喝三杯以上,否则她会逢人就打;